


住房建设制度创设的第一个标志是确立了地方政府住房建房主体地位。工业革命导致了工业中心的形成,而工业中心的形成进而促进了城市化的发展,城市化是工业化的产物。但是,工业革命和城市化的不断推进,大量人口聚集到狭小的空间,城市人口的急剧膨胀使得本来就紧张的城市存量住房不堪重负。19世纪英国出现尤为严重的住房问题:人口剧增、居住拥挤、租金昂贵,人们没钱购房只能居住在贫民窟。设施简陋的贫民窟产生的卫生环境问题进而引发了疾病问题,一时间出现用工荒。正是这些问题迫使政府开始关注工人阶级的住房建设问题。1890年《工人阶级住房法》第57条规定:“授权地方政府占有土地,建造改造一批住房,以适合工人阶级居住,”The local authority shall have power to carry it into execution, and for that purpose may exercise the same powers whether of contract or otherwise as in the execution of their duties in the case of the London county council…1919年《住房和城镇规划法》第2条规定:“地方政府有责任实施方案中提出的工作……”It shall be the duty of a local authority on which obligations are imposed by any such scheme to carry that scheme into effect within such time as may be specified in the scheme or within such further time as may be allowed by the Local Government Board., “如果地方政府委员会认为地方政府不能胜任方案中的工作,或者有必要,则可以……同意地方郡议会代替地方政府实施工作。”“如果地方政府委员会认为地方郡议会或地方联合政府不能胜任方案中的工作,或者有必要,则可以……亲自实施工作。” Where the Local Government Board are satisfied that a local authority have failed or are not prepared to fulfil their obligations as to the preparation of schemes under this Act, or their obligations under any such scheme, or that for any other reason it is desirable that any such obligation should be performed by the county council instead of by the local authority, the Board, after considering the circumstances of the case and giving the local authority and the county council an opportunity of being heard, may, if they think fit, by order, transfer to the council of the county, in which the district of the local authority is comprised, the obligation to prepare and carry out a scheme, or to carry out in whole or in part the provisions of a scheme prepared by the local authority.法律赋予了地方政府、地方政府委员会和地方郡议会实施建房权力,保证了房屋建设工作的全面实施。分析上述法律规定可以看出,英国政府已经认识到,作为公共机构的政府应该承担起公共服务的职能,享有为社会成员,尤其是占人口大多数又无力负担自己住房的工人阶级提供住房的义务和责任。现代意义上的政府职能实质上应当包括政治职能、经济职能、文化职能和社会公共服务职能。贫民窟改造无论是对调节社会分配、组织社会保障、保护生态环境和自然资源、促进社会化服务体系建立,还是提高人口质量,都具有重大意义。当时的英国政府为工人阶级建设和改造住房正是在履行政府的社会公共服务职能,这也正是现代意义上政府基本职能的应有之义。英国住房法律制度中政府建房的主体责任规定具有时代意义。

住房建设制度创建的第二个标志是用城乡规划法规范住房建设的选址。住房法解决了房屋建设主体的问题,但保障房周边环境问题又突出起来。限于建房所需地块问题,起初的保障房一般都是建在工厂附近,或是工厂周边空地,或是推倒工厂周边的贫民窟就地建房。这样的保障房建成后,新问题随之而来,表现为保障房周边环境恶化问题。由于保障房建在工厂附近,而工业革命时期的工厂是缺少防污设施的。工厂污染使得工厂附近保障房内的工人居住环境恶化,工人的工业污染疾病增多。这就迫使政府重新考虑保障房选址问题,将保障房选址问题与整个城市建设规划相联系。1909年,议会颁布《住房和城乡规划法》。该法令主要包含两部分,第一部分为“工人阶层的住房”的规定,第二部分为“城乡规划法”的规定。这是英国第一部涉及城乡规划的法律文件。根据该法,地方政府获得授权制定“关于正在开发的土地或可能用于建筑目的的土地城镇规划法案”,以确保“该土地及其邻近土地在设计和适用方面,达到良好的卫生条件,并符合便利、宜人的居住要求”的权力。有了法律的规范,居民区内就不会再出现不受欢迎的工业建筑了(即使该工业建筑已达到地方建筑法的要求),而工业区则会建在独立的区域,仅限于工业用途。1919年《住房和城乡规划法》(Housing and Town Planning Act 1919)对1909年法令进行了完善,首次提出了区域规划的概念以及临时开发的规定,要求住房必须建在城市规划限定的规划区内。将住房法与城镇规划法联系起来解决了住房建设的选址问题,优化了居民的住房环境,使整个城市布局更加合理,保障性住房更加适合人类生活和工作。

住房建设制度构建的第三个标志是确立住房建设标准。随着一系列住房法的颁布,城市住房的功能发生了变化。原先满足普通工人阶级的住房需求的政策目标转变为针对贫民窟和旧城改造的政策目标,大规模贫民窟改造和旧城改造工作提上议事日程。但原先的法律并未对改造标准予以明确规定,加之保障性住房短期内建设速度过快、数量太多,导致房屋质量往往无法得到较好保障。此外,由于缺少住房建设标准,致使1920年前后建造的房屋更多是没有客厅配备或者只有两个卧室配置,普遍拥有更高的密度、较低的设计布局以及很低的完工成本等特征。这种标准的房屋已经不适合当时英国人住房的普遍要求。通过1930年《住房法》(格林伍德法,Greenwood Act)和1936年《住房法》(Housing Act 1936),英国建立起住房建设标准制度。住房标准建设制度包括了住房质量标准制度、新建住房验收制度和由代表居民决定是否投入使用制度。根据1930年《住房法》规定:“下列房屋为不适合人类居住房屋,可以被拆除或关闭:(a)年久失修或卫生缺陷而不适宜人类居住,(b)房屋布局结构差,(c)由于街道狭窄或布局结构导致危险或有害于该地区居民健康。”John J.Clarke, Slums and the Housing Act 1930,2004 ProQuest Information and Learning Company, Liverpool University Press,2004.法律将不适宜人类居住的住房设定为年久失修、卫生缺陷、相关布局差等,安全和卫生条件构成早期英国建房标准。同时,最低面积要求,卧室、客厅、独立卫生间的布局以及热水和供暖设施配备也构成住房的标准要求。

