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List 6
abuse [ə'bjuːz] [ə'bjuːs]
vt. 虐待,伤害;辱骂,毁谤;滥用,妄用
n. 滥用,妄用
【例】Abuse of medicines is widespread in many urban hospitals. (2007.12)在许多城市的医院里药物滥用很普遍。
accelerate [ək'seləreit]
v. (使)加快,(使)增速
【例】The government took measures to accelerate the pace of economic growth. 政府采取措施来加快经济的增长步伐。
【派】acceleration (n. 加速);accelerating (a. 加速的)

accommodation [əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]
n. [常pl.]住处,膳宿,房屋;方便设施
【例】The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodations. 这个报价包含度假所需的航班费用和膳宿费用。

agent ['eidʒənt]
n. 代理人,代理商,经纪人;政府特工人员,政府代表;剂;动因,原因
【例】agent bank 代理银行//a secret agent 特务//a chemical cleaning agent 化学洗涤剂
【派】agency (n. 代理,代理处)
aggressive [ə'gresiv]
a. 侵犯的,侵略的,挑衅的;敢作敢为的;有进取心的
【例】an aggressive salesman 一个有干劲的推销员
【派】aggressiveness (n. 争斗);aggressively (ad. 强劲地;侵略地;放肆地)
alert [ə'ləːt]
a. 警觉的,留神的,注意的
vt. 使认识到,使意识到;向…报警,使警惕
n. 警戒(状态),戒备(状态);警报
【例】be alert to sth. 对某事保持警觉:Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behavior. 父母应该对孩子行为的突然变化保持警觉。
【考】on the alert 警戒着,随时准备着,密切注意着
【派】alertness (n. 警觉,警戒,戒备)
alter ['ɔːltə]
vt. 改变,改动,变更;修改 (衣服)
【例】We've had to alter some of our plans. 我们需要更改一下计划。
【派】alternation (n. 改变,变更);unaltered (a. 未被改变的,不变的)

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]
a. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的
【例】be ambitious of/for/to do... 怀着想得到…的野心,渴望做…:Dennis's very ambitious for his children. 丹尼斯对他的孩子充满抱负。
We are ambitious although we are poor. 我们人穷志不短。
【派】ambition (n. 雄心;野心)
analysis [ə'næləsis]
n. 分析,分析报告;分解,解析
【例】intense and close analysis 周密的分析//penetrating analysis 精辟分析
assert [ə'səːt]
vt. 肯定地说,断言;维护,坚持
【例】assert oneself 坚持自己的权利(或意见),显示自己的权威(或威力):You cannot be too timid, you must try to assert yourself more. 你不能太胆怯,你要尽量表现得自信些。
The lawyer asserted that his client was innocent. 律师声称他的当事人是清白的。
【用】注意以下形近词:ascertain (v. 弄清,查明);ascribe (v. 归因于,归咎于)
【派】assertive (a. 言语果断的,断言的);assertion (n. 坚决断言,主张)
association [əˌsəusi'eiʃən]
n. 协会,联盟;交往;联系;联合,结合
【例】I benefited much from my association with the editor. 和那个编辑结交使我受益良多。
【派】associative (a. 联合的,连带的;联想的)
atmosphere ['ætməsfiə]
n. 大气,大气层;空气;气氛,环境
【例】the earth's atmosphere 大气层//humid atmosphere潮湿的空气//create a friendly atmosphere 营造友好的气氛
【派】atmospheric (a. 大气的,空气的)
award [ə'wɔːd]
vt. 授予,给予;判给,裁定
n. 奖,奖品;奖金判定
