
[词语]a nose to light candles at


[趣释]【物事喻指】喝得醉醺醺的酒鬼,鼻子总是红红的,好像点了蜡烛一样。长了酒糟鼻的人,更是如此。于是,人们就用“点蜡烛的鼻子”(a nose to light candles at)来喻指喝醉了的酒鬼和酒糟鼻。

[运用]The heavy drinker has a nose to light candles at. 酒鬼已经喝得醉醺醺的了。

The fellow with a nose to light candles at argued very cleverly and soon I got a bloody nose. 那个长着酒糟鼻的家伙辩得很高明,很快我就招架不住了。

What is the simplest and the most effective treatment method for a nose to light candles at? 最简单而且最有效的酒糟鼻治疗方法是什么?