驻外报道翻译范例分析Sample of Translation for News from Mission Overseas

范例一(Sample I)



Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua Talks and Exchanges with Teachers and Students of

Sophia University on Yasukuni Shrine and Other Issues(Abbreviated Version)



On January 20,2014,H. E.Cheng Yonghua, Chinese Ambassador to Japan went to the Sophia University upon invitation and had a dialogue with former Japanese Ambassador to the United States and Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Sophia University Ichiro Fujisaki.More than 100 teachers and students of the University were present.


Concerning the issues of the China-Japan relations and the Yasukuni Shrine, Ambassador Cheng said that, facing with so many prominent issues such as territory and history, the China-Japan relations are now in an unprecedentedly severe situation. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in total disregard of China's repeated exhortation and strong opposition beforehand, obdurately paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where Class-A war criminals of World War II are consecrated, bringing fatal blow to the China-Japan relations.


Ambassador Cheng elaborated on the reasons why China is strongly against Japanese leaders'worshiping of the Yasukuni Shrine, and pointed out that the Yasukuni Shrine was a spiritual tool and symbol of aggression of the Japanese militarism before the WWII, now it not only consecrates Class-A war criminals of the WWII but also vigorously whitewashes and distorts the history of aggression, advocating wrong historical views which are incompatible with the current international public opinion. Japanese leaders'visits to the place are in fact directly or indirectly affirming“the historical view of the Yasukuni Shrine”.Ambassador Cheng stressed that history is history, which is an objective existence of facts, and no fabrication or distortion is ever allowed.The tide of history always flows forward, and people who turn the clock back to the backtrack of history and behave against the trend will be mercilessly abandoned by history.


As to how to thaw the severe China-Japan relations, Ambassador Cheng said that the Japanese leaders paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine has created new and formidable political barriers to the already strained bilateral relations. Now the Japanese leaders should correctly look at and repent its history, make a clean break from its past of aggression and strive to remove the political barriers between China and Japan.Meetings of the leaders of the two countries must be conducted on the basis of sincerity and good will within proper atmosphere and environment.As a matter of fact, however, the Japanese leaders have closed the door of dialogues with China with their own hands.


For the Diaoyu Islands issue, Ambassador Cheng listed a large number of historical facts to stress that it was China that first discovered, named and exploited the Diaoyu Islands, and the Diaoyu Islands had been under China's jurisdiction for a long time. The Japanese government forcibly promoted the“nationalization”,which has harmed China's territorial sovereignty, and deviated from the related understanding and consensus reached between the two sides.China has no other choice but to take corresponding measures to safeguard China's sovereignty.


Students at present actively raised questions on issues such as the Yasukuni Shrine, China-Japan relations, China-US relations and East Asian Community, and Ambassador Cheng answered the questions one by one, creating a warm atmosphere. Later, Ambassador Cheng had exchanges with overseas Chinese students and took a group photo to mark the occasion.




一、范例一文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample I)



二、范例一翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample I)

(一)驻外人员活动报道标题的翻译(Translation of Headlines for Coverage of Diplomatic Personnel Activities Overseas)



(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1120668.shtml)

Ambassador to Germany Shi Mingde Attends Establishment Celebration of Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Germany

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1124624.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1111985.shtml)

Ambassador to Tanzania Lv Youqing Inspects Two Western Tanzanian Regions

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1114067.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/gzhd_602266/t1114567.shtml)

Ambassador to Portugal Huang Songfu Meets with President of Portugal and China Young Entrepreneurs Association

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1117946.shtml)



Ambassador Li Jie Calls on Former President of Zambia Rupia Banda



(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/dszlsjt_602260/ds_602262/t1116231.shtml)

Ambassador to UK Liu Xiaoming Gives Joint Interview to Chinese Media in UK on China-UK Relations, Shinzo Abe’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine and Other Issues

(http://english. cntv.cn/program/newsupdate/20140104/100721.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/gzhd_602266/t1114168.shtml)

Newly-appointed Ambassador to Croatia Deng Ying Gives Exclusive Interview to Jutarnji List

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceuk/chn/tpxw/t1574992.htm)

The Sunday Telegraph Publishes a Signed Article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming Entitled The trade war reveals three conflicts of views

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1574996.shtml)