住房建设制度构建的第四个标志是设定出详尽严格的贫民窟改造程序制度。贫民窟改造程序制度包括拆除程序制度和建设程序制度。根据1885年《工人阶级住房法》,贫民窟拆除程序包括三步See Housing of the Working Classes Act,1885.:首先由首都工务委员会购买已被指定为贫民窟的土地,再由首都工务委员会负责拆除贫民窟区域内的建筑,最后将清理出的土地出售给建筑公司或慈善团体,由其在该地块上为工人修建住房。”1890年《工人阶级住房法》完善了贫民窟拆除程序,增加了评估和批准程序:先由地方政府对住房不健康因素作出评估并提出改造方案;住房改造方案需获得议会批准;最后由地方政府替代建筑公司或慈善团体负责实施建设方案。Housing of the Working Class Bill 1990.1919年《住房和城镇规划法》设定了贫民窟改造中的住房建设程序:第一步为住房建设方案的提出。根据该法第1条第(1)款规定 See section 1 of Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act,1919, Duty of local author-i ty to prepare housing schemes…It shall be the duty of every local authority within the meaning of …to consider the needs of their area with respect to the provision of houses for the working classes…or within three months after notice has been given to them by the Local Government Board, to prepare and submit to the Local Government Board a scheme for the exercise of their. Powers…,在法律通过的三个月内或在地方政府委员会通知后的三个月内,地方政府可向地方政府委员会提交建设方案。如果建设方案涉及到一个以上的地区,则应由几个地方政府联合提出。地方政府享有了贫民窟建设方案建议权。第二步为住房建设方案的批准。上法第1条第(3)款规定 See section 1 of Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act,1919, The Local Government Board may approve any such scheme or any part thereof without modification or subj ect to such modifications as they may think fit, and the scheme or part there of when so approved shall be binding on the local authority; but if Board consider the scheme inadequate they may refuse to approve the scheme and require the authority to prepare and submit to them an adequate scheme within such time as they may fix, or they may approve the scheme or part thereof subject to the condition that - the authority prepare and submit to them a further scheme within such time as they may fix.:“地方政府委员会可以直接批准方案的全部或其中的部分,也可以进行适当修改后批准,批准对地方政府生效;同时若地方政府委员会认为方案不适宜,可以不予批准并且要求地方政府在适宜的时效期间内准备并提交适宜的方案。”法律将贫民窟改造建设方案的批准权赋予地方政府委员会。第三步为住房建设方案质询。上法第2条规定:“地方政府在准备方案、地方政府委员会在批准方案时要考虑房屋被提供者对方案的质询和建议。”See section 2 of Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act,1919 It shall be the duty of a local authority on which obliga tions are imposed by any such scheme to carry that scheme into effect within such time as may be specified in the scheme or within such further time as may be allowed by the Local Government Board.可见,地方政府的贫民窟改造方案在获得批准前需接受公众质询,为公众留出提建议的通道,以发扬民主。第四步为住房建设方案的实施。上法第2条规定:“地方政府有责任实施方案中提出的工作”See section 2 of Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act,1919 It shall be the duty of a local authority on which obliga tions are imposed by any such scheme to carry that scheme into effect…, “如果地方政府委员会认为地方政府不能胜任方案中的工作,或者有必要,则可以在听取地方政府和地方郡议会的陈述后,同意地方郡议会代替地方政府实施工作。”“如果地方政府委员会认为地方郡议会或地方联合政府不能胜任方案中的工作,或者有必要,则可以在听取地方政府和地方郡议会的陈述后,亲自实施工作。”See section 3 of Housing, Town Planning, &c, Act,1919.由此,地方政府、地方议会和地方政府委员会获得贫民窟改造中的住房建设实施主体资格。



首先,完善住房建设标准制度。第一,设定房屋自然标准。1957年《住房法》第4条 In determining for any of the purposes of this Act, whether a house is unfit for human habitation, regard shall be had to its condition in respect of the following matters, that is to say—(a)repair;(b)stability(c)freedom from damp;(d)natural lighting;(e)ventilation;(f)water supply;(g)drainage and sanitary conveniences;(h)facilities for storage, preparation and cooking of food and for the disposal of waste water; and the house shall be deemed to be unfit for human habitation if and only if it is so far defective in one or more of the said matters that it is not reasonably suitable for occupation in that condition.明确规定了宜居房屋的标准:“在决定房屋是否适宜居住时,应当考虑以下因素:可修复;房屋稳定;不潮湿;采光充分;空气流通。”由此构建起来的住房建设标准明确为:可修复性、稳定性、预防潮湿、充足采光、便利空气流通等。与上一时期的建房标准相较,完善期的建房标准进一步提高了住房舒适度。住房的基本用途是供人类休息和起居,只有具备良好的环境和卫生条件才能满足人类休息与起居的基本要求,才能被称之为合格的住房。第二,设定住房设施标准。上法第4条规定,住房需具备“供水充足;有排水和卫生设施;具有储藏、炊煮和污水处理设施”。给排水设施、卫生设施、炊煮设施和储存设施构成住房设施标准。前一时期,法律对住房设施的规定为空白。住房的基本功能在满足居住者基本生活需求,空气、阳光、水、食物是人类生存必需,住房也必然从满足人类的这些需求出发。上一时期的住房法设定出住房的物理结构标准,这一时期的住房法增加了住房内部设施标准,属于住房建设制度的一大进步。第三,法律规定了住房空间标准。如表1所示:




