WPBizGuru—the man behind the blog

Our (fictitious) eponymous hero is an expert in using WordPress to set up business blogs. Hence the name: 'WP' = WordPress, 'Biz' = Business, 'Guru' = Expert. So, WP + Biz + Guru = WPBizGuru.

He has spent several years applying his knowledge to help his clients use WordPress in their businesses. Now he is rebranding himself as the 'WPBizGuru'; the case study will follow him throughout the process of planning and building his new business blog.

If you want to find out a little more about him, take a look at the About page on the blog (http://blog.wpbizguru.com).


Using a subdomain in your blog URL

Many bloggers use a subdomain in the URL for their blog. This is particularly useful if you have a regular website running alongside your blog. You can have www.yourdomain.com pointing to your main home page and http://blog.yourdomain.com pointing to your blog.

If you set up a subdomain in your hosting control panel to point to your WordPress directory, remember that you also need to update WordPress address (URL) and Blog address (URL) on the General Settings page in your WordPress admin area:

WPBizGuru—the man behind the blog