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alternate [ɔːl'təːnət] ['ɔːltəːneit]
a. 交替的,轮流的;间隔的
v. (使)轮流,(使)交替
【例】The nurses worked alternate night and day shifts. 护士们白天和夜晚轮流工作。
【派】alternation (n. 交替,轮流);alternative (n. 替换物;选择)
attach [ə'tætʃ]
vt. 附加,附上;认为有(重要性、责任等);系,连接;使依恋,使喜爱;使附属
【例】attach sth. to sth. 将…与…相连,将…归于:Attach your certificates to your application form. 请在申请表中附上你的证书。
attach importance to 重视…:The whole world has attached great importance to the problem of population aging. 全世界对于人口老龄化问题都非常重视。 【考】be attached to 附属于
【派】attached (a. 附加的,附属的);attachment (n. 附件,附加装置)
budget ['bʌdʒit]
n. 预算,预算拨款
v. 编预算;规划,安排
a. 低廉的,收费公道的
【例】I really need to make some extra money. You know I've practically spent my entire budget for this semester. (2008.6)我真的需要赚些外快。你知道我已经花光了这学期的所有预算。
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]
n. 挑战,邀请比赛;艰巨的任务;怀疑,质问
vt. 向…挑战;对…怀疑,对…质疑;反对,公然反抗
【例】It's the biggest challenge of Mike's career. 这是迈克职业生涯中的最大挑战。
The professor didn't allow anyone to challenge his authority. 这位教授不允许任何人挑战他的权威。
【考】pose a challenge to sb./sth. 向某人/某物提出挑战
【派】challenging (a. 激励的,挑战的);challenger (n. 挑战者)
complaint [kəm'pleint]
n. 抱怨,抗议,怨言;投诉,控告;疾病
【例】Some customers like to make loud complaints for no reason at all. (2007.12)某些顾客喜欢无缘无故地大声抱怨。
concentrate ['kɔnsəntreit]
vi. 全神贯注,全力以赴;集中,聚集
vt. 集中,聚集;浓缩
n. 浓缩物,浓缩液
【例】concentrate on 集中精力于:Lucy can't concentrate on her work with the music. 听着音乐露西无法集中精力工作。
【派】concentration (n. 集中,聚集)
consist [kən'sist]
vi. 组成,构成;在于,存在于
【例】consist of 由…组成:The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans. 这支队伍由4个欧洲人和2个美国人组成。
consist in 在于,存在于:For Zoe, happiness consists in watching television and reading magazines. 对佐伊来说,幸福在于看电视和阅读杂志。
【用】consist of (由…组成)不能用在被动句式中。
【派】consistency (n. 一致性)
construct [kən'strʌkt]['kɔnstrʌkt]
vt. 建造,构筑;对…进行构思
n. 建筑物,构造物;构想,观念
【例】The walls are constructed of concrete. 墙是由混凝土建造而成的。// Alfred has constructed a new theory of management. 艾尔弗雷德构思了一种新的管理理论。
【派】construction (n. 建造,建筑,施工);constructive (a. 建设性的);reconstruct (vt. 重建,改造)
disaster [di'zɑːstə]
n. 灾难,大祸;彻底的失败
【例】In the face of the disaster, the world has united to aid millions of vulnerable people trying to piece their lives back together. (2006.12)在灾难面前,世界团结一心救助数百万遭袭的人们,并设法恢复他们的生活。
economy [iː'kɔnəmi]
n. 经济,经济制度,经济情况;省俭,节约
【例】knowledge economy 知识经济//bubble economy 泡沫经济//market economy 市场经济//practice economy 实行节约
【派】economize (vi. 节俭)
emotion [i'məuʃən]
n. 情感,感情;情绪
【例】We record our thoughts, emotions, likes and dislikes on Facebook; we share our political views, social preferences, and plans. (2014.12) 我们在脸书网上记录下自己的思想、情绪、好恶;我们分享自己的政治观念、社会偏好和规划。
【派】emotionless (a. 不露感情的,没有感情的);emotional (a. 情绪的,情感的);emotionally (ad. 在情绪上,有感情地)
establish [i'stæbliʃ]
vt. 建立,设立;确定,证实