其次,完善住房建设主体制度。第一,构建多元化建房主体制度。在建房主体制度建设方面,住房法承认了住房合作社、房产公司和住房协会的建房主体资格。1964年《住房法》第1条规定:“本法所言 ‘住房合作社’之主要职责为建造、改善和管理房屋。” “housing society”means a society- which is established for the purpose of, or amongst whose objects or powers are included those of, constructing, improving or managing houses…第5条规定:“如果房产公司发现住房合作社在提供住房或管理住房等方面不能胜任,……房产公司可向部长提供建设方案,接手住房供应任务。部长认为适宜则可以批准方案。” If, in the case of any housing society, it appears to the Corporation-…that the society is experiencing difficulty in providing housing accommodation on any land which it has acquired or in managing housing accommodation pro vided by it on any land, or is in any way failing to perform its functions as a housing society in relation to any land, and that accordingly it is undesirable for the land in question to remain in the hands of the society…the Corporation may prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme for the Corporation to acquire the society's interest in the land and to undertake all such operations as may be required for the provision or continued provision on the land of housing accommodation for letting(including any operations which might have been carried out by a housing society in connection with the provision of the housing accommodation)and for the Corporation to retain the accommodation and keep it available for letting so long as the scheme has not been terminated in any manner provided for therein.住房合作社、房产公司由此获得住房建设主体资格。此外,根据1961年《住房法》第7条规定,由房产公司注册住房协会,帮助房产公司进行住房建设 If a housing association registered…submit to the Minister a scheme under which they will provide housing accommodation and satisfy the Minister that under the scheme the housing accommodation so provided will be kept available for letting, except at such times and in such cases as the Minister may approve, the Minister may in accordance with this section make advances to the housing association.。住房协会成为住房建设主体。建房主体的多元化使住房建设职能从政府手中解放出来,市场化法人组织成为住房建设主体,实现了住房管理效益最大化目标,并惠及普遍大众。相较于前期只有地方政府一个建设主体,建房主体的多元化无疑是建设主体制度的进步,有利于调动社会力量,实现推进国家住房建设之根本目的。第二,明确建房主体非营利属性。1964年《住房法》第1条规定:“住房合作社是注册并且不以营利为目的……的团体。”“housing society”means a society…which does not trade for profit …“房产公司不隶属于皇室,不享受任何皇室的地位、豁免权和特权,也不能随意免除任何税费、责任和其他费用征收;房产公司的财产独立于皇家。”“住房协会是一个慈善组织而非盈利组织。” It is hereby declared that the Corporation are not to be regarded as the servant or agent of the Crown or as enjoying any status, immunity or privilege of the Crown, or as exempt from any tax, duty, rate, levy or other charge whatsoever, whether general or local, and that their property is not to be regarded as property of, or property held on behalf of, the Crown.法律由此明确了三类建房主体的非营利属性。住房建设主体的非营利性定位,有利于组织的健康发展,有利于充分发挥三方主体的积极性,为民众住房提供更大便捷。第三,建房主体间的分工合作制。法律规定:住房合作社的“主要职责为建造、改善或管理房屋。”See section 7 of Housing act,1961, “housing society”means a society- which is established for the purpose of, or amongst whose obj ects or powers are included those of, constructing, improving or managing houses…“房产公司的一般职责是促进并帮助住房合作社发展和运作,为住房合作社提供房屋进行宣传。”See section 1 of Housing act,1964, There shall be an authority, to be called the Housing Corporation whose general duty it shall be to promote and assist the development of housing societies, to facilitate the proper exercise and performance of the functions of such societies, and to publicise, in the case of societies providing houses for their own members no less than in the case of those providing houses for letting, the aims and principles of such </br>Societies…“房产公司有权力放款给住房合作社。”See section 2 of Housing act,1964, The Corporation shall have power to make loans to a housing society for the purpose of enabling the housing society to meet the whole or any part of any expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the housing society in carrying ing out its obj ects…“房产公司可在部长书面同意下,在合法获得之土地上施工,为建筑用地或住房建设做准备,包括街道、马路、开放空间、电、气、水和排污等设施的建设。” See section 3 of Housing act,1964, The Corporation may with the consent in writing of the Minister clear any land acquired by them under the last foregoing subsection and carry out any other work on the land to prepare it as a building site or estate…“住房协会职责为提供、建设、改善和管理房屋。” See section13of Housing Act,1974, the housing association… is established for the purpose of, or has among its obj ects or powers those of providing, constructing, improving or managing-(a)houses to be kept available for letting, or(b)where the rules of the association restrict membership of the association to persons entitled or prospectively entitled(whether as tenants or otherwise)to occupy a house provided or managed by the association, houses for occupation by members of the association, or(c)hostels“住房协会可以提供土地和建筑、房屋的设施和服务、对其他住房协会提供建议。”See section 13 of Housing Act,1974, …The additional purposes or objects… are those-</br>(a)of providing land or buildings for purposes connected with the requirements of the persons occupying the houses or hostels provided or managed by the association;</br>(b)of providing amenities or services for the benefit of those persons, either exclusively or together with other persons;</br>(c)of encouraging and giving advice on the formation of other housing associations which would be eligible for registration by the Corporation; and </br>(d)of providing services for, and giving advice …running of, registered housing assoc-i ations.据此,住房合作社成为主要的住房建设主体,房产公司和住房协会为住房合作社提供资金帮助和配套设施建设。通过住房主体建设、住房周边基础设施和环境建设、房屋内部设施供应以及住房融资等的分工,英国构建起各司其职、相互配合的住房建设分工合作制度。分工合作制度的构建,既能充分发挥各主体的特长优势,还能弥补各主体的缺陷,更有利于发挥整体效能,实现提高工作效率、为民众提供更好住房之目的,是一项周密的制度设计。

再次,拓展住房建设资源制度。住房建设资源是指住房建设的资金来源和土地来源。第一,拓展住房建设资金来源。1964年《住房法》设定了住房建设资金筹措主体:房产公司和建筑合作社。根据该法,“房产公司有权放款给住房合作社。”“建筑合作社可以通过抵押,贷款给住房合作社支付预付款。”See section 2 of Housing Act,1964, The Corporation shall have power to make loans to a housing society for the purpose of enabling the housing society to meet the whole or any part of any expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the housing society in carrying out its obj ects.而房产公司的资金源自财政,由部长和国务卿负责提供。此外,“经部长书面同意,房产公司有权出卖、出租给住房合作社土地,并且如果房产公司出卖土地,交易款可作为提供给住房合作社的贷款。” the Corporation shall have power to sell, or, with the consent in writing of the Minister, to lease, to a housing society any land which the housing society requires for carrying out its objects and, if the Corporation sell the land, the purchase-money may, under the last foregoing section, be left outstanding as a loan to the housing society.这样,住房建设资金除住房合作社自身筹措外,还可从房产公司获得贷款,从建筑合作社获得抵押贷款。而房产公司的贷款资金既可源自政府的财政拨款,也可将出卖国有土地的交易款转成贷款。上述制度设计有利于分散资金负担,减轻各主体资金负荷。立法认可了通过出卖、出租等方式获取的资金转化为住房建设贷款资金,变通出新资金来源,对资源的充分利用有积极意义。第二,拓展住房建设土地来源。根据1964年《住房法》第3条规定,“房产公司通过购买、出租、置换或者赠予等方式获得土地以向住房合作社出卖或出租。” The Corporation may acquire land, whether by way of purchase, lease, exchange or gift, for the purpose of selling it or leasing it to housing societies under the foregoing subsection.住房合作社的住房建设用地源于房产公司,而房产公司虽然是将土地出卖和出租给住房合作社,但交易款却被允许直接用于住房合作社的住房建设,将等价交换与公益的无偿性巧妙结合,既充分调动了市场资源,最大化减轻政府负担,又保障了住房合作社的建设资源。

1980年后,受执政的保守党政府住房私有化政策影响,住房建设制度发生转向。首先,住房建设主体转变。根据1980年《住房法》,私人公司、住房协会与地方政府共同构成英国住房建设主体。自此,英国的保障房建设部门变为私人部门、住房协会以及地方政府。正如图1所示,横坐标表示年份,纵坐标表示保障性住房建造数量。以2003年为例,私人部门建造保障性住房大概19万套,当年保障性住房建造数量为21万套左右,保障性住房由私人部门建造的比例占到所有保障性住房的90%。1997年以后,英国私人部门主导着保障性住房的建设,私人部门建房占这一时期新建保障性住房总量的比例一直为80%以上,而这个阶段地方政府的建造保障房的数量却很少。建房主体的转变不仅减轻政府的财政负担,更便于政府省出时间和精力,加大对保障房分配制度的监管。其次,住房建设选址制度得到完善。1990年《英国城乡规划法》(Town and Country Planning Act 1990)规定出详细的住房建设选址要求,包括调查研究、制订方案、公开协商、审核变更等制度。法律同时规定了赔偿制度,利害关系人可以因建房选址规划被撤回或者修正而造成的损失提出赔偿要求。完善的住房建设选址制度对改善居民住房周边环境有积极意义。