如上述标题翻译所示,驻某国大使在标题中表述为Ambassador to+国名;驻某地总领事译为Consul General in+地名。标题中常出现的动词有会见(meet with)、拜会(call on或pay a call on)、访问(visit)、交流(exchange with)、出席(attend)、发表文章(publish article)、接受采访(give interview to)等。时态均为一般现在时。大使或总领事“接受……专访”可以译为give exclusive interview to,“接受……联合采访”可以译为give joint interview to,“在……发表署名文章”可以译为publishes signed article in,报刊名称需用斜体。

(二)驻外人员活动报道导语的翻译(Translation of News Lead in Coverage of Diplomatic Personnel Activities Overseas)

关于驻外官员出席活动的报道,一般在导语部分介绍人物、时间、地点、活动名称、出席人员等。大使姓名在导语中首次出现时一般加敬称H.E.(即His Excellency),例如H.E.Cheng Yonghua, Chinese Ambassador to Japan。需要注意的是,英译时头衔前面不加任何冠词,首字母需大写。汉语报道中介绍与会外国官员时一般不出现人物全名,只出现姓氏,例如“肯尼亚国防部长奥马莫”,但翻译成英文时需要补充官员全名,如Secretary of Defense Raychelle Omamo of Kenya。此外,关于人名翻译,有些外国官员姓名在中文中有约定俗成的译名,例如意大利驻华使馆临时代办“孟昊天”、德国工商大会主席“施伟策”、德国亚太经济委员会中国事务发言人“薄睦乐”等,虽看似汉语姓名,如果翻译的时候不查阅资料文献,则会想当然地错译成中文姓名的拼音,使这些外国官员一下成了“中国人”,实际上上述姓名的正确译法为Augusto Massari, Eric Schweitzer和Martin Brudermuller。一些国际上惯用的人名,如国务院参事林毅夫教授翻译时,需要遵循惯例,翻译成Justin Yifu Lin。总而言之,在翻译时务必仔细查阅原文中人物的身份背景,以确认其相应的英译名。请看下面具体翻译实例:


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjbxw_673019/t1354243.shtml)

On April 8,2016,Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Haixing met with Charge d’Affaires ad interim Augusto Massari of the Italian Embassy in China, exchanging views on China-Italy relations and issues of common concern.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zygy_663314/gyhd_663338/)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/cede/chn/dszl/dshd/t1120667.htm)

On January 16,2014,H.E.Shi Mingde, Chinese Ambassador to Germany attended the establishment celebration and ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Germany(CHKD),and cut ribbons along with Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economics and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany Sigmar Gabriel, President of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce Eric Schweitzer, Spokesperson for China Affairs of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business Martin Brudermuller, Berlin’s Senator for Economic Affairs Cornelia Yzer, and CHKD Chairman Chen Fei.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1124624.shtml)

关于会晤的报道,一般在导语部分介绍会晤官员、时间、地点、主要内容等。通常“会见”译为meet with。身份高者会见身份低者,或主人会见客人,一般称接见或召见;身份低者会见身份高者,或客人会见主人,一般称拜会或拜见。“拜会”指拜访会见,多用于外交上的正式访问,可以译为pay a courtesy call on sb.或pay a call on sb.。

不同国家中具有类似行政职责的政府部门名称和政府官员职衔,在中文中有时可能名称叫法相同,但在英文中却依各自国家而定,不可以一概而论。如就美国而言,“国务部”是Department of State,“国务部长”即指“国务卿”,英文是Secretary of State。但“塞总统府国务部长”应该翻译成Senegalese Minister of State of the Presidential Palace,“格林纳达总理府新闻国务部长”的英文则是Director of the Government Information Service of the Office of the Grenadian Prime Minister。请看下面具体翻译实例:


(http://www. counsellor.gov.cn/gjhz/2014-01-17/51695.shtml)

On January 13,2014,Professor Justin Yifu Lin, Counsellor of the State Council, paid a call on Senegalese President Macky Sall, exchanging in-depth views on how Senegal may draw on China’s experience to explore a development road which conforms to its own national conditions.Ambassador to Senegal Xia Huang, Senegalese Minister of State of the Presidential Palace Mbaye Ndiaye, Diplomatic Adviser to the President Oumar Demba Ba and Dean of Faculty Economics and Management of the Cheikh Anta Diop University Aly Mbaye were present.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/tyb/zwbd/t1097467.htm)