【例】Both Sarah and Tom have been awarded doctoral degrees. (2006.12)萨拉和汤姆都被授予了博士学位。
beneficial [ˌbeni'fiʃəl]
a. 有益的,有利的
【例】be beneficial to 对…有益:I believe gentle exercise will be beneficial to your health. 我相信轻度的体育锻炼会对你的健康有好处。
boom [buːm]
n. (经济等的)繁荣,迅速发展,(营业等的)激增;隆隆声,嗡嗡声
vi. 激增,繁荣,迅速发展;发出隆隆声
【例】baby boom 生育高峰,婴儿潮:There was a baby boom in many countries after World War II. 二战后许多国家都出现了生育高峰。
【派】booming (a. 急速发展的)
border ['bɔːdə]
n. 边,边缘;边界,边境
vt. 给…加上边;邻接,毗连
vi. 近似,接近;接壤
【例】on the border of... 在…的边界上,临近…,即将…:The middle-aged man lived in a town on the border of China and Russia. 这位中年男子住在临近中俄边界的小镇上。
brand [brænd]
n. 商标,(商品的)牌子 vt. 铭刻,打烙印于,以烙铁打(标记);加污名于,谴责
【例】McDonald's, Greggs, KFC and Subway are today named as the most littered brands in England as Keep Britain Tidy called on fast-food companies to do more to tackle customers who drop their wrappers and drinks cartons in the streets. (2009.12)现在,麦当劳、格莱格斯、肯德基和赛百味在英国被称作“最垃圾”的品牌,而“清洁不列颠”运动呼吁快餐公司采取更多措施制止那些在大街上乱扔食品包装纸和饮料盒的顾客。
breakthrough ['breikθruː]
n. 突破,突破性进展,重要的新发现
【例】a breakthrough in medical research 医学研究的突破性进展
breed [briːd]
n. 种,品种;类型
vi. 繁殖,产仔
vt. 养育,培育;饲养,养殖;酿成,产生
【例】This animal breeds during the warmer months of the year. 这种动物在一年中较温暖的月份繁殖。// This endangered animal can be bred in zoos. 这种濒危动物能够在动物园里繁殖。
【派】breeding (n. 生育,繁殖;饲养动物;有教养的举止;教养)
brief [briːf]
a. 简短的;短时间的,短暂的;简洁的
n. 概要,摘要
vt. 向…介绍基本情况,做…的提要
【例】in brief 简言之:In brief, the party was a disaster. 简言之,这次舞会糟透了。
Helen had a brief look at the book before the interview. 面试前海伦简单地看了一下书。
capable ['keipəbl]
a. 有能力的,有技能的,有才能的
【例】The new assistant is capable and efficient. 这位新来的助理既有才能又有效率。
be capable of 能够…,有…能力的:Bill is capable of running a mile in five minutes. 比尔能在5分钟内跑1英里。
【派】capability (n. 能力;潜质)
cherish ['tʃeriʃ]
vt. 珍爱,珍视;爱护,抚育;抱有,怀有(希望、想法、感情等)
【例】Although I cherish my child, I do not spoil him. 虽然我很珍爱我的孩子,但是我绝不溺爱他。// I cherish the memories of the time we spent together. 我珍惜我们一起度过的时光。
【考】cherish the belief that...怀着…的信念
combine [kəm'bain]
v. 结合,联合;化合
n. 联合企业(或团体);联合收割机
【例】combine with 与…结合在一起:Oxygen combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide. 氧和碳结合生成二氧化碳。
【派】combination 〔n. 结合(体)〕
comment ['kɔment]
vt. 评论
n. 评论,意见;闲话,议论
【例】comment on 对…作出评论:My mum likes commenting on what I'm wearing. 妈妈老是喜欢对我的穿着品头论足。
make comment on/upon对…进行评论:The critic made negative comments on the novel. 评论家对那部小说给予了负面评论。
【用】口语中常用的No comment!表示“无可奉告!”