【例】establish a relationship with sb. 与某人建立关系//Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up that dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. (2010.6) 这两个国家之一的澳大利亚去年春天建立了带薪家庭事假制度,该制度从2011年生效,抛弃了那个靠不住的“荣誉”。
【派】establishment (n. 建立;机构)
intense [in'tens]
a. 强烈的,剧烈的,极度的;认真的,专注的;热情的,热切的
【例】intense light 强烈的光//an intense person 感情丰富的人
【派】intensify (v. 增强,加剧);intensity (n. 强度)
oppose [ə'pəuz]
vt. 反对,反抗
【例】be opposed to 相对,相反:Most company bosses say they are opposed to employees working a lot of overtime. 大多数公司的老板表示他们反对员工长时间加班。
【派】opposition (n. 反对,敌对);opposed (a. 反对的);opposing (a. 反向的,相反的)
previous ['priːviəs]
a. 先的,前的,以前的
ad. 在…之前
【例】Previous work experience is necessary for this job. 这份工作要求之前有工作经验。
previous to 在…之前:Previous to 2000 there were only three people in the company. 2000年之前这家公司只有3个人。
slash [slæʃ]
vt. 砍;大幅度削减
n. 砍,砍痕;斜线号
【例】slash-and-burn farm 火烧垦林//The workforce has been slashed by 30%. 劳动力被削减了30%。
sour ['sauə]
a. 酸的,酸味的;馊的;乖戾的,尖酸刻薄的
v. (使)变酸,(使)变馊;(使)变得乖戾(或暴躁)
【例】sour grapes 酸葡萄//a sour face 难看的脸色
advantage [əd'vɑːntidʒ; əd'væntidʒ]
n. 优点,有利因素;利益,好处
【例】take full advantage of 充分利用:The benefits of broadband to the occasional home worker are that they can access email in real time, and take full advantage of services such as internet-based backup or even internet-based phone services.(2009.12)对于偶尔在家工作的员工来说,宽带的好处是,他们可以实时处理邮件,同时可充分利用网络服务,比如基于网络的资料备份和电话服务。
have/give an advantage over 胜过,优于:China has an advantage over wood in being more easily kept clean. 与木器相比,瓷器的优点在于更容易保持清洁。
【考】to one's advantage 对某人有利
【派】advantageous (a. 有利的)
assume [ə'sjuːm; ə'suːm]
vt. 假定,假设;承担;就职;呈现;采取
【例】Some researchers have suggested that assuming the role of a sick person is one way in which certain people try to cope with stress.(2008.12)一些研究者认为,设想自己是病人是某些人试图应对压力的一种方法。
community [kə'mjuːnəti]
n. 社区,社会;团体,界;(动植物的)群落
【例】the scientific community 科学界
conclude [kən'kluːd]
vt. 推断出,推论出;结束;缔结,议定
vi. 结束,终了
【例】conclude from sth. 从…中得出结论:We can conclude from Mike's words that Paul was innocent. 我们能从迈克的话里推断出保罗是清白的。
conclude...with... 以…来结束…:The meeting concluded with loud applause. 会议以热烈的掌声结束。
【考】conclude an agreement with sb. 和某人订立协议
【派】inconclusive (a. 非决定性的);conclusion (n. 结论)
despite [di'spait]
prep. 不管,不顾;尽管
【例】Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期过得很愉快。
【用】despite和in spite of意思相同,它不再跟其他介词连用。
destruction [di'strʌkʃən]
n. 破坏,毁灭,消灭
efficient [i'fiʃənt]
a. 效率高的;有能力的
【例】But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient. (2007.12) 要不是手机,我们的通讯不可能如此高效、便利。
【考】an efficient government高效的政府
【派】efficiently (ad. 有效率地)
evaluate [i'væljueit]
vt. 评估,评价
【例】In this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a house. 在这个消费主义时代,大多数买家不是将高校作为一项投资来评估,而是作为一个消费品——就像汽车、衣服或是房子。
evidence ['evidəns]
n. 根据,证据;迹象
【例】in evidence 可看见的,明显的,显眼的:Bobby was much in evidence at the party. 博比在派对上大出风头。
give evidence for 提供证据:The recent study gives evidence for the existence of life on other planets. 新近的研究为其他星球上存在生命的说法提供了证据。
