- Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang
- Bhagvan Kommadi
- 212字
- 2021-06-24 15:37:39
Maps are used to keep track of keys that are types, such as integers, strings, float, double, pointers, interfaces, structs, and arrays. The values can be of different types. In the following example, the language of the map type with a key integer and a value string is created (maps.go):
var languages = map[int]string {
3: “English”,
4: “French”,
5: “Spanish”
Maps can be created using the make method, specifying the key type and the value type. Products of a map type with a key integer and value string are shown in the following code snippet:
var products = make(map[int]string)
products[1] = “chair”
products[2] = “table”
A for loop is used for iterating through the map. The languages map is iterated as follows:
var i int
var value string
for i, value = range languages {
fmt.Println("language",i, “:",value)
fmt.Println("product with key 2",products[2])
Retrieving value and deleting slice operations using the products map is shown in the following code:
Run the following commands:
go run maps.go
The following screenshot displays the output:
Now that we've covered maps, let's move on to database operations.