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- 2020-06-25 10:50:37
List 5
accuse [ə'kjuːz]
vt. 指控,控告;指责
【例】accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人…:Belinda was accused of false testimony. 贝琳达被指控作伪证。
【用】charge也有“控告;指责”的意思,常用搭配为charge sb. with sth.,而且表示“控告”时,charge后面可以跟that引导的从句,但accuse不可。
【派】accusation (n. 指控,指责);accused (a. 被控告的 n. 被告)
acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ]
vt. 承认,承认…的权威(或主张);确认;对…表示谢忱,报偿
【例】Dolly acknowledged that she had been at fault. 多莉承认她做错了。
【用】常用在句式 It's universally acknowledged that... 中表示“一致认为…”。
【派】acknowledgement (n. 承认)
aid [eid]
n. 帮助,救助;助手;辅助手段
vt. 帮助,援助,救助
【例】financial aid 财政援助
in aid of sth. 为了帮助某事:We're collecting money in aid of famine relief. 我们为了帮助解决饥荒而筹款。
anticipate [æn'tisipeit]
vt. 预期,期望,预料;先于…行动,提前使用
【例】Business paced up much faster than we anticipated. (2015.12) 业务增长比我们预想的快。// Edgar anticipated all my needs before I arrived there. 在我到那里之前埃德加已经把我需要的东西预先准备好了。
【用】注意anticipate后面要跟doing sth. 或从句,不能跟动词不定式。
【派】anticipation (n. 期望;预料);anticipated (a. 预期的);anticipatory (a. 预想的,预期的)
【辨】anticipate, expect
anticipate意为“预料,期望”,指预先知道要发生某事,并准备好应对措施,后面跟doing sth. 或that从句;expect意为“期待,预期”,既可以表示预料某事发生也可以指期望某人做某事,强调期待的心理,后接动词不定式或从句。
assign [ə'sain]
vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业);指定(时间、地点等)
【例】assign sb. to sth. / to do sth. 指派某人做某事:I've been assigned to cover the governess speech today. (2014.6) 我被派去报道今天的家庭教师演讲。
【用】表示“指派某人做某事”用assign sb. to sth.或assign sb. to do sth.,而不用assign sb. to doing sth.。
【派】assignable (a. 可委派的;可分配的);assigned (a. 指定的,委派的)
assure [ə'ʃuə]
vt. 使确信;确保;担保,向…保证
【例】assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证某事;使某人相信某事:I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我可以向你保证这消息的可靠性。
【派】assurance (n. 确信;保证);assured (a. 确实的)
audience ['ɔːdiəns]
n. 听众,观众,读者
coincide [ˌkəuin'said]
vi. 同时发生;相符,相一致;位置重合,重叠
【例】coincide with 巧合;同时发生;与…一致:Our interests in many aspects coincide with each other. 我们的兴趣爱好在很多方面都相同。
【派】coincident (a. 巧合的);coincidence (n. 一致;巧合)
【辨】coincide, overlap
compatible [kəm'pætəbl]
a. 兼容的;能和睦相处的,合得来的
【例】be compatible with 与…适合的,与…相容的:This software may not be compatible with older operating systems. 这个软件可能与旧式操作系统不兼容。
【派】compatibility (n. 和谐共处,不矛盾)
conceive [kən'siːv]
v. (构)想出,认为;怀孕
【例】conceive of sth./doing sth. 构想出…,设想…:When did the scientists first conceive of clone?科学家最初是在什么时候设想出克隆的?
