新闻报道中外交理念翻译范例分析Sample of Translation for Diplomatic Concepts in News Coverage

范例一(Sample I)



2015:A Year of Flying Colors for Pursuing Major-Country Diplomacy with

Distinctive Chinese Features(Abbreviated Version)



In 2015,under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary, we worked hard to implement the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy and adopted a proposal on China's 13th Five-Year development plan;and we are endeavoring to achieve the first centenary goal, i. finish the building of a moderately prosperous society in China by 2020.


China's fast-paced diplomatic practices have created a new vision for China's diplomacy. At last year's Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, the building of a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation was set as the goal of China's diplomacy.This year, China put forward a new vision of building a community of shared future for mankind.In his important addresses made at the annual meeting of Boao Forum for Asia and the summits at the United Nations, President Xi Jinping elaborated on what this vision is about.The following is what President Xi envisions:partnerships based on equality, consultation, mutual understanding and accommodation;a security architecture featuring fairness, justice, joint contribution and shared benefits;open, innovative and inclusive development that benefits all;inter-civilization exchanges that promote harmony and inclusiveness and respect differences;and an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first.Together, these five elements constitute a broad vision for building a community of shared future for mankind.


We will give priority to pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, focus on connectivity and production capacity cooperation, and achieve synergy between the development strategies of China and other countries concerned. We will strengthen discussion and coordination with countries along the Belt and Road and make the Belt and Road Initiative deliver more early outcomes.Flagship projects will be launched by the AIIB and the Silk Road Fund in production capacity cooperation.We will work to conclude new free trade agreements and upgrade the existing ones, and on the basis of achieving win-win outcomes, expand the international market and increase external driving force for promoting economic growth at home.




一、范例一文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample I)


二、范例一翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample I)


(一)新型大国关系(A New Model of Major-country Relationship)

“新型大国关系”是近年来在新的形势下中国提出的一个概念。2013年6月7日,国家主席习近平在美国加利福尼亚州安纳伯格庄园同美国总统奥巴马举行中美元首会晤。在“庄园会晤”中双方确认共同构建新型大国关系,并明晰了其内涵,勾画了其路径。习近平对中美新型大国关系的内涵做了精辟概括:不冲突、不对抗(no conflict or confrontation);相互尊重(mutual respect);合作共赢(win-win cooperation)。[14]

对于新型大国关系,西方媒体比较常见的译法是a new type of major power relationship,而我国外交部则使用了创新的译法a new model of major-country relationship,准确地传递了中国特色大国关系理念的内涵。(杨明星、李志丹,2015:91)按照《美国传统词典(第4版)》,power是指a person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others,带有明显的霸权概念,而我们所说的“大国”只是从人口或面积方面来说规模较大。中国一贯主张国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,一律平等,反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治。(王平兴,2014:100)中国追求和平共处、合作共赢,major power的概念不符合中国的发展理念,所以中国在相关语境中都坚持使用country这个中性词,如:传统大国(traditional major country)、贸易大国(major trade country)、负责任的发展中大国(responsible major developing country)等。(杨明星,2015:101—105)这一译法逐渐得到西方媒体的认可,并于2013年12月5日正式出现在美国政府官方文件US Fact Sheet on Strengthening US-China Economic Relations(《美国关于加强美中经济关系的简报》)中。以下实例摘自外交部相关报道:



Guided by the concept of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, we will work to build a sound and stable framework for major-country relations, create a community of common future with our neighbors, strengthen unity and cooperation with other developing countries, and strive to make both the international system and the international order more just and equitable.




Implementing the outcomes of the Presidents’meeting and promoting the building of a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States are critically important for both countries and the world as a whole.The two sides agreed to deepen practical cooperation, to well manage differences, to embody the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation in their policies and actions.


(二)“一带一路”倡议(The Belt and Road Initiative)

“一带一路”分别是指“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt)和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)。2013年9月和10月,国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出了共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会的高度关注。[15]

“一带一路”被提出时,各英文媒体的译法基本都是“One Belt, One Road”(缩写为OBOR),或者在中间加上and一词。比如“一带一路”门户网的首页标识语为:“一带一路”对时代负责One Belt and One Road, Responsible for Times。[16]2015年5月19日,全国人大外事委员会主任委员傅莹应邀出席美国芝加哥大学首届美中关系论坛框架下的学生公开论坛并发表演讲时,将“一带一路”的英文处理为the land and maritime Silk Road programs,[17]用“丝绸之路”这一具象化了的文化交流符号帮助外国人理解“一带一路”的核心概念,得到了译界赞赏,并引发了翻译“写实”与“写意”的学术探讨。[18]

2015年9月23日,国家发改委会同外交部、商务部等部门对“一带一路”英文译法进行了规范,要求在对外公文中统一将“一带一路”的简称译为the Belt and Road,英文缩写用B&R。“倡议”一词译为initiative,且使用单数,不使用strategy, project, program, agenda等措辞。[19]下面即是一则规范的翻译实例:



The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity as well as a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust and strengthening all-round exchanges.The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, future and responsibility featuring mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.





