- (2018)考研英语(二)阅读理解PART B考点精练
- 北京新东方无忧考研教研中心
- 8521字
- 2020-06-25 09:31:56
第二节 小标题对应题制胜全攻略
1 先阅读备选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落,然后读一段话,做一道题。
2 读每段话时,要抓住其主题句和核心词汇,正确答案常常是主题句的改写。
这个做题方法不仅有统计数据的支持,还有理论基础。英文的段落展开方法比较简单,主要有两种:演绎法(Deductive Method)和归纳法(Inductive Method)。演绎法指的是由观点到例子和论据,所以主题句在该段话的前两句。凡主题句在第一句或第二句的段落都是以演绎法展开的。归纳法是指由例子和论据到观点,所以主题句在该段话的最后一句。70%左右的段落是用演绎法展开的,而且其中绝大部分主题句在第一句。20%左右的段落是用归纳法写的。
3 某段话的答案确定后,将该答案从选项列表中划去。
4 如果答案不确定,先将可能正确的选项全部选出。
5 干扰选项的特点是,段落中未展开详细的说明。
6 如果主题句比较复杂(如复合句),应重点看主句部分。
However,despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available,including the use of psychometric tests,assessment centres etc.,many organizations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minutes'unstructured interview.
这句话比较复杂,不好理解。应重点看主句部分many organizations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minutes'unstructured interview。该段主旨为:The unstructured interview and its validity。
7 如果主题句中有show和suggest等词,应重点看其后的宾语从句。
Despite the significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in the paid workforce,Australian research studies over the last 15 years are consistent in showing that divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed.
这句话比较复杂,不好理解。按照前面的注意事项,应重点看主句部分。主句部分中,有show的类似结构:showing that,所以其后的宾语从句是要说明的观点,是该段话的主旨。正确答案应是divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed的改写。其中,关键词是rigid,该词在本句中的意思是“固定不变的”。该段主旨为:The unchanged role of the female parent。
8 如果主题句是not only...but also...句型,应重点看but also后面的部分。
Diversity exists not only between cultures,but also within a single culture.
本句用来承上启下。not only后面的部分是“承上”,即上一段的主旨是“多样性存在于不同的文化之间”,but also后面的部分是“启下”,即本段话的主旨是“多样性存在于同一文化之中”。该段主旨为:Variation within cultures。
9 问句不会是主题句。
Should police assume all the responsibility for ensuring a rapid response?
10 举例子的句子不会是主题句。
英文文章讲究以理服人,经常用例证即举例来论述自己的观点。所以,在阅读文章中,经常有以For example开始的句子。请考生注意,举例的句子是用来解释说明观点的,它不会是段落的主题句。所以,在做此类题时,如果某个段落的第一句、第二句或最后一句是举例的句子,应该忽略,不用阅读,肯定不是主题句。
For example,it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1~2 minutes after a call is received by the police.
这是一个以For example开始的举例的句子,所以不用看,肯定不是主题句。
11 正确答案应是主题句的改写,与主题句特别一致的选项应引起怀疑。
Overall,female students outnumbered male students in the survey.
有一个选项为:Female Students。
上述选项只提到了女生。根据本条规律,你会发现它与主题句中的female students一模一样,所以也应该怀疑它不是正确选项。
While student visa holders took either 10~29 week or 40 week courses,most students on working holiday and tourist visas took courses of less than 10 weeks,or from 10 to 19 weeks in length.
正确选项为:Length of Courses。
12 如果需要阅读整个段落,应重点阅读该段落中的重点词句。
1 主题暗示题
例1 ______
Singapore is governed under a constitution of 1959.A president,elected to a four-year term,is head of state,and a prime minister is head of government.The president used to be elected by Parliament,but by a 1991 constitutional amendment(修正案),the president is now elected directly by the people.The Parliament is the law-making body with its 81 members popularly elected.
(Answer: About State System of Singapore)
例2 ______
Certain phenomena have been observed which are believed to be the signs of imminent earthquakes.These include strange behaviours of some animals,the changes in the content of mineral water,etc.The magnetic properties of rocks may also display special pattern before major earthquakes happen.
(Answer: Indications of Possible Earthquakes)
例3 ______
Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.
(Answer: Role of Transport in Trade Development)
例1 ______in Paris
Paris is the leading industrial center of France,with about one quarter of the nation's manu-facturing concentrated in the metropolitan areas.Industries of consumer goods have always been down to Paris by the enormous market of the big population,and modern,high-technology industries also have become numerous since World WarⅡ .Chief manufactures are machinery,automobiles,chemicals and electrical equipment.