【派】commentator (n. 评论员;讲解员);commentary (n. 实况报道;解说词;评论)
commission [kə'miʃən]
n. 委员会;佣金;授权,委托
vt. 委任,委托
【例】a commission on human rights 人权委员会//Henry was commissioned to write a song for the ceremony. 亨利被委托为典礼写一首歌。
【派】commissioner (n. 委员,专员)
communicate [kə'mjuːnikeit]
vi. 交流,交际,通讯;连接,相通
vt. 传达,传播;传染
【例】communicate with 与…进行交流:We can use Internet to communicate with people on the other side of the world. 我们能够利用互联网和世界另一端的人进行交流。
【派】communicative (a. 社交的)
comparison [kəm'pærisən]
n. 比较,对照;比拟,比喻
【例】make/draw a comparison 作比较:It's difficult to make a comparison between my company and Andy's company—they're too different. 很难将我的公司和安迪的公司作比较——它们相差太远了。
in comparison with 与…比较:In comparison with other recent films, this one is the best. 与近期的其他电影相比较,这部是最好的。
【考】by comparison 比较来看;beyond comparison 无可比拟地
compensation [ˌkɔmpen'seiʃən]
n. 补偿(或赔偿)的款物;补偿,赔偿
【例】claim compensation for 要求就…获得赔偿:You should claim compensation for the losses. 你应该要求赔偿损失。
confine [kən'fain]
vt. 限制,使局限;使不外出,禁闭
n. [pl.] 界限,范围
【例】confine sb./sth. to sth. 使…限制在…:This type of learning is not confined to museums or institutional settings. (2015.12) 这种学习类型不局限于博物馆和教育机构。
【派】confined (a. 狭窄的;受限制的);confinement (n. 限制;监禁)
consequently ['kɔnsikwəntli]
ad. 所以,因此,因而
【例】The paper was made by hand and was consequently expensive and scarce. 这种纸由手工制造,因此价格昂贵,数量稀少。
conservation [ˌkɔnsə'veiʃən]
n. 保存,(对自然资源的)保护;守恒
【例】In many people's minds, conservation is still associated with self-denial. (2007.12)在许多人的观念中,保护资源始终和克己联系在一起。
considerable [kən'sidərəbl]
a. 相当大(或多)的
【例】a considerable impact 相当大的影响
【用】注意区分considerable (a. 相当大的) 和considerate (a. 考虑周到的)。
【派】considerably (ad. 相当地)
deadline ['dedlain]
n. 最后期限
【例】meet the deadline 赶在期限前办妥:I'm afraid we may not meet the deadline on the job my boss assigned us. 恐怕我们不能按时完成老板分配的工作了。
decent ['diːsənt]
a. 像样的,体面的;合乎礼仪的,得体的;宽厚的,大方的;正派的
【例】a decent job 体面的工作
definitely ['definitli]
ad. 明确地,确切地;一定地,肯定地
derive [di'raiv]
vt. 取得,得到;追溯…的起源(或来由)
vi. 起源,衍生
【例】derive from 起源于,衍生于:The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is derived from their Goddess of Memory, Mnemosene. (2009.12) 古希腊人形成了基本的记忆体系,称作记忆术。这个名字来源于他们的记忆女神Mnemosene。
descendant [di'sendənt]
n. 后裔,后代
【例】Our descendants might at last live in a world at peace with itself. (2008.6)我们的后代可能最终会生活在一个和平的世界里。
desirable [di'zaiərəbl]
a. 值得向往的,值得拥有的;令人满意的;有魅力的,引起性欲的
【例】It's (highly) desirable that.../for sb. to do sth. 很希望某人能做某事:It is desirable that you should have some familiarity with computers and English. 你应该学一些电脑和英语方面的知识。
【派】undesirable (a. 不合需要的,不受欢迎的);desire (vt. 渴望)
deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit]
vi. 恶化,变坏
【例】The patient's health deteriorated rapidly. 病人的健康迅速恶化。
【派】deterioration (n. 恶化)
diminish [di'miniʃ]
vt. 减少,减小,降低
vi. 降低,变少,变小
【例】In sum: generous family-friendly policies do keep more women in the labor market, but they also tend to diminish their careers. (2014.6) 总之,优越的家庭友好政策的确让更多的女性留在了劳动力市场,但同时也往往会缩短她们的职业生涯。
【考】diminishing demand 需求减退
【派】diminishment (n. 变少,变小)
discriminate [di'skrimineit]
vi. 有差别地对待,歧视;区别,辨别
【例】discriminate against 歧视:It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers. 有人称这家餐厅歧视黑人顾客。
discriminate between 区别:My brother can't discriminate between red and green. 我哥哥分不清红色和绿色。
【派】discrimination (n. 鉴别力;歧视);discriminatory (a. 歧视的;有差别的)
dominant ['dɔminənt]
a. 占优势的;支配的;居高临下的,高耸的
【例】The dominant philosophy of the Enlightenment attempted to explain everything in the universe in terms of forces that could be detected by the human senses. 启蒙运动时期的主要哲学尝试用人类可以感知到的力量来解释宇宙万物。
【辨】predominant, dominant
predominant意为“占主导地位的,显著的”,如the predominant group in society;而dominant意为“占优势的,支配的”,如a dominant personality。
enforce [in'fɔːs]
vt. 实施,执行;强迫,迫使
【例】How can it be that societies like Sweden, where gender equity is vigorously pursued and enforced, have fewer female managers, executives, professionals, and business owners than the laissez-faire United States?(2014.6) 为什么像瑞典这样大力推行和实施男女平等的国家,女性经理、高管、专业人士和企业家的数量却远远低于自由放任的美国呢?
