Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
1 General
2 Terms
3 Hydrologic Survey
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Storm Surge,Tsunami and Wave Survey
3.3 Land Flood Survey
3.4 Low-water Survey
3.5 Water Resources Investigation
3.6 Beach Evolution Survey
3.7 Ice Regime Survey
4 Design Basis Flood
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 High Astronomic Tide
4.3 Sea Level Anomaly
4.4 Storm Surge Set-up
4.5 Seiche Set-up
4.6 Tsunami or Lake Surge Set-up
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4.7 Runoff Flood
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4.8 Dam-break Flood
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4.9 Wave Impact
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4.10 Flood Caused by Potential Natural Factors
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4.11 Effects of Human Activities on Flood
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4.12 Design Flood of Small Basin
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4.13 Water Logging
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4.14 Combined Analysis of Flood Events
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5 Design Basis Low Water Level
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5.1 General Requirements
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5.2 Low Astronomic Tide
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5.3 Storm Surge Set-down
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5.4 Seiche Set-down
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5.5 Set-down Due to Tsunami or Lake Surge
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5.6 Wave Impact
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5.7 Low Water in River,Reservoir and Lake
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5.8 Low Water Caused by Potential Natural Factors
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5.9 Impact of Human Activities on Low Water
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5.10 Combined Analysis of Low Water Events
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6 Water Source
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6.1 General Requirements
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6.2 Natural River
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6.3 Upstream of Reservoir or Sluice
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6.4 Downstream of Reservoir or Sluice
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6.5 River Network
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6.6 Lake
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6.7 Sea
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6.8 Effects of Human Activities on Water Source
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6.9 Water Temperature,Sediment,Water Quality,and Salinity
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7 Sediment and Beach Stability
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7.1 General Requirements
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7.2 Characteristics of Water Flow and Sediment
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7.3 Simulation of Water Flow
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7.4 Evolution of Riverbed in the Design Bank Section
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7.5 Evolution of Sea Bed in the Design Coast Section
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7.6 Impact of Human Activities on Beach Stability
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7.7 WaterTakingandDrainingAnalysis
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8 Hydrological Observation and Special Observation Station
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8.1 General Requirements
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8.2 Hydrometry of Coastal and Tidal Estuary
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8.3 Hydrometry for River
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8.4 Marine Hydrological Station
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8.5 Land Hydrological Station
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9 Contents and Requirements for Hydrologic Surveys at Various Stages
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9.1 General Requirements
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9.2 Site Investigation Stage
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9.3 Preliminary Feasibility Study Stage
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9.4 Feasibility Study Stage
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9.5 Preliminary Design Stage
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9.6 Detailed Design Stage
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Explanation of Wording in the Code
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List of Quoted Standards
更新时间:2020-09-25 15:26:15