进入20世纪后,工业化和城市化的快速推进使城市人口数量剧增,城市住房出现严重不足的问题。随后的两次世界大战造成大量房屋毁坏,住房短缺问题变得更加严峻。在此情形下,英国开始重视住房分配制度建设,住房分配法律制度进入发展完善期。其中,1938年《住房法》(Housing Act 1938)详细规定了住房分配主体,1930年《住房法》和1946年《住房法(财政拨款和其他住房供给)》(Housing Act(Financial allocation and other housing supply)1946)则规范了住房申请制度。






首先,住房分配主体的多元化。根据1985年《住房协会法》(Housing Association Act 1985)和1997年《房屋建设协会法》(Housing Construction Association Act 1997),住房分配主体被明确为:中央政府、地方政府、住房合作社、住房协会和地方公共团体等组织住房合作社是为了解决城镇居民的住房问题而成立的相互合作的非盈利性社会组织。在这样的公益团体里,广大社员筹集资金、建设房屋并且对建成的房屋进行分配、维修和管理。</br>住房协会是指向有住房需求的低收入者或者弱势群体提供很低成本的保障性住房的非营利性民间合作组织,该组织依赖于中央和地方政府的扶持,但是独立于政府。</br>地方公共团体是法律授权的享有自治权且独立于国家区域性统治的团体。。其次,住房分配形式的多样化。1985年《住房法》规定:“地方政府有为那些非自愿性无家可归者(主要是社会弱势群体、孕妇及有子女家庭)提供永久性住房的义务。”1996年《住房法》也规定:“为那些非自愿性无家可归的人和家庭以及急需临时住房的贫困户提供新住房,为期两年。”由此,供分配的住房被分为永久性住房和临时性住房。永久性住房应分配给非自愿性无家可归者,临时性(两年期)住房应分配给紧急需要者。与前一时期相比,这一时期的住房分配形式更加重视区别对待。对非自愿性无家可归的弱势群体给予相对优厚的分配待遇,保障其生活的长久安定性;对处于紧急状况下的弱势群体则给予救急性帮助,保障其安然度过困难期。这种根据具体情况采用不同分配方法的制度规定,既实现了保护弱势群体住房权益的住房法立法目的,又体现出特殊情形下救济弱势群体住房权益的个别保护原则。在彰明立法原则前提下,制度设计更具灵活性适用性。再次,增设外国人住房分配制度。新世纪,在国际交往频繁大背景下,进入英国的外国人也随之增加。人才交流既是文化交流增加的必然,也为交流国带来社会发展所需各种有用之才。为实现对有用之才保护的目的,英国政府创造条件留住各类人才,提供住房保障是保护手段之一。为此,住房法赋予外国人申请公共住房资格。根据2006年《欧洲经济区移民条例》规定,各类求职者、有足够生存能力者、被别国驱逐者等类人员有资格申请英国公共住房。对各类求职者,条例要求地方政府授予其在英居留权,赋予其住房分配资格。足够生存能力的人被法律明确为学生和自给自足的人。根据《欧洲经济区移民条例》第4条(c)规定,自给自足的人即在英国期间有足够的生存能力,有英国综合疾病保险的人。学生是指进入教育培训供应商注册的私人或公共机构享受公共资金资助,有全面疾病保险,有在英期间足够的资金支持的人。对“因受到来自别国法律强制驱逐而留在英国的人,包括欧洲经济区公民。可以获得政府公共住房。”可见,立法赋予外国人公共住房申请资格是有条件的。核心在解除外来工作者的后顾之忧,充实英国的劳动力市场,满足信息化时代英国对人才的需求。赋予学生公共住房申请资格,是为激励在英完成学业的优秀毕业生留下来为英国社会建设服务。赋予受其他国家驱逐者公共住房申请资格,主要出于人道主义考虑,是英国住房法律制度现代发展的重要特征。


首先,法律明确了购买权行使条件。1980年《住房法》第1条就明确了购买权行使条件:“安全租赁的承租人占有租住的房屋,并将其作为唯一的或首要的住所,从作为公共住房的承租人之日起,租住满三年的,除例外情况外,享有购买权。” The right to buy only arises after the secure tenant has been a secure tenant for a period of not less than three years or for periods amounting together to not less than three years… In determining whether the condition…is satisfied a person who, as a joint tenant under a secure tenancy, occupied a dwellinghouse as his only or prin cipal home shall be treated as the secure tenant under that tenancy; and where the secure tenancy is, a joint tenancy that condition need be satisfied with respect to one only of the joint tenants.“如果安全租赁的承租人是共同承租人,而无论共同承租人是否将其所承租的公共住房作为唯一的或首要的住所,购买权属于全体共同承租人,或者共同承租人可以在协议中约定,该购买权属于共同承租人中的一个或多个承租人。”See section 4 of Housing Act 1980, Where a secure tenancy is a joint tenancy then, whether or not each of the joint tenants occupies the dwelling-house as his only or principal home, the right to buy and the right to a mortgage belong jointly to all of them or to such one or more of them as may be validly agreed between them; and the agreement is not valid unless the person or at least one of the persons to whom the right to buy is to belong occupies the dwelling-house as his only or principal home.据此,购买权行使条件包括:主体条件需为协议约定的一个或多个承租人;居住条件要求至少一个承租人将该公共住房作为其唯一或首要住所;期限条件要求租住住房满三年。主体条件明确禁止了除承租人以外的其他人行使购买权,确保住房提供给真正需要的人。将现居住房作为唯一或首要居所的规定,在于强调该住房对承租人居住的重要性。因为,只有重要才有行使购买权的必要性,如果赋予不常居住的承租人购买权,会造成公共住房的空置,既无法实现设置购买权制度的立法初衷,又造成公共资源的浪费。承租人居住满三年的期限要求是衡量购买者住房需求度的标准,购买权的行使能满足其长久占有该房屋的要求。上述制度设计既有利于实现“居者有其屋”住房法立法初衷的实现,又有利于推动住房的市场化,满足了住房现代发展趋势。