【用】注意区别形近词:deserve (v. 应受,值得);preserve (v. 保护,保持)。
【派】conceivable (a. 想得到的;可信的)
【辨】conceive, ponder, reckon, speculate
conceive意为“设想;构思”,表示想出了计划、想法、主意等;ponder意为“思索,考虑”,侧重强调权衡各种可能性,暗示所考虑问题的困难程度,如Mary stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.; reckon作“料想,猜想”讲时,常有“经过考量各方证据后认为”的含义;speculate意为“思索,推测”,常指由于思索的前提、证据等不全面或不确定,所得出的结论含有推理或假设的成分。
consistent [kən'sistənt]
a. 坚持的,一贯的;一致的,符合的
【例】consistent policy 一贯政策
consistent with 与…相符:Being consistent with courtesy is important in the interview. 在面试中,符合礼节很重要。
【派】inconsistent (a. 不一致的);self-consistent (a. 首尾一致的;有条理的)
constrain [kən'strein]
vt. 限制,约束;克制,抑制
【例】constrain sb. from doing sth. 限制某人做某事,约束某人做某事:Sometimes financial factors might constrain doctors from prescribing the best treatment for the patients. 有时经济因素可能会制约医生为病人制定最好的治疗方案。
【派】constraint (n. 约束,强制);constrained (a. 束缚的,节制的)
consumption [kən'sʌmpʃən]
n. 消耗(量),消费(量);挥霍
【例】consumption of electricity 耗电量//consumption pattern 消费模式
contract ['kɔntrækt][kən'trækt]
n. 合同,契约
vi. 缩小,收缩;订合同,订契约
vt. 感染(疾病),染上(恶习);订(约)
【例】contract with sb. to do sth. 和某人签订合同做某事:They have just contracted with our company to build shelters for the homeless. 他们刚刚与我们公司签订合同为无家可归的人修建庇护所。
【考】labor contract 劳工合同
【派】contraction (n. 收缩;压缩);contractor (n. 订约人,承包人);contractual (a. 契约的,合同的)
convince [kən'vins]
vt. 使确信,使信服;说服
【例】convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服某事:Carl managed to convince the jury of his innocence. 卡尔设法向陪审团证明他是无罪的。
【考】be convinced of sth. 确信某事
【派】convincing (a. 令人信服的);unconvincing (a. 不令人信服的)
【辨】convince, persuade
crisis ['kraisis]
n. 危机,危急关头;决定性时刻,关键阶段
【例】energy crisis 能源危机//a crisis point 关键时刻
criticism ['kritisizəm]
n. 批评,批判;指责;评论,评论文章
【例】criticism and self-criticism 批评与自我批评//favorable criticisms好评//literary criticism 文学评论
decorate ['dekəreit]
vt. 装饰,装潢,修饰
【例】decorate sth. with sth. 用某物装饰某物:They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers. 他们用彩带和花装饰婚车。
【派】decoration (n. 装饰,装饰品);decorative (a. 装饰的)
decrease [di'kriːs]
v. 减小,减少
n. 减小,减少(量)
【例】There is a marked decrease in the number of postgraduates this year. 今年研究生人数明显减少。
【考】decrease sharply 骤减
destructive [di'strʌktiv]
a. 破坏(性)的,毁灭(性)的
【例】Too much pushiness can be destructive. (2008.6)过度的一意孤行可能具有毁灭性。
discipline ['disiplin]
n. 纪律;学科;训练,训导;惩罚,处分
vt. 训练,训导;惩罚,处罚
【例】academic discipline 学科//The offenders will be severely disciplined. 违法者将受到严惩。
【派】undisciplined (a. 无修养的;任性的);disciplinary (a. 有关训练的;有关纪律的;有关惩处的;有关学科的)
emerge [i'məːdʒ]
vi. 浮现,出现;(问题等)发生,显露,(事实等)暴露
【例】emerge from 浮现:The moon emerged from the clouds. 月亮从云层里露了出来。
The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge finally. 流言背后的真相终会浮现。
【考】an emerging market 新兴市场
【派】emergence (n. 形成,出现)
entitle [in'taitl]
vt. 给…权利,给…资格;给(书、文章等)题名
【例】be entitled to (do) sth. 给…以资格:In China full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance. 在中国全职职工享受医疗保险。
【派】entitlement (n. 有权得到的东西);entitled (a. 名为…的)
essence ['esəns]
n. 本质,实质;要素;精髓,精华
【例】in essence 本质上,实质上:In essence, the answer is very simple. 实质上,答案很简单。
【考】of the essence 极其重要的;必不可少的
evident ['evidənt]
a. 明显的,明白的
【例】It is evident that the drains had been blocked for several days. 显然排水沟已经堵了好几天了。
【派】self-evident (a. 不言自明的)
evolution [ˌiːvə'luːʃən]
n. 演变,进化,发展
【例】the theory of evolution 进化论
【派】evolutionary (a. 进化的)