On November 6,2013,at the invitation of Chinese Ambassador to Grenada H.E.Mdm.Ou Boqian, Director of the Government Information Service of the Office of the Prime Minister Garowe and his wife paid a visit to the Ambassador’s mansion house.Director of Grenada Broadcasting Network TV Titus, and News Director Kewo were present.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)

关于驻外官员接受采访、发表署名文章的新闻报道,在导语中会介绍有哪些媒体、针对什么问题进行采访、发表的文章名称是什么。媒体名称书写规范需要格外注意,英语和汉语在标点符号的使用上略有不同,报刊媒体的名称在汉语文本中需要用书名号标记,但在英译时需用斜体,例如《人民日报》译为People’s Daily,《科技日报》译为Science and Technology Daily,《新闻报》译为La Presse。英语文本中,通讯社、电视台等媒体机构需将其首字母大写,并加上媒体缩写,如美国联合通讯社,译为The Associated Press(AP),中国国际广播电台译为China Radio International(CRI)。发表的文章名称在汉语文本中加书名号标记,在英文文本中加双引号标记,例如大使文章《让历史不再重演》译为“Let History not Repeat Itself”。请看下面具体翻译实例:


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceuk/chn/dsxx/dashijianghua/t1116230.htm)

On January 8,2014,H.E.Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK gave a joint interview to Chinese media in the UK, including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television(CCTV),China News Service, China Daily, China Radio International(CRI)and Science and Technology Daily, and responded to the questions raised by the journalists on China-UK relations, Shinzo Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine and other issues.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceuk/eng/HotTopics/davidcameron/t1105356.htm)

2014年1月13日出版的加拿大《新闻报》(La Presse)刊登驻蒙特利尔总领事赵江平的署名文章——《让历史不再重演》。全文如下:

(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/mtb/zwbd/dszlsjt/t1118565.htm)

On January 13,2014,Canadian La Presse published a signed article by Consul General of China in Montreal Zhao Jiangping, entitled“Let History not Repeat Itself”.The full text is as follows:

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)

(三)驻外报道中靖国神社问题的翻译(Translation of Yasukuni Shrine Issue)





(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/mtb/zwbd/dszlsjt/t1118565.htm)

Days ago, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in total disregard of the strong opposition of all the Asian countries, paid a blatant homage to the Yasukuni Shrine and signed the courtesy

name of Prime Minister.Abe also preached that“the definition of what constitutes aggression has yet to be established”,questioned the legitimacy of Tokyo Trial, promoted the amendment of Peace Constitution, and increased defense budget and military preparedness.

(http://ae. china-embassy.org/eng/wjbfyrth/t1112096.htm)


(http://opinion. people.com.cn/n/2014/0113/c368020-24105820.html)

A few days ago, in disregard of the firm opposition of China and other parties, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe acted arbitrarily to visit the Yasukuni Shrine where the Japanese Class-A war criminals are consecrated to worship the“evil spirits”,incurring strong condemnation from its neighboring countries in Asia-Pacific region and the international community as a whole.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://www. china-embassy.or.jp/chn/dszl/dszyhd/t1121438.htm)

However, several days after the meeting, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in total disregard of China’s repeated exhortation and strong opposition beforehand, obdurately paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where Class-A war criminals of World War II are consecrated, bringing fatal blow to the China-Japan relations.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1121439.shtml)


(http://www. china-embassy.or.jp/chn/dszl/dszyhd/t1121438.htm)

At a time when calls for upholding peace and objecting wars are ever-growing, Abe, in total disregard of international opposition, paid homage to the former war criminals and advocated the historical view of Japanese militarism, which is an attempt to lead Japan toward a very dangerous direction.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1121439.shtml)




(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/mtb/zwbd/dszlsjt/t1118565.htm)

The Yasukuni Shrine is not an ordinary shrine, but the spiritual symbol of Japanese militarism.Enshrining14 Class-A and over 1,000 other Japanese war criminals who planned and launched Japan’s aggression against other countries during World War II, it is the place where the ultra-right-wing forces in Japan pay homage to.The words and deeds of the Japanese leaders are attempts to whitewash the history of aggression by militarist Japan, overturn the just trial the international community had made to“Asian Nazi”,and blatantly challenge the results of World War II and post-war international order.

