Geany – the platform-agnostic code IDE

Geany is Wolf's favorite text editor/IDE. It has a lot of string editing capability, as well as automatic code-tag closures and highlighting. Finally, it works on any platform from Kali to Windows. It is a time-saver to have an editor that works the same on all the platforms you touch. Just a few more of the features from the Geany Project website ( are as follows:

  • Build system to compile and execute your code
  • Code folding
  • Code navigation
  • Construct completion/snippets
  • Symbol name auto-completion
  • Many supported file types including C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, and many more
  • Symbol lists
  • Simple project management
  • Plugin interface

To install:

root@kalibook :~#  apt -y install geany  

Once installed you will find it under Usual applications | Programming.

The following screenshot shows the implementation of Geany on Kali Linux. Note the code highlighting and the included terminal to show the output.