Getting started

The coupon site that we will build will allow users to submit coupons. For the coupon to be publicly visible, the administrator of the site should accept the coupon. Every coupon will have an image attached to it that will be stored and served by an image storage server.

We will be using MongoDB to store the coupons. Before you continue further, make sure that you have MongoDB installed and running. I am assuming that you have basic knowledge of MongoDB.

The exercise files contain two directories: Initial and Final. Inside the Final directory, you will find the complete coupon site source code. In the Initial directory, you will find the HTML code and directories for the monolithic core, services, image storage server, and so on. You will put code related to them in their respective directories. The Initial directory will help you quickly get started with building the coupon site.

We won't get into designing the frontend of our coupon site. We will only be concentrating on building the architecture and functionalities of the site. Therefore, the HTML code is already included in the Initial directory.