Restricting gear sizes for a domain using rhc

As you start using different domains for different environments, you will feel the need to restrict gear sizes for different domains. In particular, you would like to use small gears for development and large gears for production. When you create an application, you can specify the gear size for that application. This does not help much as it applies only to that application. To avoid using large gears for development, you would want to restrict the development domain only to small gears.

Getting ready

To complete this recipe, you will need to have rhc installed on your machine. Please refer to the Installing the OpenShift rhc command-line client recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with OpenShift, for instructions.

How to do it…

To restrict the devosbook domain to only small gears, run the following command:

$ rhc configure-domain --allowed-gear-sizes small --namespace devosbook

How it works…

By default, when you create a new domain, it gains access to all the gear sizes available for your account. When you sign up for a free account, you receive access to only small gears, meaning what you can do is limited. However, in the commercial version, you can get access to bigger gear sizes. The rhc configure-domain command allows you to restrict a domain to specific gear sizes.

The rhc configure-domain command requires you to specify a list of gear sizes you want to allow in a domain. The namespace is optional. If you do not specify a domain name, the domain associated with the user specified in ~/.openshift/express.conf will be configured. You can also specify multiple gear sizes:

$ rhc configure-domain --allowed-gear-sizes small,medium --namespace devosbook

There's more…

You can also configure a domain to not allow any application creation by using the --no-allowed-gear-sizes option. You will use this option to disallow application creation for a domain or to block a domain name for later use. For example, I could create another domain, osbook2, for the second version of this book and configure it with the--no-allowed-gear-sizes option:

$ rhc configure-domain --no-allowed-gear-sizes --namespace osbook

See also

  • The Adding viewer members to a domain using rhc recipe
  • The Adding an admin member to a domain using rhc recipe
  • The Viewing all the members in a domain using rhc recipe