The connectivity we talk about today is not merely about building roads and

bridges or making linear connection of different places on surface.More importantly, it should be a three-way combination of infrastructure, institutions and people-to-people exchanges and a five-way progress in policy communication, infrastructure connectivity, trade link, capital flow, and understanding among peoples.It is a wide-ranging, multi-dimensional, vibrant and open connectivity network that pools talent and resources from all stakeholders.




The Belt and Road Initiative and the connectivity endeavor are compatible and mutually reinforcing.If the Belt and Road are likened to the two wings of a soaring Asia, then connectivity is like their arteries and veins.


(三)命运共同体(The Community of Shared Future)

习近平就任总书记后首次会见外国人士就表示,国际社会日益成为一个你中有我、我中有你的“命运共同体”,面对世界经济的复杂形势和全球性问题,任何国家都不可能独善其身。(王伟光,2015:20—23)2012年中共十八大明确提出,“要倡导人类命运共同体意识”。[20]“命运共同体”的理念,系统阐释了中国坚持和平发展的决心,明确了中国的作用、角色和道路,有助于实现亚洲乃至世界的和平发展、合作共赢。[21]“命运共同体”的译文常见的有community of shared future, community of common future等。

习近平在2015年博鳌论坛开幕式上发表主旨演讲时提出了迈向命运共同体的“四个坚持”:坚持各国相互尊重、平等相待,坚持合作共赢、共同发展,坚持实现共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全,坚持不同文明兼容并蓄、交流互鉴。(All countries should steadfastly respect one another and treat each other as equals, pursue win-win cooperation and common development, achieve common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and interact with and learn from each other in a spirit of inclusiveness.)尤其是谈到“合作共赢、共同发展”时还引用了世界其他地方的谚语,来阐释合作的必要性。原文及译文 如下:



Our friends in Southeast Asia say that the lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises.Our friends in Africa say that if you want to go fast, walk alone;and if you want to go far, walk together.Our friends in Europe say that a single tree cannot block the chilly wind.And Chinese people say that when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled;and when small rivers have water, the big ones are filled.All these sayings speak to one same truth, that is, only through win-win cooperation can we make big and sustainable achievements that are beneficial to all.


(四)“四个全面”战略布局(The“Four Comprehensives”)


关于“四个全面”的翻译,主流媒体和各方专家都在进行热烈的讨论。2015年2月25日,新华社将其直译为Four Comprehensives,[23]西方媒体包括BBC、路透社、华尔街日报、法新社等均采纳了这一译文。但是形容词comprehensive本身应该是不具有复数形式的,而且这个词本身并没有明确所指,容易让西方读者不知所云。所以BBC的报道通过增加上下文的办法做了弥补:Mr.Xi’s strategic blueprint, launched on Wednesday, was distilled into slogans known as the“four comprehensives”.[24]

2015年两会之后出版的《政府工作报告》官方英文版则提出一个新的译法:Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy。[25]该译文的亮点主要在于prong一词的引入。查《柯林斯高阶英语词典》可知,prong的一个解释为The prongs of something such as a policy or plan are the separate parts of it。显然,这正是“四个全面”需要表达的含义。但是,由于“全面”一词位置的移动,使得译文回译后就成了“一项包含四个方面的全面战略”,这与原文“‘四个全面’战略布局”之间存在明显差异,违背了“以源语文本为准绳”的外宣翻译原则。(李奉栖,2016:83)

黄长奇则根据英语提取首字母构成缩略语的组词规律,提出了她个人尝试性的译法:the 4Cs Strategic Blueprint。该译法的亮点在于添加Strategic Blueprint,清楚地表明了核心概念内涵,克服了中国特色时政词汇译文中容易出现的概念含糊、逻辑缺失的问题,传播效果有所提升。(黄长奇,2015:110)但是,英语中类似的构词法多见于不同单词并列的情况,如“4P营销理论”指的是product, price, promotion, place四个单词,而本例中四个C指的都是同一个单词comprehensive,缩写为4Cs是否符合英语惯例有待考证。