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]
n. 交换,调换;汇兑,兑换率
vt. 调换,交换;交流
【例】in exchange for 作为…的交换:In exchange for this, the rights holders agree not to sue Google in futrue. (2011.12) 交换的条件是,版权所有者同意将来不起诉谷歌。
【考】cultural exchange 文化交流;personnel exchange 人才交流;the exchange rate 兑汇率
expansion [ik'spænʃən]
n. 扩大,扩张,膨胀
【例】The rapid expansion of this city has caused a series of social and economic problems. 这座城市的快速扩张已经导致了一系列的社会和经济问题。
exploit [ik'splɔit]
vt. 利用,开发,开采;剥削
n. [常pl.] 业绩,功绩,功勋
【例】As a manager, you need to make sure that all the employees exploit their resources as fully as possible. 作为经理,你需要确定所有的员工都充分发挥了他们的能力。
【考】exploit one's office 利用职权
【派】exploitation (n. 开发;剥削;利用;宣传);exploitable (a. 可开发的,可利用的)
extensive [ik'stensiv]
a. 广阔的;广泛的;大量的
【例】Extensive research is being done into the connection between the disease and bad living habits. 人们正在进行广泛的调查以研究这种疾病和不良生活习惯的联系。
【考】extensive reading 泛读;an extensive fortune 一大笔财产;extensive knowledge 广博的知识(面)
federal ['fedərəl]
a. 联邦(制)的,联邦政府的
【例】federal government 联邦政府
【派】federalism (n. 联邦制);federalize (vt. 使成联邦,使同盟)
flexible ['fleksəbl]
a. 灵活的,可变通的;易弯曲的,柔韧的
【例】Like women, men hope that their desire for a flexible schedule will be taken seriously. (2007.12)像女性一样,男性希望他们对弹性工作制的渴望会被认真考虑。
fluctuate ['flʌktjueit]
vi. 波动,涨落,起伏
【例】The temperatrue fluctuated dramatically these days. 这几天气温经常大幅度地波动。
【派】fluctuation (n. 波动,起伏);fluctuant (a. 变动的,波动的)
【辨】fluctuate, flutter, flap
formal ['fɔːməl]
a. 正式的,正规的,合乎礼仪的;形式上的,表面的
【例】a formal dinner party 正式的晚宴
【派】informal (a. 非正式的)
furnish ['fəːniʃ]
vt. 供应,提供,装备;布置,为…配备家具
【例】furnish sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物:They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details. 他们将为你提供其余的有关细节。
【派】furnishing 〔n. (常pl.)家具与陈设等〕;unfurnish (v. 拆除…的家具)
grave [greiv]
n. 坟墓
a. 严重的;严肃的,庄重的
【例】from the cradle to the grave 人的一生//a grave crime 重罪
【派】graveyard (n. 墓地)
hesitate ['heziteit]
vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不情愿
【例】hesitate to do sth. 做某事犹豫;不情愿做某事:The man shouldn't hesitate to take the course. (2009.6) 那位男士应该毫不犹豫地去上那个课程。
【考】hesitate about 对…犹豫
【派】hesitation (n. 犹豫)
illegal [i'liːgəl]
a. 不合法的,非法的
【例】Many countries have made it illegal to chat into a hand-held mobile phone while driving. (2009.12)许多国家规定,开车时使用手持移动电话是违法的。
incident ['insidənt]
n. 发生的事;事件,事变
【例】a touching incident 感人的事件
【派】coincident (a. 一致的,符合的);incidental (a. 偶然的)
incredible [in'kredəbl]
a. 难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的;不能相信的,不可信的
【例】an incredible story 令人难以置信的故事//an incredible speed 快得惊人的速度
【派】incredulity (n. 怀疑,不相信)

induce [in'djuːs; in'duːs]
vt. 引诱,劝;引起,导致
【例】She expressed her strong determination that nothing could induce her to give up her career as a teacher. (2005.1)她表达了自己坚定的决心:没有什么能让她放弃成为教师的梦想。
【派】inducement (n. 引诱;劝诱);inducible (a. 可诱导的,可诱发的)
inherent [in'hiərənt]
a. 内在的;固有的,生来就有的
【例】In addition to the inherent operational hazards of water scooters, they are proving to be an environmental nuisance. (2008.6)水摩托除了固有的运行风险外,还有证据表明它们对环境也会造成滋扰。
install [in'stɔːl]
vt. 安装,设置,安置;使就职,任命
【例】They've installed the new computer screen last week. 他们于上周安装了新的电脑显示器。
【派】installation (n. 就职;安装)
justify ['dʒʌstifai]
vt. 证明…正当(或有理),为…辩护
【例】justify doing sth. 为做某事作出解释:How can you justify spending so much time and money on this?你怎么解释在这上面花费这么多的时间和金钱?