其次,法律设定了房屋估价制度。房屋估价是购买权行使的前提,只有确定的住房价格才能有购买权的行使。第一,设定房屋市值确定标准制度。房屋的市值确定标准即房屋应当如何定价的问题,1980年《住房法》第6条规定:房屋的价格是除去折扣后的房屋价值的总和,该价值包括了任何人为改良和修缮该房屋所做出的花费。 See section 6 of Housing Act 1980,(1)The price payable for a dwelling-house on a conveyance or grant in pursuance of this Chapter is—,(a)the amount which, under this section, is to be taken as its value at the relevant time; less(b)the discount to which the purchaser is entitled under this Chapter,(2)The value of a dwelling-house at the relevant time shall be taken to be the price which, at that time, it would realise if sold on the open market by a willing vendor …and disregarding any improvements made by any of the persons specified… and any failure by any of those persons to keep the dwelling-house in good internal repair.第二,市值争议中的专家参与制度。根据1980年《住房法》第11条规定,在房东和承租人对交易房屋的市值产生争议时,由相应地区的估价人裁决Any question arising under this Chapter as to the value of a dwelling-house at the relevant time shall be determined by the district valuer in accordance with this section.。估价人裁决的法律程序包括:申请程序,承租人以书面形式提出重新估价要求并通知估价人 See section 11 of Housing Act,1980, A tenant may require that value to be determined or, as the case may be, re-determined by a notice in writing served on the landlord not later than three months after the service on him of the notice…。调查程序,估价人收到通知后应听取当事人陈述Before making a determination or re-determination in pursuance of this section the district valuer shall consider any representation made to him by the landlord or the tenant…。裁决程序,估价人在听取当事人陈述后,决定维持原估价或重新估价 A tenant may require that value to be determined or, as the case may be, re-determined by a notice in writing served on the landlord…。通知程序,裁决作出后,房东应立即通知承租人估价或重新估价的效力及购买权行使条款As soon as practicable after a determination or re-determination has been made in pursuance of this section the landlord shall serve on the tenant a notice stating the effect of the determination or re-determination and the matters…。裁决期间,自当事人通知送达估价人之日起4周内Before making a determination or re-determination in pursuance of this section the district valuer shall consider any representation made to him by the landlord or the tenant within 4 weeks from the service of the tenant's notice under this section or, as the case may be, from the service of the landlord's notice…。此项制度的核心在于创设了专家裁决制度。即如果当事人对房屋市价产生争议,则由承租人和房东交由“地区估价人”进行估价。地区估价人主要为专业人员,地位上为中立的第三方。第三方地位与专业属性使其裁决具备公正性特征,保证房屋估价获得争议双方的认可,利于纷争的快速解决,成为购买权执行的制度保障。第三,年限标准的折扣优惠制度。根据1980年《住房法》第7条规定:租住3-4年的承租人行使购买权时,可享受33%的折扣;租住超过四年的承租人,在行使购买权时,享受每增加一年增加一个百分点折扣的优惠。以居住年限为承租人行使购买权时的优惠条件,居住年限越长则折扣越大 A person exercising the right to buy is entitled to a discount equal, subj ect to the following provisions of this section, to the following percentage of the price before discount, that isto say-(a)if the period to be taken into account ……is less than four years,33 per cent, ; and(b)if that period is four years or more,33 per cent, Plus one per cent, for each complete year by which that period exceeds three years……。此种制度设计体现出对长期承租人的优惠,即在相同条件下,承租人租住时间越长,行使购买权时需支付的住房价款越低,由此保证自己随后住房的安定。对政府而言,居住时间越长的人会越倾向于通过支付价款将房屋归为己有,既实现了保障购房人基本住房目的,又使政府创收有了最大可能性,成为住房法律制度现代发展的一大亮点。第四,折扣优惠限制制度。根据1980年《住房法》第8条,购房优惠折扣限制条件被明确为:购房最大折扣优惠在50%,且承租人的居住年限应在20年及20年以上;打折后的房价不得低于建造成本费;打折后的房价不得低于该住房的年限维护费用数额;折扣前的房价低于建造成本费或年限维护费,则不得适用任何折扣…for each complete year by which that period exceeds three years, but not together exceeding 50 per cent.。这一制度是对年限标准折扣优惠制度的补充。虽然法律有住房居住时间越长折扣越大的优惠规定,有可能出现通过居住年限折扣优惠后,房价为负数情况,这样会给国家财产造成损失。法律由此做出50%的最大折扣优惠限制条款,设定打折后的房屋总价款最低数额等,事实上是为保证政府从购买权行使中获得收益,实现购买权制度创设初衷,是住房法律制度现代发展的必然结果。

再次,法律确定了购买权行使程序。购买权行使程序主要有四步。第一步是承租人提出行使购买权申请。1980年《住房法》第5条规定“承租人可通过向房东送达书面通知的方式主张行使购买权。”Where a secure tenant serves on the landlord a written notice claiming to exercise the right to buy…购买权申请制度的核心在于强调书面申请和申请递交,便于审核者进行审查。第二步是房东就申请作出审核决定并通知申请人。1980年《住房法》第5条规定:“在收到承租人主张行使购买权通知后,除非该通知被撤回,购买权行使的条件若满足或行使购买权通知时房东未发生变动时,房东应当在4周内通知承租人是否同意购买权的行使,并说明理由;其他情况下,该期限可以为8周。” Where a secure tenant serves on the landlord a written notice to exercise the right to buy, the landlord shall.(unless the notice is withdrawn)serve on the tenant, within four weeks, or in a case falling within subsection(2)below, eight weeks, either-(a)a written notice admitting the tenant's right; or(b)a written notice denying the tenant's right and stating the reasons why, in the opinion of the landlord, the tenant does not have the right to buy.这一制度不仅规范了审核决定和审核通知,更明确了审核决定和审核通知期间,对预防行政不作为有积极意义。第三步是房东向申请人送达有关购房知悉事项的通知。1980年《住房法》第10条对此作出规定。通知涉及的内容应包括:房屋市值、承租人享有的折扣、应扣除的相关费用、房屋结构缺陷、各类通知的效力、承租人在法定期限内要求住房估价的权利、承租人在收到购房交易通知后改变意思的效力、房东完结交易后不遵守协议的效力等 Where a secure tenant has claimed to exercise the right to buy and that right has been established(whether by the landlord's admission or otherwise)the landlord shall, as soon as practicable, serve on the tenant a notice describing the dwelling-house and stating-(a)the price at which, in the opinion of the landlord, the tenant is entitled to have the freehold conveyed or, as the case may be, the long lease granted to him; and(b)the provisions which, in the opinion of the landlord, should be contained in the conveyance or grant,(2)The notice shall, for the purpose of showing how the price has been arrived at, state-(a)the value at the relevant time;(b)the discount to which the tenant is entitled, stating-(i)the period to be taken into account… and, where applicable,(ii)the amount mentioned in section 7(2)or(4); and(c)the improvements disregarded in pursuance of section 6,(3)The notice shall also inform the tenant-(a)of his right under section 11 to have the value at the relevant time determined or re-determined by the district valuer;(b)of the right to a mortgage; and(c)of the effect of section 12 and section 16(4)below;and shall be accompanied by a form for use by the tenant in exercising the right to a mortgage.。法律进一步规定,房东如果未披露上述信息或所披露信息不准确,承租人有权要求赔偿。法律将承租人应当知悉的事项一一列出,是对房东信息披露义务的约束,既起到预防政府不作为之作用,也使购房人明晰自己的权利和义务,有利于提高行政效率。第四步是承租人向房东发出购买决定通知。1980年《住房法》第11条规定了承租人作出购买决定的时间要求,即在房东向提出购买申请人送达相关通知三个月内,或估价人作出估价或重新估价三个月内,或估价及重新估价通知送达三个月内 A tenant may require that value to be determined or, as the case may be, re-determined by a notice in writing served on the landlord not later than three months after the service on himof the notice under section 10; except that-(a)if proceedings are then pending between the landlord and the tenant for the determ-i nation of any other question arising under this Chapter, the notice may be served at any time within three months of the final determination of the proceedings, and.(b)if such proceedings are begun after a previous determination under this section the notice may be served within four weeks of the final determination of the proceedings and, whether or not such a notice is served, the landlord may at any time within those four weeks require the district valuer to re-determine the value of the dwelling-house at the relevant time.。该法同时规定了购买人的义务:就是否继续主张行使购买权,或撤回购买权行使,或将租金转换为抵押购房贷款等事项的决定通知房东。法律进一步规定,购房人的上述决定必须是书面文件形式。通知和书面文件的规定要求,既是行政管理规范化要求,更利于后期争议的裁决。