至于“四个全面”的具体内容,也就是“全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党”,翻译时根据上下文的不同,可以有语法上的变通,采用谓语动词、动词不定式、动名词、名词词组等不同形式。如新华社的译法为:comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepen reform, comprehensively implement the rule of law, and comprehensively strengthen Party discipline.[26]中国日报网的译法为:comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party discipline.[27]黄长奇建议的译法为:comprehensive development of a moderately prosperous society, comprehensive deepening of reforms, comprehensive implementation of the rule of law, and comprehensive enforcement of Party discipline.(黄长奇,2015:111)

范例二(Sample II)

积极树立亚洲安全观 共创安全合作新局面(节本)

New Asian Security Concept for New Progress in Security Cooperation

(Abbreviated Version)


We believe that it is necessary to advocate common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. We need to innovate our security concept, establish a new regional security cooperation architecture, and jointly build a road for security of Asia that is shared by and win-win to all.


China is a staunch force in upholding peace in the region and the world at large, and for promoting common development. The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, which China initiated together with India and Myanmar, have become a basic norm governing state-to-state relations.China stays committed to seeking peaceful settlement of disputes with other countries over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.China has completely resolved, through friendly consultation, issues of land boundary with 12 out of its 14 neighboring countries.Being an active participant in regional security cooperation, China initiated, jointly with other relevant countries, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.China advocates a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination.China supports the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN),the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation(SAARC),and the League of Arab States(LAS)in playing a positive role in regional affairs.


“Neighbors wish each other well, just like family members do to each other.”China always pursues friendship and partnership with its neighbors, and seeks to bring amity, security and common prosperity to its neighborhood. It practices the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and works hard to make its development bring more benefits to countries in Asia.China will work with other countries to speed up the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, and hopes that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank could be launched at an early date.China will get more deeply involved in the regional cooperation process, and play its due part to ensure that development and security in Asia facilitate each other and are mutually reinforcing.


The Chinese people, in their pursuit of the Chinese Dream of great national renewal, stand ready to support and help other peoples in Asia to realize their own great dreams. Let us work together for realizing the Asian dream of lasting peace and common development, and make greater contributions to advancing the noble cause of peace and development of mankind.




一、范例二文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample II)


二、范例二翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample II)


(一)亚洲新安全观(New Asian Security Concept)

近年来亚洲安全不断面临新挑战,中国作为亚洲唯一的联合国安理会常任理事国,有责任就维护亚洲局势发表见解。习近平主席在2014年3月海牙核安全峰会上首次提出“亚洲新安全观”(new Asian security concept),[28]并在同年5月亚信会议第四次峰会的主旨讲话中,正式将这一理念明确为“共同、综合、合作、可持续”的亚洲安全观。共同,就是要尊重和保障每一个国家的安全(respecting and ensuring the security of each and every country);综合,就是要统筹维护传统领域和非传统领域安全(upholding security in both traditional and non-traditional fields);合作,就是要通过对话合作,促进各国和本地区安全(promoting the security of both individual countries and the region as a whole through dialogue and cooperation);可持续,就是要发展和安全并重以实现持久安全(focusing on both development and security so that security would be durable)。[29]

习近平指出,要建立亚洲新安全观,应当聚焦发展主题(focus on development),积极改善民生(actively improve people’s lives),缩小贫富差距(narrow down the wealth gap),不断夯实安全的根基(cement the foundation of security)。要推动共同发展和区域一体化进程(advance the process of common development and regional integration),努力形成区域经济合作和安全合作良性互动、齐头并进的大好局面(foster sound interactions and synchronized progress of regional economic cooperation and security cooperation)。[30]




China calls for an Asian security concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security.It stands for consultation and dialogue, not threat of force;openness and inclusiveness, not mutual exclusion;and win-win cooperation, not zero-sum game.Such a concept opens up broad prospects for regional security cooperation.




We actively practiced the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept for Asia and promoted practical cooperation in non-traditional security fields and discussions on constructing a new regional security framework based on

regional realities.


(二)“亲、诚、惠、容”周边外交(Neighborhood Diplomacy Featuring Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness)

中国海陆总面积达1260多万平方公里,是世界上邻国最多的国家。而周边国家在社会制度、发展程度、宗教、民族、文化等方面存在巨大的差异性和多样性。[31]面对这样的周边环境,中国周边外交一直以来的基本方针为“与邻为善,以邻为伴”(pursue friendship and partnership with neighboring countries),“睦邻、安邻、富邻”(foster a harmonious, secure and prosperous neighborhood),突出体现“亲、诚、惠、容”(follow the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness)。[32]