(Answer: Industries)
例2 ______
Women's rights are guarantees of political,social,and economic equality for women in a society that traditionally gives more power and freedom to men.Among these rights are control of property,equality of opportunity in education and employment,right of voting,and freedom of marriage.Today,complete political,economic,and social equality with men remains to be achieved.
(Answer: Rights of Women)
例3 ______
It is convenient to subdivide the study of anatomy in several different ways.One classification is based on the type of organisms studies,the major subdivisions being plant anatomy and animal anatomy.Animal anatomy is further subdivided into human anatomy and comparative anatomy,which seeks out similarities and differences among animal types.Anatomy can also be subdivided into biological processes,for example,developmental anatomy,the study of embryos,and pathological anatomy,the study of diseased organs.
(Answer: The Subdivision of Anatomy)
该段第一句即主题句,讲的是解剖学的细分,其中出现了关键词“subdivide”。后面是对主题句的扩展,说明了解剖学细分的内容:“major subdivisions”“further subdivided”“can also be subdiv-ided into”。显而易见,“细分”“分类”为答案。又因答案应为名词词性,所以用“原形复现”的方法可以得出答案。
例1 _______of Receiving Adult Education
This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries,correspondence courses,or broadcasting.It may also be acquired collectively in schools and colleges,study groups,workshops,clubs,and professional associations.
(Answer: Ways)
这一段的小标题为“接受成人教育的……”。可参照介词 of后面的提示,从文章中寻找该小标题的核心词。该段共有两句话,作者用举例的方法提到了接受成人教育的不同途径与方法。第一句讲自学方式,包括函授课程、广播大学等,第二句讲集体学习方式,经过分析就可以得到答案。这是一种借助介词of 后面短语的帮助,到文章主题句中去找答案的方法。
例2 ______of Women's Rights Movement
The Age of Enlightenment(启蒙运动时期)and the Industrial Revolution,which caused economic and social progress,provided a favorable climate for the rise of women's rights movement in the late 18th and the 19th century.In 1848 more than 100 persons held the first women's rights convention in New York and the feminists(女权主义者)demanded equal rights,including the vote.
(Answer: Start)
例3 ______of Transport-related Industries and Trade
By moving fuel,raw materials,and even power,as,for example,through electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another.The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried.Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
(Answer: Birth)
2 细节归纳题
例1 Check Your______
Obviously there is little point in increasing your reading speed if you do not understand what you are reading.If you find you have lost the thread of the story,or you cannot remember clearly the details of what was said,re-read the section or chapter.
(Answer: Comprehension)
这一类题型在考试中也经常出现。通过这部分的几个细节词汇如:understand,find,remember clearly the details等,稍加分析就可以得出“理解”这个主题。
例2 Choose the Appropriate______
Before you argue with your boss,check with the boss's secretary to determine his mood.If he ate nails for breakfast,it is not a good idea to ask him for something.Even without the boss's secretary,there are keys to timing: don't approach the boss when he's on deadline; don't go in right before lunch,when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don't go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.
(Answer: Time)
在这一段细节描述中可以看到 timing这个词,这里的意思是“选择时机”,而这个词的名词形式恰恰就是我们所要的答案。从本文可以看出,有些答案就藏在所给段落的细节描述中,有些需要变形,有些就用原词。
例3 ______of AIDS
Most people recently infected by the AIDS virus look and feel healthy.In some people the virus may remain inactive,and these people act as carriers,remaining apparently healthy but still able to infect others.After a few years,some people may develop AIDS-related complex,or ARC.Its symptoms may include fever,fatigue,weight loss,skin rashes,a fungal infection of the mouth known as thrush,lack of resistance to infection,and swollen lymph nodes.
(Answer: Symptoms)
例1 _______and Climate
Low-lying Singapore Island has no outstanding relief(轮廓鲜明的)features.A central area of hills rises to the maximum height of 176m.The country has a wet tropical climate,with an average annual temperature of 27.2℃.The average annual rainfall is 2,413 mm; the wettest months are November through January.
(Answer: Land)
例2 Importance of______and Training
Not all skills are inborn,however.Some people have invested in training and schooling to improve their knowledge and skills.When we go to school,we are investing in human capital that we expect to yield dividends,partly in the form of higher wages,later on.Human capital is also produced through on-the-job training.