住房补贴制度(Housing Benefit,简称HB)是一项带有对收入进行调查性质的福利制度,旨在帮助租房者支付房租或给建房者以补助。英国的住房补贴制度由两部分组成:住房建设补贴制度和住户补贴制度。由于社会发展任务的区别,不同时期的住房法确定了不同的补贴方式和补贴重点。

英国的住房补贴制度创设于20世纪初期。创设时期的住房补贴制度有着鲜明的特点。首先,明确政府补贴主体。1919年《住房(补充)法》提出政府给为工人建造住房的私人建筑商提供建房补贴,政府承担住房补贴责任的法律地位得以明确。1923年《住房法》调整住房补贴制度,强调财政补贴与财政义务的联系。因地方政府承担了国家的主要建房任务,地方政府由此成为住房补贴的主要受益者。随住房补贴制度的推行,实现“居者有其屋”成为政府责任。政府补贴责任的明确,体现了国家干预的现代治国理念,提高了政府在国家管理中的地位和作用。其次,多样化补贴方式并行。创设时期的住房法设定了分期补贴和一次性补贴、面积补贴和区域补贴并行的补贴方法。分期补贴是指“中央政府按照每所住宅每年补贴6英镑的标准对地方政府实施补贴,共补20年。”丁翌:《英国艾德礼工党政府住房政策研究》,山东师范大学硕士论文,2011年,第8-9页。一次性补贴是指一次性给付给私人建房者每所住宅75英镑的补贴。1924年《住宅法》规定:“凡是符合特定标准的住房,每年将会获得9英镑(农业教区12.5英镑)的新补贴,为期30年。”吴铁稳、张亚东:《英国第一届工党政府住房政策述评》, 《湖南科技大学学报》, 2008(5)第103页。这属于区域补贴。1938年《住房法》则规定了每平方英尺5.1英镑的建房补贴,这属于面积补贴。多样化补贴方式的采用,有利于解决不同地区的不同住房问题,使补贴制度最大限度发挥其帮扶作用。再次,建设方补贴为中心。创设时期的英国住房补贴制度采用了建设方补贴方式。无论是给为工人建造住房的私人建筑商提供补贴,抑或是为承担国家主要建房任务的地方政府提供补贴,制度重心都设置在住房建设承担者一方。建设方补贴为中心的住房补贴制度,核心在鼓励为国民提供住房的建设者,鼓励建房行为,缓解当时英国的房荒,保障居民基本住房权。



其次,确认住房卫生设施补贴标准。第一,法律规定了卫生设施补贴限额。1959年《房屋购买和居住法》第6条规定:“一套设施的补贴总额不应超过155英镑”The amount of a standard grant shall not exceed one hundred and fifty-five pounds…,补贴总额上限被设置在155英镑。1964年《住房法》第46条规定:“一个质量较好的淋浴器:25英镑;洗手池:5英镑;淋浴器中的冷热水供应:35英镑;洗手池中的冷热水供应:15英镑;水池中的冷热水供应:25英镑;储水设备:40英镑;食物储藏设施:10英镑。” List of amenities Amount allowed towards limit A fixed bath or shower in a bathroom or else- where £25 or, if the bathroom is being provided by the building of a new structure or the conversion of outbuildings attached to the dwelling(or to the building of which the dwelling forms part)and, before the time when the local authority approve the application, they have been satisfied that it is not reasonably practicable to provide the bathroom in any other way, such higher amount as the local authority shall fix at that time as being in their opinion one-half of the part of the cost to be reasonably incurred in executing the works, being the part of the cost attributable to the provision of the fixed bath or shower, A wash-hand basin.., £5 A hot and cold water £35 supply at a fixed bath or shower, A hot and cold water £15 supply at a wash-hand basin, A hot and cold water £25 supply at a sink, A water closet.., £40 or if the works comprise the installation of a septic tank and, before the time when the local authority approve the application, they have been satisfied that the connection of the water closet with main drainage is not possible or reasonably practicable, such higher amount as the local authority shall fix at that time as being in their opinion one-half of the part of the cost to be reasonably incurred in executing the works, being the part of the cost attributable to the provision of the water closet, Facilities for storing food £10.卫浴设施中的淋浴器、洗手池、不同管路的冷热水供应、不同存储设施的补贴限额被分别设定为:25英镑;5英镑;35、15和25英镑;40和10英镑。法律不仅设置补贴总额,而且还细化了不同项目设施的具体补贴数额,增强了法律制度的可操作性。第二,法律规定了卫浴设施改建的补贴总额。1964年《住房法》第46条规定“如果安装淋浴设施的房间需要改建,地方政府可提供高于淋浴器金额的一半补贴作为改建补贴。”“如果改建工作包括了安装垃圾装置,并且在地方政府批准补贴申请之前,而储水设备连接的排污系统不能通过其他方式提供,地方政府可提供高于设施补贴金额的一半作为改建补贴”The amount of a standard grant shall, subj ect to this section, be one half of the cost shown to have been incurred in executing the works in respect of which it is made…限于建设时的条件,英国老旧住房都缺少完善的卫浴装置。为此,住房法专门设置出卫浴设施改建补贴,将淋浴器金额的一半作为补贴限额。立法在提供各类卫浴设施补贴时,事前考虑到老旧设施改建而设置改建补贴,是英国立法注重法律细节和法律实施的表现。