【考】enforce the law 执法
【派】enforcement (n. 实施,执行);enforceable (a. 可实施的,可执行的;可强制服从的)
【辨】enforce, implement
enforce意为“强迫;执行”,它的对象一般是法律或条例,常和law, ban, discipline等词一起用;implement意为“执行”,侧重将协议或诺言付诸实现,常和policy, plan, decision等词一起用。
entertainment [ˌentə'teinmənt]
n. 娱乐,文娱节目;招待,款待,请客
【例】There will be live entertainment at the party on Sunday. 在星期天的派对上将有现场表演。
exert [ig'zəːt]
vt. 用(力),尽(力);运用;发挥;施加
【例】exert influence/pressure on sb. 对某人施加影响/压力:The boss tried to exert considerable pressure on his staff to work extra hours without being paid. 那位老板试图通过对员工施加巨大的压力来使他们无偿加班。
exert oneself 努力,尽力:In order to be successful you have to exert yourself. 要想取得成功,你就得努力。
【考】exert all one's strength尽某人全力
【派】exertion (n. 努力;发挥,行使)
exhibit [ig'zibit]
vt. 显示,显出;展出,陈列
n. 展览会,展出;展览品,陈列品
【例】Your qualities will exhibit to employers why they should hire you over other candidates. (2007.6)你要向雇主展现自己的优点,给他们一个雇用你而不是其他应征者的理由。
extent [ik'stent]
n. 程度,范围,限度;广度,宽度,大小
【例】Even using a “hands-free” device can divert a driver's attention to an alarming extent. (2009.12)即使使用免提设备,也能分散司机的注意力,其严重程度令人震惊。
fiction ['fikʃən]
n. 小说
【派】fictional (a. 虚构的,小说式的)
finance [fai'næns]
n. [常pl.]财源,财务情况;财政,金融
vt. 为…提供资金,为…筹措资金
【例】We keep a tight control on the organization's finances. 我们严格控制该机构的财务。// The local government has refused to finance the scheme. 当地政府拒绝为这一计划提供资金。
【派】financing (n. 融资,财务);financier (n. 金融家)
frequency ['friːkwənsi]
n. 次数,频率;经常发生,频繁
frustrate [frʌ'streit]
vt. 使沮丧,使灰心;挫败,使受挫折
【例】It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice. 令我感到沮丧的是我不能将我的任何想法付诸实践。
【派】frustration (n. 挫折)
fulfil(l) [ful'fil]
vt. 履行,实现,完成;满足,使满意
【例】David has failed to fulfil his duties as a father. 戴维未能履行他作为父亲的责任。// I don't feel that my present way of life really fulfils me. 我感觉我现在的生活方式不能够使我满意。
【考】fulfil a task 完成任务
【派】fulfillment (n. 履行;满足);self-fulfilling (a. 自我实现的)
identical [ai'dentikəl]
a. 相同的,相等的;同一的
【例】identical to/with 与…相同:The signatrue on the card should be identical with the one on the chequebook. 卡上的签名得和支票簿上的签名一致。
【考】identical in 在…方面一样
illustrate ['iləstreit]
vt. 说明,阐明;给…作插图说明
【例】The lectruer illustrated his point with a diagram. 演讲者用图表来阐明他的要点。
【派】illustration (n. 举例说明;图解)
imitate ['imiteit]
vt. 模仿,仿效;仿制,仿造
【例】Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past. 一些年轻的流行乐队试图模仿过去那些音乐上的佼佼者。
【派】imitation (n. 模仿,效法;仿制品);imitative (a. 模仿的)
【辨】imitate, copy
