第一部分 英汉对照
medical history 病史
physical examination 体格检查
symptom 症状
sign 体征
disease 疾病
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complication and comorbidity 并发症和合并症
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auxiliary examination 辅助检查
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chemotherapeutic drug and targeted drug 化学治疗药物和靶向药
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other drug used in Department of Hematology 血液科其他用药
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hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 造血干细胞移植
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transfusion 输血
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therapeutic method and therapeutic effect 治疗方法与治疗作用
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statistics 统计学
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第二部分 汉英对照
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病史 medical history
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体格检查 physical examination
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症状 symptom
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体征 sign
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疾病 disease
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并发症和合并症 complication and comorbidity
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辅助检查 auxiliary examination
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凝血检查 test for coagulation
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化学治疗药物和靶向药 chemotherapeutic drug and targeted drug
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血液科其他用药 other drug used in Department of Hematology
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造血干细胞移植 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
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输血 transfusion
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治疗方法与治疗作用 therapeutic method and therapeutic effect
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统计学 statistics
更新时间:2022-04-22 16:29:43