再次,严格住房卫生设施补贴批准制度。发放住房补贴主要为保障低收入或贫困家庭的基本居住条件。住房补贴的社会保障性质,对低收入或贫困家庭的帮扶目的,补贴资金来源的公共属性等因素,决定了补贴审核批准必须采用严格制度标准,保障立法目的之实现。第一,预立补贴预算申请最低金额标准。1969年《住房法》第2条规定:“申请中必须说明工作量和预算金额。”…an application must contain particulars of the works and an estimate of their cost…“如果预算少于100英镑,或可预测的其他项目总额少于100英镑,地方政府不能受理改善补贴申请。”…a local authority shall not entertain an application for an improvement grant if the cost of the works as estimated in the application is less than? 100 or such other amount as may for the time being be prescribed.根据该项规定,申请人提交申请时,需提供卫浴改善补贴预算。如预算小于100英镑,达不到申请要求的最低限额,则政府不接受补贴申请。此项制度设计核心在于过滤掉卫浴设施不需改善的申请项目,实现将补贴用于帮扶最困难群体改善住房条件之立法目的。第二,确认补贴申请批准附加要件。1974年《住房法》第64条要求,申请者应在补贴申请中附房屋占有证明,即在占有期生效后四年内,该房屋是申请者主要居所,并被申请人或其家庭成员排他性占有。申请还应列明过去或未来完全的房产占有利益,或完全的不少于五年的预期利益。具备上述房产占有利益和收益证明,主管部门才能批准申请。将设施补贴申请主体限定为房屋主人,用以排斥非房屋直接利益人的申请,以居住年限排斥不达年限的住房改善补贴申请。严格的制度设计在于确保补贴申请者资格,保证补贴利益真正为房屋居住者享有,实现提高民众居住质量的住房补贴目的。




早期住房法设定的管理制度,管理主体为单一地方政府,管理事项局限于租金,并且以限制租金为管理核心。1885年《工人阶级住房法》第12条规定:“本法所说的 ‘租给工人阶级适宜居住的房屋’指的是在英格兰,租金不高于《贫穷率评估或收集法》第三条的金额,在苏格兰和爱尔兰,不高于四英镑。”In this section the expression “letting forhabitation by persons of the working classes” means the letting for habitation of a house or part of a house at a rent not exceeding in England the sum named as the limit for the composition of rates by section three'of the Poor Rate Assessment or Collection Act,1869, and in Scotland or Ireland four pounds.可以说,英国开始构建住房法就是从管理管制租金开始的。此后,租金管制管理方法被长期承袭沿用。1915年,英国出台了首部单行房租限制法——《房租增长和抵押利息(战时限制)法》,将住房租金限制在一战前的标准,这表明政府在住房管理上沿用了前一世纪租金管制传统,以应对战争期间住房短缺、房主借此抬高租金引发的民众住房困难问题。战争结束后的1924年,新出台的《住房法》继续对租金进行限制。法律规定:“租金必须以战前同一地区工人阶级的住房为基础……如果住房建设在规定的租金、财政部补贴及相当财政部补贴一半的地方政府补贴仍不能满足需求…这样住房才能提高租金”吴铁稳、张亚东:《英国第一届工党政府住房政策述评》, 《湖南科技大学学报》, 2008(5)第103-104页。立法管制租金上涨,并设定出住房租金上涨的前置条件,既是立法水平提高的表现,也是住房管理水平提高的立法反应。1933年的《房租和抵押贷款利率限制(修正法)》沿用了房租租金限制制度,使英国的房租租金限制制度从战时延伸到战后。不同时期的立法管制住房租金,实质上是在战争等特殊历史条件下,保证普通民众有房可住,属于特定条件下的临时管理方法。当然,住房租金管制尽管在一定程度上缓解了高房租导致的房荒问题,但也带来一些不利后果:由于租金被限制,房主从中无法获利,阻滞了社会资金进入住房建设领域。无利可图的房主常常疏于维护住房,带来住房老化加快问题。租金管制造成了租金标准的混乱,进而影响了住房出租市场的正常发展。这是管理者和立法者事前没有预料到的问题。

20世纪50年代,住房法扩充了管理制度的内容。首先,住房管理主体多元化。法律明确了住房管理主体为地方政府、住房合作社、房产公司和住房协会。第一,法律要求地方政府承担提出住房修缮议案的责任。1954年《房屋修整和租金法》第1条就规定“地方政府如发现管理区住房存在缺陷问题,应向部长提交议案以解决。” Subject to the provisions of this section, every local authority shall, ……submit to the Minister in such form as the Minister may require proposals for dealing, …with houses within the district of the authority which appear to the authority to be unfit for human habitation, and with any other houses within that district which are or in the opinion of the authority ought to be included in clearance areas.这一制度规定是要求政府确实负起管理责任,只有民众和政府共同努力才能实现对住房的有效管理。同时,法律赋予政府能动管理住房的权力,即政府可根据各地实际,在不违反上位住房法前提下制定符合各地自身情况的条例。这与我国的地方政府规章有着相同的意义,也是现代化的政府因地制宜进行行政管理的体现。第二,法律赋予住房合作社住房管理主体地位。1964年《住房法》第1条规定:“本法所说的 ‘住房合作社’……主要职责为建造房屋、改善和管理由其提供的房屋。” “housing society”means a society- which is established for the purpose of, or amongst whose objects or powers are included those of, constructing, improving or managing houses…由此,住房合作社享有了管理自己建造完成的住房的权力,使住房建造者和管理者保持一致,方便住房管理。第三,法律赋予房产公司住房管理主体地位。1964年《住房法》第5条规定:“如果房产公司发现住房合作社在提供住房或管理住房等方面不能胜任,房产公司可向主管部长提出接手住房管理建议。如主管部长认为适宜则可批准建议。” If, in the case of any housing society, it appears to the Corporation that the society is experiencing difficulty in providing housing accommodation on any land which it has acquired or in managing housing accommodation provided by it on any land, or is in any way failing to perform its functions as a housing society in relation to any land, and that accordingly it is undesirable for the land in question to remain in the hands of the society…the Corporation may prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme for the Corporation to acquire the society's interest in the land and to undertake all such operations as may be required for the provision or continued provision on the land of housing accommodation…“房产公司可注册住房协会以提供、建设、改善和管理房屋。” If a housing association registered…submit to the Minister a scheme under which they will provide housing accommodation and satisfy the Minister that under the scheme the housing accommodation so provided will be kept available for letting, except at such times and in such cases as the Minister may approve, the Minister may in accordance with this section make advances to the housing association.房产公司是英国政府设立的代表国家经营和管理住房的法人,法律由此赋予其提供、建设、改善和管理房屋的职权。这样,管理住房就成为基本职能之一。但法律对房产公司具体管理方式没有详细规定,赋权其确定具体管理规章制度,满足了房产公司民事主体的法律属性要求,保障了其管理的灵活性要求。