【用】注意它不能接to do sth.的形式。
【派】justification (n. 正当理由;辩护,借口);justifiable (a. 有理由的)
magnify ['mægnifai]
vt. 放大,扩大;夸大,夸张
【例】The news report tends to magnify the results of economic mismanagement. 这篇新闻报道想夸大经济管理不善带来的影响。
【考】magnify oneself 自命不凡
【派】magnification (n. 扩大,放大倍率)
mechanical [mi'kænikəl]
a. 机械的,机械制造的;机械学的,力学的;机械似的,呆板的
【例】a mechanical problem 机械问题//mechanical behavior 死板的举止
obtain [əb'tein]
vt. 获得,得到
vi. 通用;流行;存在
【例】obtain sth. from sb. 从某人那里得到某物:Further information can be obtained from relevant department. 可以从相关部门得到进一步的信息。
First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain. 这些书的第一版已经几乎不可能得到了。
【考】obtain sth. through sth. 通过某事获得某物
【派】obtainable (a. 可获得的,能得到的)
occasional [ə'keiʒənəl]
a. 偶尔的,间或发生的
【例】The benefits of broadband to the occasional home worker are that they can access email in real time, and take full advantage of services such as internet-based backup or even internet-based phone services. (2009.12)对于偶尔在家工作的员工来说,有宽带的好处是,他们可以实时处理电子邮件,同时可以充分利用网络服务,比如基于网络的资料备份甚至电话服务。
originate [ə'ridʒəneit]
vi. 起源于,来自,产生
vt. 创造,创始,开创
【例】originate in/from/with 起源于,产生:This medicine originated from a tropical plant. 这种药源于一种热带植物。
【派】originator (n. 发起者,发明人); originative (a. 有创作力的)
paradox ['pærədɔks]
n. 似乎矛盾而(可能)正确的说法;自相矛盾的人(或事物)
【例】It's a paradox that the car with the lowest price is the one with the most customer satisfaction. 价格最低的汽车却拥有最高的顾客满意度,这是种似非而是的说法。
【派】paradoxical (a. 荒谬的)

perspective [pə'spektiv]
n. 视角,观点;远景,景观;洞察力,眼力;透视画法;透视图
【例】from...perspective 从…的角度:Jane suggested I see things from a different perspective. 简建议我换个角度看问题。
Amusa, who is traveling to India this spring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts. (2010.6)阿缪萨今年春天将去印度旅行以完成一本书的写作,之后会去塞内加尔教英语。她跟朋友就奥巴马的上任如何改变了他们的日常生活进行了一系列的交谈,并希望把那些想法连同她的国际视角,一起发表到她的帖子里。
【考】historical perspective 历史眼光;economic perspective 经济前景
presentation [ˌprezən'teiʃən]
n. 报告;介绍;提供;显示;外观;授予,赠送(仪式);表演
【例】The students gave a presentation on noise pollution. 学生做了一个关于噪音污染的报告。
profession [prə'feʃən]
n. 职业,自由职业;[the ~]同业,同行;公开表示,表白
【例】The athlete is at the very top of his profession. 这位运动员正处在他职业生涯的巅峰。// a profession of love 爱的表白
【辨】profession, occupation, employment
profession意为“职业”,是可数名词,通常指需要专门知识或特殊训练的职业,多指有相当社会地位的谋生方式;occupation也是可数名词,不仅可指受雇于他人的工作,还可以是习惯从事的受过培训的工作;employment意为“雇用;工作;职业”,是不可数名词,指受雇并有偿的工作,如employment opportunities。
pursuit [pə'sjuːt]
n. 追求,寻求;追赶,追逐;[常pl.](花时间和精力的)事,嗜好,消遣
【例】in pursuit of 追求,寻求:The girl decided to travel the world in pursuit of her dreams. 女孩决定环游世界,追求梦想。
【考】in hot pursuit 穷追不舍
reaction [ri'ækʃən]
n. 反应,反作用;反动,对抗
【例】chemical reaction 化学反应//chain reaction 连锁反应
recognition [ˌrekəg'niʃən]
n. 认出,识别;承认,认可;赏识,表彰
【例】Rising costs of office space, time lost to stressful commuting, and a slow recognition that workers have lives beyond the office—all are strong arguments for letting staff work from home. (2009.12)办公场所的费用不断增加,花在拥堵的交通上的时间太长,以及人们慢慢意识到员工的生活不仅仅局限于办公室——所有这些都是支持员工在家办公的强有力的论据。
reinforce [ˌriːin'fɔːs]
vt. 增强,加强;增援
【例】The climate of political confusion tends to reinforce the country's economic decline. 政治混乱的氛围加剧了这个国家的经济衰退。