imitate强调模仿他人说话、行为等的方式,可能带有逗人开心的意味;copy意为“复制”。注意表示“和别人做一样的事情”时,不能用imitate, 而要用copy, 如表示“妈妈担心彼得会和他哥哥一样离家”时要用Mother worries that Peter will copy his brother and leave home, 这里不能把copy换成imitate。
imitation [ˌimi'teiʃən]
n. 模仿;仿制,伪制品;赝品
【例】in imitation of 为了仿效…:Ten-year-olds have started wearing lipstick and make-up in imitation of the older girls. 十来岁的孩子为了仿效大一点的女孩们开始化妆涂口红。
【派】imitate (vt. 模仿;仿制)
impulse ['impʌls]
n. 冲动,一时的念头;推动,驱使;脉冲
【例】have/feel an impulse to do sth. 凭冲动行事(未顾及后果):I had this sudden impulse to run out of the room in the middle of Nancy's speech. 在南希讲话的过程中我突然有冲出去的冲动。
【考】on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮
【辨】impel, impulse, propel
三个词都含有“推动,推进”的意思,impel暗含一种内在的激励,常用搭配是impel sb. to do sth.; impulse常作名词,强调刺激或推动的力量,而不是这种作用的结果或影响,一般用来指强大的刺激或激励;propel是一般用语,可以指以任何方式推进,通常是来自机械力。
independence [ˌindi'pendəns]
n. 独立,自主,自立
【例】gain independence from 从…获得独立:This country had fought for dozens of years and finally gained independence from Britain. 这个国家经过多年斗争最终摆脱了英国的统治,获得独立。
the Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》
ingenious [in'dʒiːnjəs]
a. (物件等)设计独特的,(方法等)巧妙的;(人、头脑)灵巧的,善于创造发明的
【例】be ingenious in/at 善于…:My dad is ingenious at solving difficult crossword puzzles. 我爸爸善于破解难做的填字游戏。
【考】an ingenious idea 巧妙的主意
invest [in'vest]
vt. 投资;投入(时间、精力等);授予,赋予
vi. 投资;利用
【例】These companies have invested millions, believing that the space tourism industry is on the verge of taking off. (2006.12)这些公司投资了几百万,认为太空旅游业将要蓬勃发展。
isolate ['aisəleit]
vt. 使隔离;使孤立
【例】be isolated from 与…隔离:Boris was isolated from all the other prisoners. 鲍里斯与其他罪犯隔离开来。
【派】isolation (n. 孤立;隔绝,隔离)
item ['aitəm]
n. 条,条款,项目;(新闻等的)一条,一则;产品
【例】I've designed many fashion items for a number of Italian companies. (2007.12)我为许多意大利公司设计过很多时尚产品。
manifest ['mænifest]
vt. 显示,表明;证明;使显现,使显露
a. 明显的,显然的
【例】The workers decided to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. 工人们决定通过一系列的罢工来表示他们的不满。
【考】a manifest difference 明显的区别;manifest one's disapproval 明白地表示反对
【派】manifestation (n. 显示,表明)
minority [mai'nɔrəti]
n. 少数,少数派;少数民族
【例】a minority of students 少数学生//areas inhabited by minority nationalities 少数民族居住区
【考】in a minority 少数
multiply ['mʌltiplai]
vt. (使)增加;(使)繁殖;乘,(使)相乘
【例】Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their citizens. (2007.6)发达的社会需要经济增长来满足其市民不断增长的需求。
myth [miθ]
n. 神话;杜撰出来的人(或事物)
【派】mythical (a. 神话的;虚构的)
obligation [ˌɔbli'geiʃən]
n. 义务,责任
【例】have an obligation to 有…的义务:I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client. 我对我的委托人负有伦理和道德义务。