其次,加强对多人占有住房的管理。现代城市的发展吸引了更多人口进入城市,城市规模急剧扩张,城市人口急速增长,助推城市房价和租金居高不下,引发多人占有住房现象。1969年《住房法》第58条将“多人占有住房”定义为:“一栋房屋或房屋的一部分被以公寓形式出租或者被一个以上的家庭成员占有居住,或房屋中的人员并没有形成一个家庭,这样的房屋为多人占有房屋。”Any statutory provision referring(in whatever terms)to a house which, or a part of which, is let in lodgings or which is occupied by members of more than one family shall have effect as if it referred to a house which is occupied by persons who do not form a single household.英国法对多人占有住房的定义排除了家庭占有,主要规制多人合租的公寓。

对多人占有住房的管理,法律设定了以下制度。第一,强化多人占有住房基本卫生的维护和管理。法律明确了多人住房管理人的管理职责:房屋修缮,维护,清洁和良好秩序。法律进而详列多人住房管理内容:所有供排水系统、公用厨房、浴室和储水池、公用水池洗手池、公用楼梯走廊和过道、公用外围建筑、院子和花园等处的清洁与维护。1961年《住房法》第13条特别强调了管理者对多人住房垃圾的处理责任。 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this section, regulations under this section may, in particular, require the person managing the house to ensure the repair, maintenance, cleansing and good order and to make satisfactory arrangements for the disposal of refuse and litter from the house.强调对多人占有住房基本卫生条件管理要求,是预防流行疾病,提供合乎居住者生理、心理需求的生活环境所必须。只有将基本卫生条件管理放在首位,才能避免重蹈城市化早期由于住房拥挤、卫生条件差带来流行病横行的覆辙。第二,强调多人占有住房的住房设施标准。法律要求多人占有住房必须符合以下设施标准:采光、通风、水供应,盥洗和排水设施、储存烹饪食物设施、污水处理设施、供热设施等。如果上述设施不达标,地方政府负有向房屋管理人或出租人通报的责任。多人占有住房设施标准的设置表现出立法提升了住房质量要求,便于应对住房突发状况,保护居住人安全。第三,详细规定多人占有住房的空间标准。这是法律禁止住房过度拥挤的核心制度。1957年《住房法》第77条将过度拥挤住房定义为:“任何两个十周岁以上的,不同性别但不是夫妻却必须共用同一间卧室的房屋为过度拥挤房屋,以及超出了本法附表六规定的房屋最大容纳限额的房子。” A dwelling-house shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be overcrowded at any time when the number of persons sleeping in the house either—(a)is such that any two of those persons, being persons ten years old or more of opposite sexes and not being persons living together as husband and wife, must sleep in the same room; or(b)is, in relation to the number and floor area of the rooms of which the house consists, in excess of the permitted number of persons as defined in the Sixth Schedule to this Act.下表为法律对房间数与人数、房屋面积与房间数量关系的要求:




20世纪末期,英国的住房管理制度出现一些反应时代要求的变化。首先,解除对私人租赁住房的限制。根据1980年《住房法》第52条,租期为1到5年的住房租约,租金由租户和房东协商确定后,上报租金官员即可。该法附表六的第2条进一步规定:“若房主和承租人共同向租金官员申请,而租金官员认为适宜,则申请中列明的租金将直接被允许,不需进一步程序。” Where the application is made jointly by the landlord and the tenant and it appears to the rent officer, after making such inquiry, if any, as he thinks fit and considering any information supplied to him in pursuance of paragraph 1 above, that the rent specified in the application is a fair rent, he may register that rent without further proceedings.法律限制出租房的租金源于1915年的《房租增长和抵押利息(战时限制)法》,此后的历届政府都坚持了这一租金限制政策。1980年《住房法》解除对私人住房租金限制,是以撒切尔为首的保守党政府住房私有化政策的法律反映,是政府逐渐退出住房领域推进住房市场化的表现,对保护业主合法利益有益。当然,法律解除租金管制并不意味着对其放任,而是采用了适当管制原则。适当管制原则被住房法具体化为明确的租金增长公式和设置租金评估委员会。1980年《住房法》第60条明确的租金增长公式为“租金最大值为租金限额、租金服务因素和注册租金总和的一半。” Subj ect to sub-paragraph(2)below, the permitted increase for a period falling within the period of delay is an increase to an amount calculated by applying the formula-?(P+S+R)Where P is the previous rent limit, S is the service element, and R is the registered rent.1988年《住房法》规定设立租金评估委员会。该法第41条规定:“房东和承租人若对租金产生争议,可将相关信息提交租金评估委员解决。” The rent assessment committee to whom a matter is referred under Chapter I or Chapter II above may by notice in the prescribed form served on the landlord or the tenant require him to give to the committee, within such period of not less than fourteen days from the service of the notice as may be specified in the notice, such information as they may reasonably require for the purposes of their functions.可见,英国政府对住房租赁业并未完全放手任其自由发展,而是采用主要领域重点管理方式。住房租金管理制度的设立,对保障住房市场的健康发展,确保住房保障制度的有序推进,促进社会和谐有序发展,都有积极意义。

其次,建立防治公共住房欺诈制度。2013年《反公共住房欺诈法》对公共住房欺诈行为作了具体系统的规定。第一,法律明确了公共住房欺诈罪的构成。上法明确构成公共住房欺诈罪的行为包括:明知违反租约规定转租或占有部分房屋,隐瞒相关事项转租或者占有部分房屋,未经房主书面同意转租或者占有部分房屋,不将该住房作为其仅有或首要居所等See section 1 and section 2 of Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013。第二,法律设置了公共住房欺诈罪处罚制度。明知故犯者则处以罚款;隐瞒不报者,简易程序下处不超过6个月的监禁或不超过法定最大值的罚款或者二者并罚;公诉程序下,处不超过2年的监禁或者相关罚款或二者并罚See section 3 of Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013。英国公租房本是为保障需要的承租人的住房利益,即满足承租人的基本住房需求而建造。故而,不论是承租人申请将其空置,即“不作为唯一或首要的居所”,还是承租人以此作为营利手段将其转租,均违背设置公共住房的初衷。法律设置上述制度,以监禁和罚款惩罚虚假申请者,将偏离了的公共住房功能拨正,恢复公共住房设立初衷,是住房法律制度现代发展之必然。