“亲、诚、惠、容”虽然形式上只有区区四个字,但恰恰是因为它过于简短,含义高度凝练,在翻译时反而容易出现理解和表达上的差错。中国对非洲的外交政策秉承的也是四字理念——“真、实、亲、诚”(sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith)。[33]其中也有“亲”和“诚”两个字,但官方给出的译文却并不相同。前者用的是amity和sincerity,[34]后者用的却是affinity和good faith。[35]反倒是周边外交理念中所提到的“诚”和中非外交理念中所提到的“真”用了同一个英文单词sincerity。可见,内涵意义的准确理解对于翻译至关重要。

下面,我们就“亲、诚、惠、容”的实际内涵进行逐字分析。所谓“亲”,就是坚持睦邻友好,守望相助;讲平等、重感情;常见面、多走动;多做得人心、暖人心的事,增强亲和力、感召力、影响力。Amity一词的英文解释正是peaceful, friendly relations between people or countries。根据语境需要,具体用法可以是amity between the two countries, in amity with等。所谓“诚”,就是要诚心诚意对待周边国家,争取更多朋友和伙伴。此处强调的是sincere的概念,即being genuine, without hypocrisy or pretense,其名词形式用sincerity。所谓“惠”,就是要本着互惠互利的原则同周边国家开展合作,编织更加紧密的共同利益网络。其思想根源发自于“和平共处五项基本原则”,因而继续沿用“和平共处五项基本原则”中的既定译法mutual benefit。根据语法句式的不同,可使用变体mutually beneficial。所谓“容”,就是要倡导包容的思想,强调亚太之大容得下大家共同发展,以更加开放的胸襟和更加积极的态度促进地区合作。Inclusive用来修饰团体或组织时,意为allowing all kinds of people to belong to it, rather than just one kind of person,表达的正是“容”的概念。




Xi Jinping emphasized that China always gives top priority to its relations with the neighboring countries in overall diplomacy and regards the promotion of peace, stability and development of neighboring areas as its own duty.China persists in building a good-neighborly relationship and partnership with its neighbors and adheres to the foreign policy of bringing harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors.


(三)中国梦(Chinese Dream)


“中国梦”的概念刚刚被提出时,英文究竟该译为China Dream还是Chinese Dream,各大主流媒体的态度并不完全一致。就以2013年为例,采用China Dream的有6月6日BBC网站的文章What does Xi Jinping’s China Dream mean?[38]6月27日中国日报网的文章China Dream concerns the happiness of all Chinese[39]等;采用Chinese Dream的有7月16日CNN网站的文章On China, Episode 10 transcript:The Chinese Dream[40],9月6日中国网的文章What is the Chinese dream?[41]等。

学界也对“中国梦”的译文进行了激烈的探讨。(刘润泽、魏向清,2015:99—106;张顺生、葛陈蓉,2015:51—53;邵斌,2014:131)支持译为Chinese Dream的学者认为,按照习近平主席在十二届全国人大一次会议闭幕会上的讲话,“中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。”“中国梦归根到底是人民的梦,必须紧紧依靠人民来实现,必须不断为人民造福。”[42]显然,“民族”“人民”的概念得到了充分的强调。另外,从语言生成的系统性来看,“美国梦”American Dream早已有之,再加上“英国梦”British Dream、“欧洲梦”European Dream作为参照,那么“中国梦”的英文说法自然应该同样采用形容词作为定语,译为Chinese Dream。(杨全红,2015:92)但是也有学者提出反对意见,认为American Dream译为“美国梦”是长期以来的误译,其正确意思应该是“美国人的梦”,因而不能作为参照。而“中国梦”的内涵是“国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福”,其中的“国家”“民族”“人民”都指的是集体,这也符合社会主义制度下个人服从集体的价值观,因而“中国梦”的准确译法只能是China Dream。(李田心,2015:83—85)

目前,外交部采用的译法为the Chinese Dream,前面加定冠词the表示特定概念。例如:



The main goals we set for China are as follows:by 2020,China’s GDP and per capita incomes for urban and rural residents will double the 2010 figures, and the building of a moderately prosperous society will be completed in all respects.By the mid-21st century, China will turn into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious;and the Chinese Dream, namely, the great renewal of the Chinese nation, will be realized.


在“中国梦”的基础上,习近平主席进一步提出了“亚太梦”的概念并解释了其内涵。其英文表达为the Asia-Pacific dream,注意其中使用名词Asia而非形容词Asian。示例如下:



President Xi Jinping first called for pursuing the Asia-Pacific dream and elaborated on it during the APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting.He stressed that this dream is about fostering a sense of the Asia-Pacific community and shared future, jointly working for the prosperity and progress of the region, and driving global development and making greater contributions to the well-being of mankind.