【派】obligate (v. 强迫);obligatory (a. 强制性的;义务的)
overwhelming [ˌəuvə'hwelmiŋ]
a. 巨大的;势不可挡的,压倒性的
【例】overwhelming majority 绝大多数:The overwhelming majority of them were in favour of the manager's plan. 他们中的绝大多数同意经理的计划。

permanent ['pəːmənənt]
a. 永久(性)的;固定的
【派】permanency (n. 永存)
【辨】permanent, perpetual
permanent意为“永久的”,强调事物不是暂时的,而是目前处于并将一直处于某种状态,其反义词是temporary(a. 暂时的);而perpetual则指“永恒的;(职位等)终身的”,有不断的、老是不断出现的意思,如the perpetual snows of the mountaintop。
poetry ['pəuitri]
n. 诗篇,诗歌
precise [pri'sais]
a. 精确的,准确的;严谨的
【例】at that precise moment 正好在那一刻:At that precise moment, Lance came in. 正好在那一刻兰斯走了进来。
【考】precise calculations 精密的计算
【派】precision 〔n. 精确(性),准确(性);精密(度)〕
predominant [pri'dɔminənt]
a. 占主导地位的;显著的
preference ['prefərəns]
n. 喜爱,偏爱;优先(权);偏爱的事物(或人)
【例】in preference to 优先于:More and more people like paying with credit cards in preference to cash. 比起现金支付,越来越多的人更喜欢用信用卡付款。
【考】have a preference for sth./sb. 偏爱某物/某人
【派】preferential (a. 优先的;特惠的)
presume [pri'zjuːm; pri'zuːm]
vt. 认定,推定;推测,假定,(没有证据地)相信;冒昧(做),擅自(做)
vi. 擅自行事
【例】It seems unfair to presume the boy won't be able to learn. 认定这个男孩不能学习似乎是不公平的。
presume on(不正当地)利用:You can't presume on Bob's generosity to keep asking him for help. 你不能利用鲍勃的慷慨而总是让他帮忙。
【派】presumption (n. 假定)
prevalent ['prevələnt]
a. 流行的;普遍的
【派】prevalence (n. 盛行)
【辨】prevalent, prevailing
prevalent意为“普遍的;流行的”,主要用于在某一特定的范围或时间内非常普遍的事物,如Colds are prevalent in the winter.; prevailing则强调在当时当地同一类物质或事物中占优势或受欢迎的。
prolong [prə'lɔŋ; prəu'lɔːŋ]
vt. 延长,拉长,拖延
【例】A liver transplant can prolong the patient's life for a few years. 肝移植手术可以使这位病人的寿命延长几年。
【派】prolongable (a. 可延长的;可拖延的);prolonged (a. 延长的;拖延的)
【辨】expand, extend, prolong, stretch
proof [pruːf]
n. 证据,证明;校样,样张
a. 耐…的,能防…的
【例】There is no proof that the wallet belonged to Mary. 没有证据证明这个钱包是玛丽的。
【派】waterproof (a. 防水的)
protest ['prəutest][prə'test]
n. 抗议,反对
v. 抗议,反对
【例】protest against 抗议…:A big crowd of demonstrators were protesting against the new economic policy. 大批游行者正在抗议新的经济政策。
【考】an official protest 正式抗议
【派】protester (n. 抗议者,反对者)
rank [ræŋk]
n. 军衔,职衔;地位,社会阶层;[the -s] (政党、组织等的)普通成员;行列
vt. 把…分等,给…评定等级
vi. (在序列中)占特定等级
【例】This university is ranked number one in the province for biology. 这所大学的生物专业在省里排名第一。
【派】ranking (a. 高级的)
【辨】scale, rank, grade
scale意为“等级”,主要指与其他事物或正常情况相比的大小、规模,如the scale of the problem; rank一般指按照价值、地位、名望等顺序排列,将某事或某物放入合适的位置,如an officer of senior rank; grade则强调根据事物的质量、价值等将其分为不同等级,如The best grades of coffee are expensive.
