- OUYA Game Development by Example
- Jack Donovan
- 404字
- 2021-08-13 17:52:10
About the Reviewers
Corey Blackburn has always enjoyed video games since he was a child. During high school, he attended DigiPen Video Game Programming and Animation, an outreach program at Sea-Tac Occupational Skills Center. It was here that he developed a passion for programming. Since then, Corey continued on with his passion for game development and attended DigiPen Institute of Technology where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation. During his senior year, Corey also worked part-time for 2clams studios, inc. developing a mobile game for Android and iOS, called Housewife Wars. Corey has also attended a McCarthy Bootcamp, where he learned The Core Protocols and has adapted them into his life. He has a passion for team building and enjoys working with tight-knit teams with a shared vision to make great games.
Corey is currently working as an indie developer for two Seattle-based start-ups, ACE Teams Co. that is developing Spirit Siege and Black Howler Studios that is working on Iron Star.
John P. Doran is a technical game designer who has been creating games for over 10 years. He has worked on an assortment of games in teams from just himself to over 70 in student, mod, and professional projects.
He previously worked at LucasArts on Star Wars: 1313 as a game design intern. He later graduated from DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, WA, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Game Design.
John is currently working at DigiPen's Singapore campus as the lead instructor of DigiPen-Ubisoft Campus Game Programming Program, instructing graduate-level students in an intensive, advanced-level game programming curriculum. In addition to that, he also tutors and assists students on various subjects while giving lectures on C++, Unreal, Flash, Unity, and other such subjects.
He is the author of Getting Started with UDK, Mastering UDK Game Development, and he co-authored UDK iOS Game Development Beginner's Guide, all available from Packt Publishing.
Adam Sheehan first started programming at the age of 13, creating clones of retro video games in C and C++. Since then, he's dabbled in various forms of application and web development working with C#, Java, and Ruby. He currently spends his days teaching aspiring web developers Ruby on Rails at Launch Academy in Boston, MA.