(Answer: Education)
这段文字似乎没有一句可以概括全段的中心内容。小标题中and后面给出提示词“Training”,第二句与training 并列的是“schooling”,用“and”连接,第三句中又出现“When we go to school”,与最后一句中“on-the-job training”遥相呼应,形成又一组并列。这样就可以轻而易举地确定小标题中“and”前应该是表示“教育”的名词,所以答案确定。
例3 Pronunciation and_______of Words
Pronunciation is settled by common agreement of the community or group speaking the particular language or dialect.For standard pronunciations of words,a dictionary is your best friend.The usage of words is somewhat the same as pronunciation.To be accurate in your use of words is very important in your conversation.Dictionaries usually provide the usage of words.So whenever you meet with new words,it is a good idea to look them up in the dictionary.
(Answer: Usage)
3 重要信息暗示题
例1 ______of Adult Education
The earliest programs of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 1798,with the founding of an adult school in Nottingham and a mechanics'institute in Glasgow.The earliest adult education institution in the United States was founded by Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1740.
(Answer: Early Days)
例2 ______in the U.S.Airlines
During the 1970s the number of domestic passengers on U.S.airlines increased about 78%,and during the 1980s the figure was up about 58%.In 1990 there were 41.8 million international passengers; the figure was a 75% increase over 1980.The total cargo flown by U.S.airlines almost doubled during the 1980s,from 5.7 billion to 10.6 billion ton-miles in 1990.
(Answer: Rapid Growth)
本段主要陈述美国航空客运量和货运吨位的增长情况。全段并没有主题句,但每一句都出现了“增长”的字样:第一句里有“increased”和“was up”,第二句又出现“a...increase over”,第三句出现“doubled”(翻倍)的字样,这些都提示我们在小标题中要包含的名词是增长,即“Growth”。
例3 Earthquake______
Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and a vast amount of destruction in various parts of the world.Most of these damaging earthquakes occur either in a narrow belt which surrounds the Pacific Ocean or in a line which extends from Burma to the Alps in Europe.Some of the destruction is directly caused by the quake itself.An example of this is the collapse of buildings as a result of the quake itself.Other damage results from major fires which are initiated by the quake.
(Answer: Destruction)
Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about plagiarism in the academic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A–F for each numbered paragraph (41~45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)
[A] What to do as a student?
[B] Various definitions of plagiarism
[C] Ideas should always be sourced
[D] Ignorance can be forgiven
[E] Plagiarism is equivalent to theft
[F] The consequences of plagiarism
Scholars,writers and teachers in the modern academic community have strong feelings about acknowledging the use of another person's ideas.In the English-speaking world,the term plagiarism is used to label the practice of not giving credit for the source of one's ideas.Simply stated,plagiarism is “the wrongful appropriation or purloining,and publication as one's own of the ideas,or the expression of ideas of another.”
The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation.In many universities,the punishment may range from failure in a particular course to expulsion from the university.In the literary world,where writers are protected from plagiarism by international copyright laws,the penalty may range from a small fine to imprisonment and a ruined career.Protection of scholars and writers,through the copyright laws and through the social pressures of the academic and literary communities,is a relatively recent concept.Such social pressures and copyright laws require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources.
Students,as inexperienced scholars themselves,must avoid various types of plagiarism by being self-critical in their use of other scholars'ideas and by giving appropriate credit for the source of borrowed ideas and words,otherwise direct consequences may occur.There are at least three classifications of plagiarism as it is revealed in students'inexactness in identifying sources properly.They are plagiarism by accident,by ignorance,and by intention.
Plagiarism by accident,or oversight,sometimes is the result of the writer's inability to decide or remember where the idea came from.He may have read it long ago,heard it in a lecture since forgotten,or acquired it second-hand or third-hand from discussions with colleagues.He may also have difficulty in deciding whether the idea is such common knowledge that no reference to the original source is needed.Although this type of plagiarism must be guarded against,it is the least serious and,if lessons learned,can be exempt from being severely punished.
Plagiarism through ignorance is simply a way of saying that inexperienced writers often do not know how or when to acknowledge their sources.The techniques for documentation—note-taking,quoting,footnoting,listing bibliography—are easily learned and can prevent the writer from making unknowing mistakes or omissions in his references.Although there is no copyright in news,or in ideas,only in the expression of them,the writer cannot plead ignorance when his sources for ideas are challenged.
The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention.The writer,limited by his laziness and dullness,copies the thoughts and language of others and claims them for his own.He not only steals,he tries to deceive the reader into believing the ideas are original.Such words as immoral,dishonest,offensive,and despicable are used to describe the practice of plagiarism by intention.
The opposite of plagiarism is acknowledgement.All mature and trustworthy writers make use of the ideas of others but they are careful to acknowledge their indebtedness to their sources.Students,as developing scholars,writers,teachers,and professional leaders,should recognize and assume their responsibility to document all sources from which language and thoughts are borrowed.Other members of the profession will not only respect the scholarship,they will admire the humility and honesty.