(http://ae. china-embassy.org/eng/wjbfyrth/t1112096.htm)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/cejp/chn/zrgx/rbsg/t1118281.htm)

The Japanese leaders’visit to the Yasukuni Shrine is a perverse act on historical issues which attempts to vindicate its aggression and turn back the wheels of the history.The Yasukuni Shrine has been a spiritual pillar of Japanese militarism towards foreign aggression before its war.To date,14 Class-A war criminals remain consecrated there in order to stubbornly uphold and promote the militarism historical view of“rational aggression”.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://opinion. people.com.cn/n/2014/0113/c368020-24105820.html)

Abe’s act is to reverse the verdict of the past war of aggression, and is flagrant provocation to the success of the world anti-fascist war and the post-war international order, and has seriously affronted the feelings of the people of all countries that once suffered from Japanese militarist aggression and colonial rule.It is such infamous act of denying the history of aggression and refusing to accept the post-war international order that has become a major source of the long-term unneighborly relationship between Japan

and its Asian neighboring countries.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)




(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/tyb/zwbd/dszlsjt/t1118828.htm)

Abe’s act is bringing Japan to a very dangerous direction and severely destroying peace and stability of the region and the world at large, which, as it should, has aroused firm opposition and strong condemnation of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


For people of the relevant Asian countries who suffered the Japanese aggression, Shinzo Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine is just as someone presents a bouquet before the tomb of Adolf Hitler, which absolutely cannot be accepted and forgiven.

(http://www. china-embassy.or.jp/chn/dszl/dszyhd/t1121438.htm)


We have no objections to common people mourning their families.But China can never accept the Japanese leaders paying homage to the“kami”including Class-A war criminals of the WWII which means that Japan wants to overturn its understanding of the nature of the aggression war and its responsibility.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1121439.shtml)


(http://wcm. fmprc.gov.cn/pub/chn/gxh/mtb/zwbd/dszlsjt/t1118565.htm)

Since the mid-term of the 1980s, every visit to the Yasukuni Shrine by the Japanese leaders has resulted in severe disturbance and hurt to the China-Japan relations, and China has lodged solemn negotiations and strong protest in response each time.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is totally clear about the seriousness and consequences caused by the issue, but he eventually went ahead with it anyway.The nature of the event is of great abomination since he did it although he knows very well that he should not.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/)


(http://www. china-embassy.or.jp/chn/dszl/dszyhd/t1121438.htm)

Since the 1950s, the Chinese government has firmly opposed and never acknowledged the above deals between Japan and the United States.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1121439.shtml)

范例二(Sample II)



Chinese Embassy in Thailand Holds Chinese-Thai Media New Year Gathering

(Abbreviated Version)



On January 10,2014,the Chinese Embassy in Thailand held a Chinese-Thai media New Year gathering. About 100 people attended the gathering, including representatives from 27 Thai mainstream media, such as Thai Rath, Matichon, Post Today, Daily News, Manager Daily, Thansettakij, Nation Multimedia Group, Channel 3,Channel 5 and Channel 9,and representatives from the Thai Journalists Association, the Press Association of Thailand and the Thai Broadcast Journalist Association, as well as Thai Chinese language media and Chinese media in Thailand.


Chinese Ambassador to Thailand H. E.Ning Fukui was present.Ambassador Ning said in his speech that quite a few great and joyful events happened in China-Thailand relations in the past year.Particularly, Premier Li Keqiang paid his first visit to Thailand as a member of the new generation of the leadership of the Chinese government, which has pushed China-Thailand friendly relations to a new historical period.The Chinese and Thai media not only fully covered the important visit, but actively paid attention to and covered China-Thailand pragmatic cooperation in various fields, such as cooperation in China-Thailand high speed railway project and giant panda breeding.I would like to thank you for the valuable contribution you have made in carrying forward China-Thailand friendship and boosting bilateral exchanges and cooperation in every sector.


Ambassador Ning said that despite some turbulence in the current political situation of Thailand, China-Thailand friendship has blended into the blood of the two peoples with a firm foundation. New historical chapters of China-Thailand good neighborly and friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation will continue to be composed.As friendly neighbors, we sincerely hope that Thailand restore political stability and economic development with its people residing and working in peace and contentment at an early date.We believe that the Thai people have the abilities and wisdom to resolve political differences through dialogue and consultation at an early date to maintain lasting peace and stability.