【考】give false evidence 作伪证
extreme [ik'striːm]
a. 极度的,极端的;尽头的,末端的
n. 极端,过分
【例】in the extreme 非常,极度:It would be naive in the extreme to believe that this policy could solve all the area's problems straight away. 认为这一政策能马上解决这一地区所有问题的想法是非常幼稚的。
go to extremes 走极端,用极端的方法:Sophia had gone to extremes to avoid seeing her boyfriend. 索菲娅为了避开她的男友采取了极端的方式。
【派】extremity (n. 极端)

issue ['iʃuː; 'isjuː]
n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊的)一期;流出
v. 颁布,发行,出版;分发,发给;流出,发出
【例】at issue 争论(讨论)中的:The problems of immigration were not the question at issue. 移民问题不是争论所在。
bond issue 债券发行//a warning issued by the local government 地方政府发出的警告
【考】raise an issue 提出问题;address an issue 讨论、处理问题;resolve an issue 解决问题
norm [nɔːm]
n. 标准,规范;[常pl.] 准则
【例】the current middle-class norm 现代中产阶级的典范
【派】normal (a. 正常的)
original [ə'ridʒənəl]
a. 起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的;原版的,原件的
n. 原件,原作
【例】in the original 原著本:Our teacher suggested we read the book in the original. 老师建议我们读这本书的原著。
【派】originality (n. 创意,新奇,独创性)
【辨】genuine, original, real, true
possess [pə'zes]
vt. 占用,拥有
【例】The man was arrested for possessing illegal drugs. 这个男人由于持有非法药品被逮捕。
【派】possessed (a. 着迷的,疯狂的);possession (n. 拥有;财产);possessive (a. 拥有的,所有的)
pressure ['preʃə]
n. 压(力);强制,压迫
vt. 对…施加压力(或影响);说服
【例】exert/put pressure on 对…施加压力:Bay Area officials were going to exert pressure on manufactruers of electronic devices to take regarding e-waste disposal. (2005.1)海湾地区的官员将对电子设备制造商施加压力,以处理电子垃圾。
【考】psychological pressure 心理压力;under (the) pressure of 在…的压力下;atmospheric pressure 气压
reward [ri'wɔːd]
n. 报答,奖赏;报酬,酬金
vt. 报答,奖励
【例】reward for 对…的回报:Winning the match was reward for the effort the team had made. 赢得比赛是对这支队伍努力的回报。
【派】rewarding (a. 值得做的;有回报的)
【辨】award, bonus, prize, reward
sensitive ['sensitiv]
a. 敏感的,灵敏的;神经过敏的,容易生气的;易受伤害的
【例】be sensitive to 对…敏感;对…过敏:The eyes of some fish are acutely sensitive to light. 一些鱼的眼睛对光线异常敏感。// A politician must not be too sensitive to criticism. 政治家不应对批评意见反应太过激烈。
【派】sensitively (ad. 神经过敏地);sensitivity (n. 灵敏性;敏感);hypersensitive (a. 非常敏感的)

species ['spiːʃiːz]
n. 种,类
【例】endangered species 濒危物种//extinct species 灭绝物种
sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]
a. 足够的,充分的
【例】We need sufficient time to adapt to the new job. 我们需要足够的时间来适应这份新工作。
【考】be sufficient to do sth. 有足够多的某物去做某事
【派】insufficient (a. 不足的);sufficiency (n. 充足)
survival [sə'vaivəl]
n. 幸存,继续生存;幸存者,残存物
【考】(the) survival of the fittest 适者生存
unique [juː'niːk]
a. 唯一的,独特的,独一无二的;极不寻常的,极好的
【例】a unique option 唯一的选择//a unique style 独特的风格
【派】uniqueness (n. 独特,独一无二)
wealthy ['welθi]
a. 富的,富裕的
analyze ['ænəlaiz]
vt. 分析,分解,解析
【例】A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries. (2009.12)最近的一份研究分析了负责治疗老年医保受益者的医生。
application [ˌæpli'keiʃən]
n. 申请,申请表;应用,实施,实用性;施用,敷用,涂抹
