- 西方文化喻指
- 张桂声 赵志仁 张峰
- 1字
- 2021-12-22 18:41:29
[词语]to play one's trump/best card
[趣释]【物事喻指】在扑克(poker)纸牌游戏中,“王牌”(trump card)最大、最强,在关键时可以压倒其他的牌,因此王牌又名“胜牌”。在英语中,trump card常被用来喻指良策、有效的策略、最后的手段。因此,“打出某人的王牌”(to play one's trump/best card)喻指某人使出制胜的办法、某人使出绝招。
[运用]He was glad that his trump card had such a great effect. 他很得意自己的最后手段竟有如此大的威力。
Finally, she played her trump card and threatened to resign. 最后,她使出了杀手锏,扬言要辞职。
When his father refused to let him have his own way, the child played his trump card by crying. 看到爸爸没有如自己的意,那孩子便使出绝招,“哇”的一声哭了起来。
In the court action he played his best card by calling a surprise witness. 在法庭上,他使出了制胜的绝招,请出一位突如其来的证人。