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Chapter 1. Getting Started
Downloading and installing Visual Studio
Downloading and installing the Windows Phone SDK
Downloading and installing Python
Downloading Cocos2d-x
Creating a new project
Coordinate system
Basic classes of Cocos2d-x
Project breakup
Running the project on multiple platforms
Chapter 2. Displaying the Hero and Controls
First things first
Displaying the background image
Character movement
Enabling the touch function
Enabling multitouch
Movement with touches
Movement with the accelerometer
Custom controls
Chapter 3. Enemies and Controls
Creating the enemy class
Adding the gameplay layer
Creating the projectile class
Adding hero controls
Chapter 4. Collision Detection and Scoring
Theory of collision detection
Coding collision detection
Keeping track of the score and the game over condition
Storing high scores
Chapter 5. HUD Parallax Background and the Pause Button
Texts and fonts
Creating the HUD layer and displaying as well as updating scores
Creating the pause button and showing the pause screen
Implementing pause and resuming the game
Adding the scrolling layer class
Creating the parallax scrolling layer
Chapter 6. Animations
Animation basics
Creating a spritesheet for the player
Coding the player animation
Creating and coding enemy animation
Creating the skeletal animation
Coding the player walk cycle
Chapter 7. Particle Systems
What is a particle system?
Cocos2d-x's inbuilt particle system
Adding the gun muzzle particle system
Adding an explosion particle system
Adding particles for jetpack when a player moves upwards
Creating your own particle system
Chapter 8. Adding Main and Option Menu Scenes
Creating the main menu scene
Loading the menu scene at start of the app
Creating the Options scene
Changing the name of the app
Chapter 9. Adding Sounds and Effects
Audio in Cocos2d-x
Adding looped background music
Adding sound effects
Adding the mute button
Chapter 10. Publishing to the Windows Phone Store
A look at the Windows Phone Store
Creating the store account
Preparing/creating the app
Creating the app and setting pricing
Uploading the XAP file icons and screenshots for review
Chapter 11. Porting References and Final Remarks
Running the game on the Windows desktop
Running the game on the Android simulator using the Eclipse IDE
Running on the BlackBerry simulator using the Momentics IDE
Running on an iOS simulator using Xcode
Additional learning resources
Final remarks and a thank you note
更新时间:2021-08-05 18:00:40