- BASIC LITERATURE:美国学生现代英语文学读本(英文原版 套装共8册)
- 威廉·H.爱尔森 露娜·朗克尔
- 422字
- 2020-11-18 14:24:11

Once there was a big windmill.
It went round and round.
It gave water to the horses and the cows.
It gave water to the sheep, too.
One day it said, “I will stop!
I will not go round and round.”
So the windmill was still all day.
By and by the wind came.
It said, “I will help you, Windmill.
I will make you go round and round and round.”
“No, no! ”said the windmill.
“I don't want to go round and round and round.
I don't want you to help me.
I want to be still all day.”
The wind said, “You must go round!
The horses and cows want water.
I will blow for you.”
The windmill would not go.
It would not bring any water.
So the wind went away.

By and by the horses came home.
They had helped the farmer all day.
The cows and the sheep came, too.
They all ran to the windmill.
They all wanted some water.
There was no water for them!
They said, “Oh, Windmill!
Will you be kind to us?
Will you give us water, Windmill? ”
The windmill was not happy.
It said, “There is no water.
Wind, come and help me.”
The wind came at once.
“I will blow for you, ”it said.
The windmill went round and round.
Soon the water came.
The horses drank and drank.
The cows and the sheep drank, too.
How happy the windmill was!
(Kathlyn Libbey)

Word list
windmill: a machine powered by wind
You Practice
A) Answer the following questions.
1) What was the windmill's job?
2) Why did the windmill want to be still all day?
3) What did the horses, sheep, and cows want after they came home?
4) Why was the windmill happy after it gave the animals water?
5) What are some ways that you help your friends?
B) Word families—this story has the words windmill,still, and will. What other words can you make that end with-ill? Please write down two of these words.
C) True or False? Read these sentences carefully. Write True or False for each one.
1) _____ The wind was kind to the windmill.
2) _____ The animals were kind to the windmill.
3) _____ The windmill didn't want to turn round and round.
4) _____ The animals were very hungry.
5) _____ At the end of the story, the windmill was sad.