【例】an application blank 申请表
attribute [ə'tribjuːt] ['ætribjuːt]
vt. 把…归因于,把(过错、责任等)归于
n. 属性,特性
【例】attribute sth. to sb./sth. 认为…属于…,把…归结于…:Although many have tried, it does seem improbable that the painting's unique status can be attributed entirely to the quality of its brushstrokes. (2015.6) 尽管很多人试过了,但是说这幅画作的独特地位完全归结于其绘画技巧的质量,这似乎是不大可能的。
Intelligence was the most valuable human attribute. 智慧是人类最宝贵的特性。
【派】attribution (n. 归属);attributive (a. 归属的;属性的n. 定语)
cancel ['kænsəl]
vt. 取消,废除;抵消,对消;删去,划掉
【例】It was canceled because of an unexpected strike. (2015.6) 由于未预料到的罢工,它被取消了。
circumstance ['səːkəmstəns]
n. 环境,条件,形势;[pl.]境况,经济情况
【例】The witness was told that under no circumstances he should not be lying on the court. (2007.12)证人被告知,在任何情况下他都不应该在法庭上说谎。
competitive [kəm'petətiv]
a. 竞争的,比赛的;(价格等)有竞争力的;好竞争的,求胜心切的
【例】competitive advantage 竞争优势//I think the company's prices are very competitive. 我认为这家公司的价格很有竞争力。
【派】competitiveness (n. 竞争力)
confront [kən'frʌnt]
vt. 迎面遇到,遭遇;勇敢地面对,正视;使对质,使当面对证
【例】be confronted with 面临,面对:Customers are confronted with a lot of choices. 顾客面临很多选择。
【派】confrontational (a. 对抗的;抵触的);confrontation (n. 对抗)

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]
n. 结果,后果;重要(性),重大
【例】in consequence 因此,结果:George was over the age limit and, in consequence, his application was rejected. 乔治已经超过了年龄限制,因此他的申请被拒绝了。
【考】in consequence of 由于,因为…的缘故
detail ['diːteil] [di'teil]
n. 细节,详情;枝节,琐事
vt. 详述,详细说明
【例】in (great/every) detail 详细地:We haven't discussed the matter in detail yet. 我们还未详细讨论此事。
【考】go into detail(s)详细叙述,逐一说明
【派】detailed (a. 详细的)

display [di'splei]
vt. 显示,表现;陈列,展览
n. 显示器,荧光屏;展览
【例】All the exam results will be displayed on the noticeboard on Monday. 所有的考试成绩都将于星期一在公告栏上公布。
on display 在展示中:Many old oil paintings are on display at the museum. 许多古老的油画正在博物馆展览。
【辨】display, manifest, reflect
eliminate [i'limineit]
vt. 排除,消除;淘汰
【例】The police eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident. 警察排除了这是交通事故的可能性。
【考】eliminate mistakes 消除错误;eliminate corruption 根除腐败
【派】elimination (n. 消除,除去)
equality [iː'kwɔləti]
n. 相等,相同,平等
【例】Of course, no country has ever come close to providing complete equality of opportunity. (2015.6) 当然,没有一个国家曾提供完全的机会平等。
【派】inequality (n. 不平等)
equip [i'kwip]
vt. 装备,配备;(智力、体力上)使有准备
【例】be equipped with sth. 配备…:Richard envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers. (2004.1)有一次理查德看到在海外战场受伤的士兵们被送到了配备计算机的流动手术室。
equip sb. with sth. 使某人获得(信息、技能等):The training aims to equip people with the skills necessary for a job in this information age. 这项训练是为使人们能够获得在这个信息化时代找到工作的技能。
【派】equipment (n. 装备)
estimate ['estimeit]['estimət]
vt. 估计,估量
n. 估计,估量;评价,看法
【例】It estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. (2016.6) 它估计那一步将在未来的10年里节约上千万美元。
