Arrow functions

Arrow functions are just a shorter, more succinct way of creating an (unnamed) function. Arrow functions can be used almost everywhere a classical function can be used, except that they cannot be used as constructors. The syntax is either (parameter, anotherparameter, ...etc) => { statements } or (parameter, anotherparameter, ...etc) => expression. The first one allows you to write as much code as you want; the second is short for { return expression }. We could rewrite our earlier Ajax example as:

$.get("some/url", data, (result, status) => {
// check status, and do something
// with the result

A new version of the factorial code could be:

const fact2 = n => {
if (n === 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * fact2(n - 1);
console.log(fact2(5)); // also 120

Arrow functions are usually called anonymous functions, because of their lack of a name. If you need to refer to an arrow function, you'll have to assign it to a variable or object attribute, as we did here; otherwise, you won't be able to use it. We'll see more in section Arrow Functions of Chapter 3, Starting Out with Functions - A Core Concept.

You would probably write the latter as a one-liner -- can you see the equivalence?

const fact3 = n => (n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact3(n - 1));
console.log(fact3(5)); // again 120

With this shorter form, you don't have to write return -- it's implied. A short comment: when the arrow function has a single parameter, you can omit the parentheses around it. I usually prefer leaving them, but I've applied a JS beautifier, prettier, to the code, and it removes them. It's really up to you whether to include them or not! (For more on this tool, check out By the way, my options for formatting were --print-width 75 --tab-width 4 --no-bracket-spacing.

In lambda calculus, a function as x => 2*x would be represented as λx.2*x  -- though there are syntactical differences, the definitions are analogous. Functions with more parameters are a bit more complicated: (x,y)=>x+y would be expressed as λx.λy.x+y. We'll see more about this in section Of Lambdas and functions, in Chapter 3, Starting Out with Functions - A Core Concept, and in section Currying, in Chapter 7, Transforming Functions - Currying and Partial Application.