Chapter 1. Multi-site Drupal

In this first chapter we will learn about the basics of multi-site hosting, including what it is and how it works. We will cover the necessary aspects of networking and web serving. The following are the main topics we will cover:

  • What multi-site configurations are, and how they differ from standard single-site configurations
  • How Drupal's multi-site implementation fits into the picture
  • Why and when multi-site configurations are useful
  • How domain names and IP addresses are configured for multi-site
  • How web servers handle multi-site
  • How to configure the Apache server for multi-site
  • How to use Vagrant and VirtualBox to quickly build a test environment

By the end of this chapter, we will not only have conceptual knowledge of multi-site configurations, but we'll also have a virtual host configured with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and even a shiny new copy of Drupal. This will prepare us for the next chapter, when we dive into Drupal installation.