In fact, by some estimates, the value of parental investments in children, investments of time and money(including lost wages),is equal to 20-30% of gross domestic product. (2010.6)事实上,据估算,父母在孩子身上的投资,包括时间和金钱(包括损失的工资)投资的价值,等于国内生产总值的20-30%。
【考】a rough estimate 粗略估计;a conservative estimate 保守估计
【派】underestimate (n. / vt. 低估);overestimate (n. / vt. 高估)
excess [ik'ses]['ekses]
n. 过量,过度,无节制;超越,超过
a. 过量的,额外的
【例】an excess of 过多的…,过量的…:An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing. 过分热情并不总是好事。
to excess 过度,过分,过量:Drinking is good for health as long as you don't do it to excess. 饮酒只要不过量就对身体有好处。
in excess of 超过:Due to the economic decline, the increase of our company will not be in excess of three per cent. 因为经济衰退,我们公司今年的增长率不会超过3%。
【派】excessive (a. 极过分的)
expert ['ekspəːt]
n. 专家,能手
a. 专家的,内行的;熟练的
【例】expert on/in sth. …方面的专家:Kathy is an expert on marine mammals. 凯西是海洋哺乳动物方面的专家。
be expert at sth. 擅长…:After working for 5 years, Christine is quite expert at dealing with these sorts of problems. 工作了5年后,克里斯廷已经十分擅长解决这类问题了。
【考】expert advice 专家意见
【派】expertise (n. 专门技术)
focus ['fəukəs]
v. (使)聚焦,(使)集中
n. 焦点,焦距;(注意、活动等的)中心
【例】focus on 集中:Sarah felt she needed to focus more on her marriage. 萨拉觉得她需要多关注她的婚姻。
【考】auto-focus camera 自动对焦照相机
fundamental [ˌfʌndə'mentəl]
a. 基本的,根本的,基础的
n. [pl.] 基本原则,基本法则
【例】Can you understand the fundamentals of philosophy?你能理解哲学的基本原理吗?
【辨】elementary, rudimentary, fundamental
elementary意为“初步的,基本的”,指浅显的,也可以指某些入门性但必要的简单原理;rudimentary意为“根本的”,指事实或知识易懂的,也是最基础的,如a rudimentary understanding of computer programming; fundamental表示某事物基础性或起点性的因素,多为精神方面的,如a fundamental difference in opinion。
identify [ai'dentifai]
vt. 认出,鉴定;识别;把…等同于
vi. 认同
【例】identify with 认同;与…打成一片// Since children from poor families often are identified as at-risk for academic failure, teachers believe that advising families to speak English only is appropriate. (2013.12) 因为来自贫困家庭的孩子经常被认定为有学业失败的危险,所以老师们相信建议家庭只说英语是适合的。
identify sth. with sth. 认为…与…等同:Some sociologist attempts to identify crime with poverty and social problems. 一些社会学家试图将犯罪与贫穷和社会问题等同起来。
【考】identify sth./sb. as sth./sb. 确认或证明…为…
【派】identifiable (a. 可辨认的,可确认的);identification (n. 辨认,鉴别)
innovation [ˌinəu'veiʃən]
n. 革新,创新;新方法,新事物
【例】Many workers feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation. 很多工人都对技术革新的速度感到不知所措。
intelligent [in'telidʒənt]
a. 聪明的,有才智的;理智的;智能的
【例】intelligent robot 智能机器人//an intelligent decision 明智的决定
【派】intelligence (n. 智力)
mere [miə]
a. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的
【例】The space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going for a mere $20 million for a one-week stay in space. (2006.12)太空旅游业正式开张了,而在太空待一周的票价预计仅为2000万美元。
nowhere ['nəuweə]
ad. 毫不顶用,毫无结果;任何地方都不
【例】get nowhere with sth. 做某事没有进展:I'm getting nowhere with this technology problem. 这个技术问题我解决不了。
objective [ɔb'dʒektiv]
n. 目标,目的
a. 客观的,不带偏见的
【例】prime objective 首要目标//an objective law 客观规律