At the dinner, Ambassador Ning had cordial talks with Chinese and Thai journalists. Ambassador Ning said that the Chinese Embassy in Thailand will maintain close contacts with all friends from the press, and help Chinese and Thai people to understand each other better, working together to make humble efforts to promote China-Thailand friendship, regional peace, stability and development.He appreciated the journalists for their hard work and dedication over the past year.With the Spring Festival of the Year of Horse around the corner, he expressed his New Year messages, wishing them a happy new year and good health.


President of the Thai Journalists Association Pradit Ruangdit and other media representatives all expressed gratitude to Ambassador Ning and the Embassy for their meticulous preparations and considerate arrangement for this activity. They said that the gathering creates a good platform for exchanges among Chinese media, Thai media and the Embassy.They looked forward to strengthening contacts in the future and jointly promoting Thailand-China friendship.




一、范例二文本结构分析(Text Structure Analysis of Sample II)


二、范例二翻译解析(Translation Analysis of Sample II)

(一)驻外机构活动报道标题的翻译(Translation of Coverage Headlines for Activities of Mission Overseas)




(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1114274.shtml)

Art Performance of Chinese Ethnic Minorities“Colorful China”Held in Phnom Penh

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1114520.shtml)

Chinese Embassy in Egypt Holds Special Press Conference on Japanese Prime Minister’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1120925.shtml)

Chinese Embassy in Russia Holds New Year Reception of 2014 for Russian Sinologists

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1124617.shtml)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1134397.shtml)

Egyptian Foreign Ministry Issues Statement Condemning“March 1”Violent Terrorist Attack in Kunming

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://china. huanqiu.com/News/fmprc/2013-11/4536897.html)

The Seventh Group of Medical Aid Team of PLA to Ecuador Awarded Medals

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://rs. chineseembassy.org/chn/sgxx/sghd/t1122257.htm)

Serbian President Attends Closure Ceremony of Bridge of China-Serbia Friendship

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/t1124583.shtml)

如上述标题翻译所示,我国驻××使馆举办××活动可以译为Chinese Embassy in××holds……;各种活动包括记者会(Press Conference)、新年招待会(New Year Reception)、新春招待会(Chinese Spring Festival Reception)、欢迎招待会(Welcome Reception)、新春联谊会(New Year Gathering)等。在我国驻外机构活动的新闻报道中,如“‘多彩中华’中国少数民族文艺演出在金边举行”,“中国第七批援厄瓜多尔军医组荣获勋章”,翻译时如果使用被动语态,比如……is held,……is awarded,则在标题中省略be动词,可以译为Art Performance Held in Phnom Penh, Medical Aid Team Awarded Medals。

(二)驻外机构活动报道导语的翻译(Translation of News Lead in Coverage of Activities of Mission Overseas)

以范例二为代表的我国驻外机构的活动报道,在导语中主要概括驻外机构名称、活动名称、主题、时间、地点以及参加官员等。我国驻外机构包括我国驻外使馆、领馆以及常驻联合国等政府间国际组织的代表团等代表机构。驻外大使馆具有外交官身份的人员,包括大使(ambassador)、公使(counselor)、公使衔参赞(minister counselor)、参赞(counselor)、一等秘书(first secretary)、二等秘书(second secretary)、三等秘书(third secretary)、随员(attaché),一些国家的attaché也有专员的意思,其身份属于秘书级别。领馆分为总领事馆(consulate-general)、领事馆(consulate)、副领事馆(vice-consulate)和领事代理处(consular agency)四级,其馆长或负责人分别为总领事(consul-general)、领事(consul)、副领事(vice consul)和领事代理(consular agent)。请看上述驻外机构以及外交人员职衔在新闻中的翻译实例:


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/zflt/chn/zxxx/t1114667.htm)

On January 2,2014,H.E.Song Aiguo, Chinese Ambassador to Egypt held a special press conference in the Embassy to deeply expose and criticize the nature and purpose of Japanese leaders’blatant visits to the Yasukuni Shrine to the Egyptian press circle, particularly expounding the solemn position of the Chinese government and Chinese

people on this issue.Minister Counselor Feng Biao and others were present at the activity.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/zwbd_602255/t1114274.shtml)

