Adding other decorations with Extra Objects

Let's finish our look at add-ons with Extra Objects. This add-on fills out the Add Mesh menu with a multitude of options beyond the basic primitives. We'll use it to create some kitchen props, such as a wine rack, fruit plate, and teapot:

  1. On the end of the kitchen island, add a cabinet and remove the door and handle so that it's just an empty box. We'll put the wine rack there. Go to Add | Mesh | Extras and choose Honeycomb.
  2. Modify its object creation parameters to 9 rows, 5 columns, a cell diameter of .09, and an edge width of .01. Switch to a side view, so that you're looking right at where the wine rack should go, and set Align to View. Edit the honeycomb's scale and position to fit inside the cabinet. Lastly, extrude the faces back to fit. 
  3. Play around with some of the other extra objects. Teapot+ is an homage to one of the first classic three-dimensional models and conveniently fits in a kitchen. The Math function > Z Math, plus a Solidify modifier and some scaling, makes a quick fruit bowl. Next, put a rounded cube in the fruit bowl, then instance it with Alt + D a few times:

Some extra objects make the scene more interesting

Explore the other objects available in the Extra Objects add-on; there are a number of useful primitives to start with. When you're done, we can take a look at adding some pre-made "canned" assets to our kitchen scene to polish it off.