【用】常出现在观点态度题中,表示观点态度的词语还有:critical (a. 批评的),approving (a. 满意的)。
【派】objectivity (n. 客观性)
positive ['pɔzətiv]
a. 积极的,肯定的;确实的,明确的;正的,阳性的
【例】positive effect 积极作用//I'm positive that I locked the door. 我肯定我锁门了。
priority [prai'ɔrəti]
n. 优先(权),重点;优先考虑的事
【例】I believed that self-interest should not be the top priority in business dealings. (2006.12)我认为在商业交易中利己主义不应该是最优先考虑的。
pursue [pə'sjuː; pə'suː]
vt. 追求;继续,从事;追赶,追踪
【例】Many people are too scared to pursue their dreams because they are unwilling to risk. (2007.6)许多人过于恐惧而没有追求他们的梦想,因为他们不愿冒险。
refusal [ri'fjuːzəl]
n. 拒绝
【例】a heartless refusal 无情的拒绝
represent [ˌrepri'zent]
vt. 表示,象征;作为…的代表(或代理);描绘,表现
【例】This new report represents the current situation of our country. 这份新报道描绘了我国的当前形势。// They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times; animals that represented something deep and spiritual to the people. (2014.12) 他们相信被画的动物在当时的象征意义及精神层面处于中心位置,那些动物代表了人们内心深处的和精神上的东西。
【派】representation (n. 表现;代表);representative(n. 代表a. 有代表性的);representational (a. 表象的)
scale [skeil]
n. 大小,规模;等级,级别;比例(尺);[pl.] 天平,磅秤;刻度,标度;(鱼等的)鳞
vt. 攀登,爬越
【例】on a large/world/global scale 大规模地,全世界范围内地:Pollution will cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale. 污染会导致全世界的气候结构发生变化。
on one's own scale 以某人自己的标准//“Hope has proven a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we've done so far,”said Doctor Charles R. Snyder, a psychologist, who has devised a scale to assess how much hope a person has.(2010.12)心理学家查尔斯·R·斯奈德设计了一个等级体系,用来评定一个人有多少希望,他说:“到目前为止我们所做的每一项研究中,希望都被证明是强大的结果预言家。”
【考】scale down 按比例缩减;on a...scale 以…规模;economy of scale 规模经济
【派】full-scale (a. 全方位的);small-scale (a. 小规模的);large-scale (a. 大规模的)
solution [sə'ljuːʃən]
n. 解决,解决办法;溶液
【例】solution to the problem 问题的解决方法:This is the only solution to this problem. 这是这一问题的唯一解决方法。
transform [træns'fɔːm]
vt. 使改观;改革;变换,把…转换成
【例】When viewed at the national level, the policy interventions of the past decade have helped transform the performance of UK universities. (2015.6) 当从国家层面看的时候,过去十年的政策干预已经促成了英国大学表现的改变。
【考】transform sb./sth. into 把某人/某物转变成
【派】transformation (n. 变化,转化);transformer (n. 变压器)
【辨】alter, change, shift, transform, vary
alter强调事物发生部分轻微的改变,如形式、外观、细节等,没有转变为另一事物;change含义最广,可指任何变化,也可以指事物之间的相互替代;shift既指位置、方向的改变,也可用指态度、立场的转变;transform强调彻底改变形状、外观、本质,可以用在transform from...into...中;vary主要指间断的、不规律的变化,常用搭配有vary from...to...。
valid ['vælid]
a. 有根据的,有理的;有效的,具有法律效力的
【例】a valid objection 有力的反对//a valid contract 有效合同
【派】validate (vt. 证实,确认);validity (n. 根据;合法性);invalid (a. 无效的)
virtual ['vəːtʃuəl]
a. 实质上的,实际上的;虚的
【例】a virtual impossibility实质上不可能的事
vital ['vaitəl]
a. 生死攸关的;极其重要的;有生命的,充满生机的
【例】a vital error 致命的错误//vital statistics 生命统计,人口动态统计
It is vital to do sth. 做某事是极其重要的:It is vital to be honest with your parents and your friends. 对父母和朋友诚实是非常重要的。
【派】vitality (n. 生命力,活力)

All human wisdom is summed up in two words—wait and hope.