【派】reinforcement (n. 增援;加强)
reject [ri'dʒekt]
vt. 拒绝;摈弃;驳回
n. 被拒货品;不合格产品
【例】If a purchaser fails to punch in the correct PIN at the checkout, the transaction gets rejected. (2015.6) 如果购买者在结账台没能输入正确的PIN号码,那么交易就会被拒绝。
【派】rejection (n. 拒绝)
release [ri'liːs]
vt. / n. 释放,排放;放开,松开;解除,解脱;发布,发行
【例】release sb./sth. from sth. 把…从…中释放出来:Peter was released from prison after serving two years. 服刑两年后,彼得被从监狱里放了出来。
The president has released a statement explaining the reasons for his resignation. 总统就他的辞职发表声明进行解释。
【考】release one's hold of sth. 松手放开某物
reluctant [ri'lʌktənt]
a. 不情愿的,勉强的
【例】be/remain reluctant to 不愿做…:The professor was reluctant to admit he was wrong. 教授很不情愿承认他错了。
【派】reluctantly (ad. 不情愿地,勉强地)

resident ['rezidənt]
n. 居民,定居者;住院医生
a. 居住的,定居的;住校的,住院的
【例】Last September, the 28-year-old Chicago resident resolved to cut plastics out of her life. (2011.12) 去年9月,这位28岁的芝加哥市民决心让塑料从她的生活中消失。
【派】residential (a. 居住的,住宅的);residence (n. 住处,居住)
retrieve [ri'triːv]
vt. 重新得到,取回,收回;检索;挽回,补救
【例】As we know, computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently. (2004.6)众所周知,计算机可以用来有效地存储和检索信息。
【考】retrieve one's loss 挽回损失
【派】retrieval (n. 取回;补偿);retrievable (a. 可取回的;可补偿的)
reverse [ri'vəːs]
vi. 反向,逆转
vt. 撤销;推翻;使位置颠倒;使反向,使倒转
n. 相反情况,对立面;反面,背面;挫折,逆境
a. 相反的,倒转的
【例】in reverse order 以颠倒的次序:You repeated the same procedures to stop the engine, but in reverse order. 虽然你用了同样的步骤来停止引擎,可你的顺序却反了。
The government has managed to reverse the economic decline. 政府成功逆转了经济下滑的趋势。
【考】reverse a car 倒车
【派】reversal (n. 颠倒,倒转);reversible (a. 可反转的,可逆的)
routine [ruː'tiːn]
n. 例行公事,惯例,惯常的程序
a. 例行的,常规的
【例】daily routine 日常生活//a routine task 日常事务
【派】routinely (ad. 例行公事地)
scope [skəup]
n. (活动、影响等的)范围;(发挥能力等的)余地,机会
【例】within the scope of 在…的范围内//Some technical terms in the article are beyond the scope of my understanding. 这篇文章里的一些术语超出了我的理解范围。
【考】beyond the scope of one's ability 超出了某人的能力范围;an investigation of wide scope 广泛的调查
scratch [skrætʃ]
v. 抓,搔,扒;刮,擦,刻,划
n. 抓,搔,刮;抓痕,划痕
【例】These mosquitoes bite are killing me. I can't help scratching. (2007.12)这些蚊子咬的包痒死了。我忍不住总想挠。
shed [ʃed]
vt. 脱落;流出;发出(光等),散发;摆脱,去掉
n. 棚屋
【例】shed light on 使人了解某事,阐明某事:Recent research has shed light on the causes of lung cancer. 最近的研究揭示了肺癌形成的原因。
This factory is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce. 这家工厂计划裁员四分之一。
【考】shed tears 流泪;shed one's blood for one's country 为祖国流血捐躯
【派】shedding (n. 脱落;流出)
strategy ['strætidʒi]
n. 战略,策略
【例】product extension strategy 产品延伸战略//management strategy 管理策略
【派】strategic (a. 战略的)
superior [sjuː'piəriə]
a. 上级的,(在职位、地位等方面)较高的;较好的;有优越感的,高傲的;优越的,优于…的;优良的,卓越的
n. 上级,长官
【例】be superior to 地位高于,优于:Your MP3 is far superior to mine. 你的MP3比我的好多了。
【派】superiority (n. 优越,优等)
tremendous [tri'mendəs]
a. 巨大的,极大的;精彩的,极好的
【例】a tremendous difference 极大的差别//a tremendous party 极妙的晚会
unemployment [ˌʌnim'plɔimənt]
n. 失业;失业人数
【例】The new policy will lighten the unemployment pressure. 新政策将减轻就业压力。
virtue ['vəːtjuː]
n. 善,美德,德行;优点,长处
【例】by virtue of 借助,由于:Raphael succeeded by virtue of hard work. 拉菲尔由于刻苦工作而获得成功。
Great men are rarely isolated mountain peaks; they are the summits of ranges.