reconcile ['rekənsail]
vt. 使协调;使和解;使顺从(于),使甘心(于)
【例】reconcile with 使协调;使和解:A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there's something that lets older people put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it's sisters and brothers. (2014.6) 一位最近和他的兄弟和解的男士告诉格尔登,有些事情可以让老年人把之前的不好回忆放在一边,更加注重如今需要的是什么,尤其是当我们需要的是兄弟姐妹的时候。
reconcile to 使顺从(于):Jennifer could not reconcile herself to failures. 詹尼弗不甘心失败。
【派】reconciliation (n. 和解;调和)
rectify ['rektifai]
vt. 纠正;修复
【例】Ivy made a mistake that cannot be rectified. 艾维犯了一个无法改正的错误。
【派】rectification (n. 改正,校正;提纯)
relief [ri'liːf]
n. (痛苦等)缓解,解除;救济;宽慰;使得到调剂;接替,替下
【例】According to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week. (2009.6)根据天气预报,我们在本周末应该可以舒一口气。

reputation [ˌrepju'teiʃən]
n. 名气,名声,名誉
【例】have a reputation for... 以…而闻名:The factory has a worldwide reputation for quality. 这家工厂因质量好而闻名世界。
【考】enhance one's reputation提高声誉;live up to one's reputation 名副其实
reservation [ˌrezə'veiʃən]
n. (住处、座位等的)预订;(美国印第安部落的)居留地;保留,犹豫
【例】make a reservation for 预订…:I've made a reservation for you on the morning flight. 我帮你预订了早上的航班。
without reservation 无保留地:The manager accepted our advice without reservation. 经理毫无保留地接受了我们的建议。
sociology [ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒi]
n. 社会学
【例】ecological sociology 生态社会学
【派】sociological (a. 社会学的);sociologist (n. 社会学家)
sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]
a. 老于世故的,老练的;精密的,复杂的;高雅的,有教养的
【例】a sophisticated man 世故之人//sophisticated technique 尖端技术//a sophisticated audience 有欣赏力的观众
【派】unsophisticated (a. 不懂世故的,单纯的);sophistication (n. 精致,复杂)
spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs]
a. 自发的,无意识的;自然的,天真率直的
【例】spontaneous applause 自发的鼓掌
【用】反义词是compulsory (a. 必须做的;被强制的)。
【派】spontaneity (n. 自然,自发)
status ['steitəs]
n. 地位,身份;情形,状况
【例】Lawyers usually enjoy high social status. 律师通常享有较高的社会地位。
【考】status symbol 社会地位、身份、财富等的象征
stream [striːm]
n. 小河,溪流;流,一股,一串
v. 流出,涌出
【例】a stream of complaints 一连串的抱怨
I've got a terrible cold and my nose has been streaming all week. 我得了重感冒,一个星期都在流鼻涕。
【派】mainstream (n. 主流);upstream (a. 逆流而上的 ad. 逆流地)
subordinate [sə'bɔːdinət] [sə'bɔːdineit]
a. 下级的,级别低的;次要的,从属的
n. 部属,下级
vt. 使处于次要地位,使从属于
【例】be subordinate to ... 比…次要的;附属于…的:In the old days women are subordinate to men. 过去女人是从属于男人的。
Owen has four direct subordinates. 欧文有4名直属下属。
【派】subordination (n. 从属,部下)

substance ['sʌbstəns]
n. 物质;实质;大意,要旨;根据,理由
【例】a chemical substance 化学物质
【考】in substance 实质上
suburb ['sʌbəːb]
n. 郊区,郊外,市郊
【例】That means wolves in the suburbs of New York. (2013.12) 这意味着狼会出现在美国郊区。
【派】suburban (a. 郊外的,偏远的);suburbanite (n. 郊区居民)
suppress [sə'pres]
vt. 压制,镇压;禁止发表,查禁;抑制(感情等),忍住;阻止…的生长(或发展)
【例】Men who suppress their emotions may develop stress-related disorders.(2010.12)男人压抑自己的情绪可能导致与压力相关的疾病。
【派】suppression (n. 镇压,抑制);suppressant (n. 抑制物)
sympathy ['simpəθi]
n. 同情,同情心;(思想感情上的)支持,赞同
【例】have sympathy for sb. 对某人的怜悯:I don't have much sympathy for her—I think she's brought her troubles on herself. 我根本就不同情她,她那些麻烦都是自找的。
【考】feel deep sympathy for... 对…深感同情;in sympathy 同情地
【派】sympathize (v. 体谅)
transmission [trænz'miʃən]
n. 播送,发射;传送,传递,传染
【例】worldwide data transmission 全世界的数据传送//the transmission of diseases 疾病的传播
【辨】transformation, transmission, transition, transaction
vehicle ['viːikl]
n. 交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,工具,手段
【例】motor vehicle 机动车辆//an aerospace vehicle 太空运载工具
【派】vehicular (a. 供车辆使用的;车辆的)
vigorous ['vigərəs]
a. 有力的;精力充沛的
【例】a vigorous speech 强有力的演说//vigorous youth 朝气蓬勃的青年
An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles.