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- 2021-03-27 13:48:00
无忧宫Sanssouci Park

The Sanssouci Park is a large park in Potsdam. It contains several palaces, the most famous being the Schloss Sanssouci. The Park Sans souci was originally an orchard near Potsdam. This was the favorite retreat of Friedrich the Great. Here he could stay without worries (hence the name sans souci, which means without worry in French). In 1744 the King commissioned architect Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff to build a summer palace, the Schloss Sanssouci (Sans souci Palace). Here he could leave all the formalities of the royal court behind and spend time on his hobbies like music and philosophy. The design of the Sanssouci Palace was based on sketches made by Friedrich the Great himself. The relatively small palace with only 12 rooms was completed in 1747. It is located on top of a terraced vineyard, known as the Weinberg.The palace is only one storey high, but beautifully decorated in rococo style.
无忧宫是波茨坦的一个大园林,其中有几个宫殿,最为著名的是无忧宫殿。这座园林最初只是波茨坦附近的一个果园。而这里也曾是腓特烈大帝最喜爱的休息寓所。住在这里,能让他放下一切忧虑(sans souci在法语中就是“无忧无虑”的意思)。1744年,腓特烈大帝任命建筑师克诺贝尔斯多夫修建一座避暑行宫——无忧宫。腓特烈大帝住在这里的时候可以暂时放下一切皇宫里的礼节,将时间花费在自己的爱好上。例如音乐和哲学。这座宫殿是按照腓特烈大帝自己的设计而建造的。另外一个宫殿相对较小,只有12个房间,它于1747年完工,坐落在梯形葡萄园的顶部,被称为“温伯格”。虽然只有一层楼高,但是它采用的却是洛可可式建筑风格,而且装饰得也非常漂亮。

绝佳的享受 Top Things to Enjoy
Sanssouci Palace无忧宫殿
Great Fountain大喷泉
Neues Palais新皇宫
Chinese Teahouse中国茶馆
Sanssouci Park borders the city center of Potsdam.
开放时间 Opening Hours
April~October.: 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m.
November~March: 9:00 a.m.~4:00 p.m.
Monday off, closed from 12:30~1:00 everyday afternoon
交通 Vehicles
We can be reached from Berlin via S-Bahn nr 7.
住宿 Accommodation
Best Western Grand City Parkhotel Potsdam
Steigenberger Hotel Sanssouci史蒂根伯格酒店无忧宫店
Mercure Hotel Potsdam City波茨坦市美居酒店
旅途提示Tips for Your Visit