2.2 Symbols

2.2.1 Actions and effects:

F——pulling force imposed on base or anchor plate base,vertical force passing from upper structure to the base;

Gk——standard value of base self-weight(including the soil weight above the base);

Ge——standard value of soil mass weight;

Gf——standard value of base self-weight;

M——design value of moment or bending moment;

MxkMyk——standard value of bending moments on x-axis and y-axis;

N——design value of axial force(tension or stress)and pulling force of towline;

pk——average stress of base bottom under standard load effect combination;

pmax——maximum stress of base edge under standard load effect combination;

pmin——minimum stress of base edge under standard load effect combination;

Q——design value of uniformly distributed reaction of base plate;

qI.qa——ice load per unit length and unit area;

R——design value of structural member resistance;

Rf——jacking force between flange plates;

SGk——effects of standard value of permanent load;

SGE——effects of representative value of gravity load under seismic action;

SQk——effects of standard value of variable load;

SWk——effects of standard value of wind load;

SEhk——effects of standard value of horizontal seismic action;

SEVk——effects of standard value of vertical seismic action;

T——design value of tension acting on the base plate;

T1——design value of pulling force acting on a foundation bolt.

2.2.2 Calculation elements:

fy——yield strength of steels;

f——design values of bending strength,compression strength and tensile strength of steels;

fv——design value of shear strength of steels;

fa——corrected characteristic value of bearing capacity of foundation;

faE——adjusted seismic bearing capacity of foundation;

fg——design value of steel strand strength;

Nbt——design value of tensile bearing capacity of each bolt;

S——specified limit value of foundation deformation;

δ——deformation limit value of structure or member.

2.2.3 Geometric parameters:

A——areas of section,gross section and foundation base;

B——width of base plate;

C——distance from main angle steel edge to base plate edge;

D——calculated width corresponding to foundation bolt;

H——total height of structure for tower and mast;

W——section modulus;

WxWy——section modulus for x-axis and y-axis;

Ymax——maximum distance from foundation bolt center to main angle steel;

yi——distance from the bolt center i to rotating shaft;

a——free edge length in the calculation section of base plate;distance from the action point of resultant force to the maximum stress edge of base bottom;

ax——distance from action point of resultant force to foundation edge of ex side;

ay——distance from action point of resultant force to foundation edge of ey side;

b——ice thickness at calculated altitude,base edge length parallel to x-axis,one-sided width of polygonal steel pole;

bmin——minimum width in each section of foot plate;

d——diameters of circular section member and guy;

ex——eccentric distance on the x direction;

ey——eccentric distance on the y direction;

hcr——critical depth calculated with soil weight method;

ht——up-pull depth of the base;

l——side length of base bottom surface parallel to y-axis;

t——thickness of connecting piece;

s——distance between bolts;

θ——central angle and radian between two bolts,angle between pulling force and level ground;

α0——uplift angle of soil mass.

2.2.4 Calculation coefficients and others:

ψC——combination value coefficient of variable load;

ψq——quasi-permanent value coefficient of variable load;

ψw——wind load combination value coefficient of seismic design;

γ——ice weight;

γ0——importance coefficient of structure;

γ1——uplift stability coefficient of soil mass weight;

γ2——uplift stability coefficient of base weight;

γG——partial coefficient of permanent load;

γQ——partial coefficient of variable load;

γEhγEV——partial coefficients of horizontal and vertical seismic actions respectively;

γW——partial coefficient of wind load;

γRE——seismic adjustment coefficient of bearing capacity;

α1——height variation coefficient of ice thickness;

α2——adjustment coefficient of ice thickness related to member diameter;

φ——stability coefficient of axial compression member;

μs——shape coefficient of wind load.