- TKT 剑桥英语教学能力认证考试全真模拟试题
- 周超 Madelize Bekker主编
- 5字
- 2020-08-29 22:17:21
Teaching Knowledge Test Module 1
Practice Test 1
For questions 1—6, match the underlined word in the sentences below with the grammatical terms listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Grammatical terms
A reflexive pronoun
B possessive pronoun
C subject pronoun
D relative pronoun
E object pronoun
F emphatic pronoun
G demonstrative pronoun
1 I didn't know the man who sat next to me.
2 The yellow car is theirs.
3 The young girl dressed herself for the first time.
4 Those don't belong to you.
5 We can't stop now.
6 Where did you meet him
For questions 7—13, match the underlined clauses or phrases in the sentences below with their meanings listed A, B, C and D.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
A cause
B effect
C comparison
D contrast
Clauses and phrases
7 The children played outside in spite of the rain.
8 She likes to read late at night just as her sister does.
9 Although Lucy ran fast, she couldn't catch up.
10 I missed the bus so I was late for the appointment.
11 Since the city was so crowded, they moved to the country.
12 As it was raining, they stayed indoors.
13 She was calm before the test whereas the others were nervous.
For questions 14—19, choose the correct lexical or phonological terms to complete the sentences.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
14 Take a break, a bunch of carrots and from dawn till dusk are examples of
A lexical sets.
B collocations.
C idioms.
15 Sunglasses, sandcastles, and palm trees are examples of
A minimal pairs.
B collective nouns.
C compound nouns.
16 Old, mature, and aged are examples of
A synonyms.
B antonyms.
C false friends.
17 Committee, audience and team are examples of
A collective nouns.
B word families.
C homonyms.
18 International, submarine and semicircle include examples of
A formal language.
B idioms.
C prefixes.
19 But and bat; want and won't; hurt and heart are examples of
A weak forms.
B minimal pairs.
C rhymes.
For questions 20—28, look at the two vowel sounds in each word. Match the vowel sounds in the words with the pairs of phonemic symbols listed A—J.
Mark the correct letter (A—J) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 29—34, match the example sentences with the functions listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 35—40, look at the language skills and three possible descriptions of them.
Two of the descriptions are appropriate in each situation. One of the descriptions is NOT appropriate.
Mark the description (A, B or C) which is NOT appropriate on your answer sheet.
35 Cohesion involves
A using pronoun reference.
B using conjunctions.
C using appropriate register.
36 Proofreading involves
A checking for spelling mistakes.
B checking the grammar is correct.
C checking consistency of style.
37 Prediction involves
A looking at headings and subheadings.
B reading the text word by word.
C looking at pictures and diagrams.
38 Reading for detail involves
A trying to understand all the ideas in the text.
B trying to understand relationships between sentences.
C trying to understand only the main purpose of the text.
39 Inferring involves
A deciding how the writer feels about something.
B checking unknown words in a dictionary.
C taking notice of register and style.
40 Speaking fluently involves
A maintaining a fast flow of speech.
B speaking at normal speed.
C using paraphrase to avoid pauses.
For questions 41—46, match the general advice on motivation with the strategies for encouraging motivation listed A, B, C and D.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
A promote student autonomy
B build rapport with students
C increase students'self-confidence
D personalise lessons
41 Grade activities to provide opportunities for equal participation in class.
42 Adapt materials to fit the context and situation of students.
43 Give students projects to do outside the classroom.
44 Provide positive feedback and encouragement.
45 Instruct students on how to use reference materials in the library.
46 Smile a lot and make eye contact at every opportunity.
For questions 47—52, match what the student does with the terms about language learning listed A, B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
Terms about language learning
A exposure
B interaction
C focus on form
What the student does
47 I read graded readers from the library.
48 I talk about the stories I have read with my classmates.
49 I use the Internet to find the words of my favourite English songs.
50 I proofread my partner's work looking for correct subject-verb agreement.
51 I spend time learning irregular past participles.
52 I listen to the news on the radio.
For questions 53—58, match the classroom activities with the learning styles listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Learning styles
A reflective
B analytic
C auditory
D group
E impulsive
F kinaesthetic
G visual
Classroom activities
53 Students build a model house out of a shoebox.
54 Students listen to a tape-recorded interview.
55 Students are given a lot of time to think before they attempt to answer questions.
56 Students are divided into teams to work on problems.
57 Students describe what they see in a sequence of pictures.
58 Students must respond to a cue card within 3 seconds.
For questions 59—64, match the statements with the teaching approaches that they describe listed A, B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
Teaching approaches
A Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
B Total Physical Response (TPR)
C Structural Approach
59 Language structures are learnt through controlled exercises.
60 Lexis and grammar are the most important aspects of language.
61 Students often go through a silent period during which they hear language but are not required to speak it.
62 The language is acquired by using it to learn a school subject.
63 Focus is on accuracy and mistakes should be avoided.
64 There is no obvious focus on one particular aspect of language, e.g. grammar, discourse, functions.
For questions 65—70, match the teacher's actions with the introductory activities and presentation techniques listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Introductory activities and presentation techniques
A a situational presentation
B modelling
C eliciting language
D a warmer
E a lead-in
F miming
G concept questions
Teacher's actions
65 The teacher asks the students Am I talking about something that is likely to happen or something that is unlikely to happen?
66 The teacher describes something that happened between two people in a grocery store. He uses the items he bought as aids to the story telling.
67 The teacher writes a sentence with the target language on the board and the students copy it into their notebooks.
68 Students discuss items on a menu before beginning a lesson on ordering meals in a restaurant.
69 The teacher asks the class for examples of different kinds of holidays and writes them on the board.
70 The teacher gives the class a quick quiz to raise energy levels.
For questions 71—75, look at the questions about classroom activities and three possible answers.
Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
71 Which activity does NOT focus on accuracy
A brainstorming
B filling in the gaps in a grammar exercise
C choral drilling
72 Which activity does NOT focus on listening for specific information
A listening to label a diagram
B listening to fill in a form
C listening to decide on context
73 Which activity does NOT give free practice
A keeping a diary
B categorisation
C mingling
74 Which of these does NOT necessarily use the target language
A substitution drills
B gap-fill activities
C skim reading
75 Which activity does NOT focus on fluency
A problem solving
B guided repetition
C group discussion
For questions 76—80, match the teachers'descriptions of assessment tasks with the types of tests listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Types of tests
A diagnostic
B summative
C proficiency
D objective
E progress
F placement
76 My students are at the end of their course and I have to give them a test for which they will receive a grade.
77 The students have to do a test before classes start so that I can put them in the right level.
78 The students will complete a multiple-choice test. Anyone could mark this test, given the marking schedule.
79 I need to give my students a test to find out their strengths and weaknesses.
80 The students are mid-way through their course now and I have to test their knowledge of the language structures that have been taught so far.