On January 2,2014,an art performance named“Colorful China”was held in Phnom Penh.The performance was co-sponsored by China’s State Ethnic Affairs Commission(SEAC),ASEAN-China Center(ACC),Chinese Embassy in Cambodia and the Foundation of Promoting Chinese Culture in Cambodia.Charge d’Affaires ad Interim of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia Li Zhigong, President of the Cambodia-China Friendship Association Ek Sam Ol, Director of the Foundation of Promoting Chinese Culture Yang Qiqiu, Deputy Director-General of the Department of International Exchanges of the SEAC Wu Jinguang and ACC Secretary-General Ma Mingqiang were present.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)

关于官员头衔的翻译,例1中“公参”是“公使衔参赞”的简称,是使馆参赞,译为Minister Counselor。例2中“临时代办”是指在外交代表大使或公使缺位或因故不能执行职务时,被委派代理其职务的外交人员,以临时代办的名义行使使馆首长的职权,译为Charge d’Affaires ad Interim[44]

政府间国际组织(Inter-government Organization)常见的包括联合国(UN)、世界贸易组织(WTO)、东盟(ASEAN)、欧盟(EU)、八国集团(G8)、上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO)、亚洲开发银行(Asia Development Bank, ADB)、国际结算银行(Bank for International Settlements, BIS)、国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)等。例2中中国—东盟中心的全称为ASEAN-China Center,缩写为ACC。一般来说,这些组织名称在新闻中首次出现的时候,英译时需要在全称后面括号加上缩写,再次出现时,则可以直接以缩写形式译出。

(三)驻外报道常用表达的翻译(Translation of Frequently Used Expressions in News from Mission Overseas)




(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/ce/ceth/chn/xwdt/t1118384.htm)

Ambassador Ning said that the Chinese Embassy in Thailand will maintain close contacts with all friends from the press, and help Chinese and Thai people to understand each other better, working together to make humble efforts to promote China-Thailand friendship, regional peace, stability and development.He appreciated the journalists for their hard work and dedication over the past year.With the Spring Festival of the Year of Horse around the corner, he expressed his New Year messages, wishing them a happy new year and good health.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://cs. mfa.gov.cn/gyls/lsgz/lqbb/t1122846.shtml)

In his speech, Ambassador Ye thanked President Nishani for holding the Chinese Spring Festival reception.He said that 2014 is the Chinese Year of the Horse, and horses symbolize vitality and success in the Chinese culture.He wished the China-Albania relations lasting vitality, galloping development and all success in the new year.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)




(http://china. huanqiu.com/News/fmprc/2014-01/4776678.html)

Freezing cold as it was outside, the reception hall of the Chinese Embassy in Russia was as warm as spring.A warm, joyful and friendly festival atmosphere permeated throughout the New Year reception.The hosts and guests recalled their friendship and exchanged their best wishes.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://china. huanqiu.com/News/fmprc/2014-01/4776678.html)

The Presidential Palace was decorated with colorful streamers and six big red Chinese lanterns which symbolize festivity.The guests tasted Chinese dumplings and a variety of Albanian cuisines to celebrate the traditional Chinese New Year in advance.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://cs. mfa.gov.cn/gyls/lsgz/lqbb/t1127550.shtml)

In that evening, artists from the Chinese art troupe“Cultures of China, Festival of Spring”staged a wonderful performance with one climax after another and received warm applause from over 3,000 overseas Chinese in France.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)




(http://www. gov.cn/gzdt/2013-12/27/content_2555900.htm)

Today, the official opening of the Chinese Consulate-General in Luang Prabang will be written into the annals of history as a significant event of the Laos-China friendship.The establishment of the Chinese Consulate-General in Luang Prabang will greatly push the traditional friendly exchanges and cooperation between the northern area of Laos and China to a new high, and inject new vitality into the development of the China-Laos


(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)


(http://ru. china-embassy.org/chn/sghd/t1130617.htm)

Today, it is of great significance and far-reaching impact for both Russian and Chinese representatives to jointly commemorate and honor the Russian and Chinese soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend the newborn Soviet administration and to win the Anti-Fascist War.

(http://www. fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_663304/zwjg_665342/zwbd_665378/)